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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Lanny GF1 is the shit, I'll be playing the remaster. Jeff Vogel made games that have entertained me for hundreds of hours, while your mspaint abortions have given me eye cancer

    tell me with this anatomy correct doll where and how do finnys posts touched you.
  2. Originally posted by Splam Doesn't matter.
    In Canada, historically people kept arms incase of war with the US. Also to protect against Indians and predators.

    When we disarm our own population, the terrorists win. Our ancestors fought to disarm our enemies of their weapons. A government deciding to disarm it's own citizens is effectively declaring it's own people to be it's enemies. Our government used to encourage the shootings sports, directly funding competitions where the banned rifles were used. It was considered an asset to have a population highly skilled in the use of rifles.

    The Assize of Arms of 1181 was a proclamation of King Henry II of England concerning the obligation of all freemen of England to possess and bear arms in the service of king and realm and to swear allegiance to the king, on pain of "vengeance, not merely on their lands or chattels, but on their limbs". The assize stipulated precisely the military equipment that each man should have according to his rank and wealth. The assize effectively revived the old Anglo‐Saxon fyrd duty. The Assize established restrictions on weapon ownership by jedis, terms of inheritance, and prohibition of exports of arms, ships and timber.

    your missing my point.

    in the US the stated purpose of freedom to bear arm is to remain free from tyranny while in canada and uk the stated purposes of freedoom to bear arm is to serve his and her majesty and their realm like good little bitches.

    freedom to bear arms as royal subjects for their majestys defense is no more different than beimg armed governmemt goons.

    and your expected to bear arm for your royal highness for free.

  3. lets see that popular mexhicamt temple where spics go to worship on a daily/weekly basis.
  4. Originally posted by rabbitweed Which chinese language is "ung more cow"? That's what he actually wrote. I would assume that's him trying to write Hokkien, but why the hell would he not mention that? People expect Mandarin, maybe Cantonese.

    1 - you obviously never heard white people speak, or attempted to speak hokkien.

    2 - and no, i wouldnt tell you thats its hokkien simply because i wanted to see how much you really know about chinese languages.

    3 - foong moore hell.

    Face it, the dumb fuck can't speak anything except English and look how many spelling mistakes he makes there. He probably got that phrase from a singaporean movie with subtitles and thought that's how all 'cinese' say it because he's fucking retarded.

    how many langgues do you speak, faggot ?
  5. Originally posted by BummyMofo vindictive "I'm actually well liked in real life, I just act like this online. You'd like the real me" vinny

    You were the sperg getting swirly'd daily in school


    lots of projection there nigger.
  6. crash test dummy is an easy job.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    which mexhicant temple do you attend ?
  9. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Who hurt you

    No wait let me guess, a priest?

    i actually attended kindergarden ran by missionaries with a brother from poland or something and sisters and mothers living in a convent of some sort.
  10. Originally posted by D4NG0 I see it's one of those days when your English is suddenly rather decent.

    living with plurals mane.
  11. anyone who believe race exists can not logically believe in racial equality.

    if race exists then difference between humans exists.

    if humans are different then this simply means some of them are better at something while others are worse at that something.

    racial equality is only espoused by honest retards or dishonest liars.
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Reported

    did finny make you feel insecure ?
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL Never is for anything. That's what life is. If you want to live, you have to die.

    then go kill yourself.
  14. Originally posted by aldra lol@ trump using hydroxy to try to prevent the disease

    this is actually a prime time for him to be assassinated; we know the CIA and pals have induced heart failure in assassinations in the past. nothing would make him look like a bigger retard than accidentally killing himself with a dangerous and unproven 'cure' he's been talking up relentlessly

    you believe him ?
  15. if your in the US, real estate is doomed.
  16. Originally posted by Splam It is similar to 2A. It allows protestants to have arms to defend themselves. Incase they didn't teach you in history class, during the 1600s most of Europe was at war between protestants and catholics. They specifically granted the right to protestants so that they may have arms suited to their defence and as allowed by law. This right was the basis for the 2nd amendment. As with most old laws, it's worded a bit funny. "As allowed by law" specifically. Judges threw this defence out in the case of someone who didn't want to get a firearms license (we didn't always have a licensing system).

    Again, the importance of firearm rights, is because it's the right which you use to defend the rest of your rights. It'll be the first domino to fall.

    the way i see it the right to defend yourself against the government is different from the right to defend yourself from catholic pariahs.
  17. Originally posted by Obbe Maybe someday you won't have to pay to have sex.

    everybody pays for sex and the only ones who dont are people with vaginas, and men who take cocks up their asses.
  18. Originally posted by aldra 1. No
    2. Context as in relation to the subject matter, as in a reason for it to be in the game
    3. No. In a game it needs to have unique details/colours that are immediately recognisable even if scaled down or in a crowd of other sprites

    your not good with children.
  19. there are only death forward.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sawce?

    sos ?
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