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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by BummyMofo Stop saying this. The word is SOURCE you fucking 4chanman.

    i didnt say anything neegeer.

    its called TYPE.

    p/s: nigger.
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood but you're a shit4skin

    with my own culture and languages.
  3. Originally posted by Obbe I would care equally as much if all 3 men were of the same race. It is a corruption of justice.

    how many posts have you dedicated to daniel shaver

    hmmmmmm ?/??
  4. why not ?
  5. maybe.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL If you're healthy, you may as well get the virus now and get it over with and develop antibodies. It's not like you're not going to get it, because you are. It's not a matter of if, just when. The clueless idiots in the government don't have a clue what they are talking about. They're just plain ignorant, stupid, uneducated and can't be trusted.

    no guaranteed immunity.
  7. Originally posted by Splam We do in actuality. Courts have shut it down. The second amendment is based on British law. Which is enshrined in Canadian law. On that note, the courts have also shut it down in the USA. Second amendment is supposed to give you the same equipment as the military. It doesn't.

    Canadian law protects all existing rights that were held by British subjects. British charter of rights (1688)

    As mentioned this was tried in the Canadian courts some time ago, and failed. Doesn't change the fact that we, at least those protestants, have the right to bear arms as written.

    thats not 2A at all.

    2A as i understand it, is a right given to citizens to arm themselves specifically to defend against government bullying.

    while british freedom to bear arms is just a freedom to have guns to kill wild animals without the explicit freedom to fight and rebel against their kings and queens even in the event where their kings and queens have turned tyranneous.

    am i missing something ?
  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You are white…white supremacists don't usually go after whites…

    they go after race traitors.
  9. girlfriends are just longterm sex workers.
  10. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Nobody here likes you except other retards like hiki and wariat.

    Imagine being in the same class as those atheist clowns

    im well liked IRL and so i compensate the lack of hatred by being an asshole online.

    if i be my true self here you would like me amd i dont want that.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein He’s more at bellybutton height..

    warm air rises.
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace France doesn't have gun violence. You know why? No guns.

    je suis charlie hebdo.
  13. Originally posted by Splam

    The gun ban in Canada just did affect tanks.
    If you previously had one of these Sherman tanks, the cannon on it would require you to have a possession and acquisition license.
    That cannon got banned. It's over 20mm and over 10 thousand joules. Previously fully legal (explosive rounds not so, but armour piercing go have fun).

    It's mostly military collectors who got bit by this ban. Also people who own priceless historical pieces such as Boys Anti Tank guns. Nobody's ever used such a thing in a crime. This gun ban is purely political. Justin wants a seat at the UN security council, so he's filling the UN's mandate of global disarmament.

    i didnt know canadians have 2A.
  14. why are you so victimy ?
  15. being a mexhican is really sad.

    the white men erased all traces of not just their culture, but worse, they also bastardized their DNA.

    i dont think i can cope if i were mexhicant.
  16. ^ cries of victim
  17. Originally posted by Cathay Coof You are a bad person who wants to think of himself as being a good person.

    remember what benny said about good and bad ....
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson As a hirer and firer I'd sooner hire a self taught guy than a dumbo who paid 30k for a degree.

    Well done in buying into the lie that is modern formal education.

    sadly most of the hirer and firer are retards that look at papers.

    they just wont take your word for it when you tell them you taught yourself how to fly a 747.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'm anti organized religion. Judaism is just another retarded evolution. It's funny how theists don't realize their beliefs come from Yahwism. Polytheists tend to focus on one god to worship and create a cult around that. Ancient Egyptian religion for example was really hundreds of different religions. People would sometimes switch deities when things didn't go their way.

    Yaweh used to be just another one of those gods. And the main god of the nations of Israel and Judah.

    In a few thousand years humans will believe in something completely different just like we did a few thousand years ago.

    We could've very well been worshiping Moloch, Baal, or Chemosh. And you know Yaweh had a mother, right? Her name was Asherah. jedis, Muslims, and Christians believed in her until ~1000 AD and then we just kinda forgot God had a mom. Temples built in her honor or in the honor of other gods were re-purposed for monotheism as monolatrism fell out of favor.

    Ah, but mate! My particular version of my particular God is true! Its the real one! The Canaanites started the story but I know this 1987 New King James Bible is the direct word of God.

    poor mexhicants dont have their own native gods.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson In a few thousand years if mankind survives that long death will be a thing of the past anyway. You'll be able to upload your consciousness into a computer and live forever…You'll get to pick your robot body and when it wears out you just transfer to a new one. Obviously keeping backups of your data will be more important than ever.

    until they ship tech support jobs to india or maybe west africa.
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