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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by aldra

    with a gray pill dispenser.
  2. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Duglets is actually a good dad unlike some of yall nonces

    he didnt even inspect her hymen for signs of break in.

    hows that a good daddy.
  3. wtf is the apple
  4. Originally posted by Technologist At least I don’t think blacks should be harassed for being black.

    do you notice that niggers have thicker craniums when taking their xrays.
  5. Originally posted by BummyMofo Believe me, if I were your grade school bully I would shit in the upper deck of the toilet then give you a swirly of shitwater.

    niggers like you dont go to school.
  6. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace No its not. It is for Malaria. Not Corona.

    No source, no claim.

    oxygens are for atheletes and scuba divers,

    not dying patients.
  7. Originally posted by Pillpopper Only in america.

    which shithole are you living in ?
  8. Originally posted by stl1 Too bad little boys don't wear skirts, Wariat, you pervert.

    some of them do and like it.
  9. what sick fuck watches shit like this.

    this is more cringy than full and uncensored version of cambodian child porn.
  10. Originally posted by Octavian OP's nose is longer than my cock,

    yoy have small cock too ?
  11. that was his favourite jacket.
  12. thats like having sex slowly.

    youll never come.
  13. fetal attraction
  14. Originally posted by Splam Yes. Same in USA. If you were allowed to own arms for your protection from government, they'd allow you to own fully automatic arms. How else would you defend against government agents armed with fully automatic arms? All they let you do is defend yourself from niggers, crackheads, and to train for the day you get drafted. In Canada we don't have these problems to that extent, so they don't allow firearms for self defence.

    But yes the right is more extensive in the USA. If you tell a cop in Canada that you own guns specifically for self defence, you risk having your license revoked. Only three legal reasons for owning in Canada. Collecting, sport shooting and hunting. With this ban, collecting and sports shooting just took big hits. Gun clubs are liable to close, many of them survived because it was the only legal place to shoot an AR15. Big hits are coming to conservation revenue as a result. Not to mention the Long Gun registry here failed miserably after wasting billions of dollar of tax payer money. That was only to register guns. Now try to get 200k+ guns handed in and destroyed. With a government that's already near bankruptcy due to covid. It ain't going to happen.

    its up to canadians to attempt to defend their freedon to bear arms by actually bearing and shooting them when required.

    because only when enough people die while trying to enfore gun grab will the gun grabbing legislation be repealed.

    in real democracy citizens cast their bullets and put them in their ammo boxes.
  15. hand-cranked printers.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You're probably the dumbest person I've ever spoken to

    And I've talked to Wariat

    unable to produce native mexhicant places of worship.
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL Can I do it slowly, over time?

    why would you want to live slowly.
  18. Originally posted by Splam Huh? Your purpose is to bear arms for a militia. Militia's back then fought Indians and the British. People the government declares criminal in the US aren't allowed to bear arms either. Meaning if you try to overthrow the government, your right to bear arms gets stripped away pretty darn fast. You have to be a subject in good standing to possess arms. Register for the draft etc. No different.

    no it simply means in the US if you decided to overthrow the governmemt you have to succeed before they manage to catch you and have you convicted.

    like i said in the post i quoted, the freedom to bear arms in the US and UK (and canada its little bitch) is nothing but an illusion of freedom since it wont let you bear arms that are able to really defend yourself against governmemt forces.

    and its worse in canada since your freedom to bear arms is not meant for you to protect yourself from your governmemt.

    just some vague, ill defined threats such as bears, catholics, amd indians. and not for for your own benefits but for in the service of its majesty.
  19. Originally posted by D4NG0 If we enter into a depression I'd wager that's a good time to buy up cheap land if you have stable, assured income.

    where do you think the governmemt thats just borrowed itself 5 trillion are going to get the money to pay itself back.

    you and your property taxes since they arent going to get it from their 1%er friends real estates.
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Science says no

    scientists said they'd be 200,000 US covid deaths by yesterday.
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