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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. offer to suck his dick.
  2. Originally posted by Cathay Coof I was on SkyScanner today trying to figure out anywhere I could go. Everyone has 2 week quarantine restrictions if their border isn't completely closed.

    your fat. just stay at home because your going to die of you catch it.
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I go balls deep when your mom sticks her ass hella high up in the air! fam!

    thats not what he said.
  4. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace None of what you said makes it an organized religion lol

    either your trolling or you have no idea what organized means.
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You have a right to be wrong.

    nice to meet you too.
  6. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nope. Studies. Medical reports.

    nein, nein, und nein.
  7. Originally posted by gadzooks Tbh you can kinda tell the fourth one down is gonna be hot in a few years.



    they all are hot right now.

    at the time those picts were taken i mean.

    they're all objectively and empirically hot. very, very hot.
  8. whoa.

    króz is deep.
  9. Originally posted by Obbe You did say it's a "phantasy".

  10. Originally posted by cigreting Are you retarded? These people are willingly making these decisions, can you not read?

    theres no such thing as 'willingly' when money is involved.

    at best its economic coersion.
  11. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Not in a religious context. Organized religion has to be centralized. Otherwise there is no one creed to be followed. Taoists believe in many different things as there is no central authority ORGANIZING them to believe any different. They have no shared text of belief and read many different books and believe in many different gods.

    Certain Taoists sects may be an organized religion, but 'Taoism' is not.

    Christians on the other hand all follow the bible. All Muslims follow the Koran. All jedis follow the Torah.

    Hinduism is not an organized religion either and its one of the largest in the world.

    lol no. the mythology is the same for all taoist pagans worldwide and so are the rituals and celebrations involved.

    its as organized as organized religion can be organized. and theres no such requirememt that states organized religion has to be centralized, your pulling that out of your gay, dialated ass.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Wat

    They're literally the same gods just different names. It's like saying Freya isn't the same as Freja.

    no, nahuatl is not the same culture as zapotec. theyre like serbs and bossnicks.
  12. you really are a nazi fan.
  13. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yes there is lol. How fucking dumb are you? Those people who took it on trumps advice died of heart attack.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Literally multiple sources already posted in this thread…

    I guess i cant expect you to read tho. You hate reading.


  14. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace They speak Nahutal mostly. They believe in Mesoamerican gods like Chaac and Zapotec. A lot of places in Mexico are named after these gods. I don't know if they're monolatristic tho

    also why would they be speaking one language and worship gods of another culture ?
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace So not organized then.

    like bitcoin, ISIS and rating agencies,

    you can be well organized and decentralized at the same time.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Oh yeah? Who is the Taoist pope? Where is their Mecca?

    They speak Nahutal mostly. They believe in Mesoamerican gods like Chaac and Zapotec. A lot of places in Mexico are named after these gods. I don't know if they're monolatristic tho

    taoist paganism doesnt work like that. its decentralized.
  17. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Dumb people voted him in.

    doesnt this make democracy a dumb system ?
  18. Originally posted by aldra He's probably under medical surveillance constantly so he can get a jumpstart within 20 seconds if his heart decides to go all wonky.

    I was actually serious about this being a prime time for assassination, not that I'm calling for it but it would certainly benefit the powerful lobby groups and 'deep state' that want to see trump ridiculed and essentially left off the list of presidents. By inducing a heart failure, embedded sources of power:

    1. Remove Trump and all his seemingly random, disruptive behaviour from the table
    2. Can publicly claim it was the hydroxy, which he'd been openly touting
    —effectively ruining the drug's reputation - IF it can be made to work safely and effectively, that's a LOT of money that got dumped into vaccine research that nobody's getting back
    —hevily restricting Hydroxy and it's analoges, preventing legitimate study to be done on it
    —makes him look like a retarded snake-oil vendor who got bitten by his own snake.

    In 20 years or so I assume you're average 'book' or wikipaedo article will be around this size and have even less actual content

    except there arent much real research that proved empirically hydroxy really causes heart attacks. those from VA were given to late stage patienta which could have died from heart attack due to covid complications and not from the drug / drug combination.

    and he doesnt take hydroxy+azemythin or something.

    and secondly isnt everything that trump does exactly what the deep state wanted ?

    the war with xhina and the oncoming great default on china sounds exactly what american deep state wanted.

    that and the anexation of palestine.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Because he's been talking about how great it is for the last two months and he is dumb as fuck. Dumb people do dumb things.

    if hes dumb how can he be your president ?
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace There are not temples related to him.

    I didn't say Mexico's native religions were organized… Taoism isn't organized either. It's still a religion.

    Last time I saw people practicing it? Last time I was in Mexico. Unlike you guys, I don't just go to the tourist areas. But even then just talk to the native ladies selling bags and wallets. They aren't Christian. Some of em barely speak Spanish.

    1 - yes taoist paganism is very organized theres an entire mythology attached to it on par with greek or roman paganism.

    2 - what do they speak and to whom / what do they worship ?
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