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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. jes accused of being finny tho.
  2. i wish i can kill my neighbors fucking cat.

    they arent the most responsible type of pet owners and they keep this cat merely for the sake of having a cat and they left it out in the fucking hallway and thats not it, they also leave her sandbox in the hallway so the entire hallway stinks of cat shit.

    eventually that became tollerable but now their fucking cat caught fucking fleas and its fucking spreading fucking fleas all over and these fucking fleas are comming into my house and my room thru the fucking gap under the doors and as a result i now have fucking flea problems.

    i know shes infested with fleas because shes wearing fucking bells round her neck and it rings the whole fucking day and fucking night as she scratches herself vigourously.

    i even bought a pack of rat poison but ended up not doing it because deploying poison is such a bitch move i wish i was brave enough to just snap its neck or throw it out the building.

    fucking cat.

  3. of you havent already.
  4. faggot.
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein I have a feeling he’s in heaven in the center of those leggy women

    you mean heaven smells like pussies ?
  6. Originally posted by Cathay Coof High IQ people like having as many varied experiences as possible

    every penis is different and unique so you have to keep discovering.
  7. Originally posted by Cathay Coof We need pedestrian-right-of-way laws. They work great in France. It doesn't make sense that just cos you're in a car you get to monopolise the space a road is built on.

    roads are meant for cars.

    in any sensible country its motor vehicles that have right of ways.
  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson God damn, look at the size of that hand.

    its the heads that under developed.

    mini cephaly.
  9. Originally posted by Grylls

    did you picked the first one you see or did you spent minutes searching, browsing thru hundreds of big black cocks before picking this one.

    be honest.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's interesting to speculate on how Africa would have developed if it had been completely isolated from the rest of the world for the last 1000 yrs…Would they have advanced and come up with their own technology? would they be wearing modern clothing (such as the Coca Cola T shirts you see them wearing)? have cell phone/computer technology? or would they have remained living in mud huts and wearing grass skirts.

    already a well doccumemted subject.

  11. Originally posted by -SpectraL

  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats the only fun way to play uno.

    and guess what else is fun together with uno ?

  13. Originally posted by CandyRein I can’t post anything without you making it sexual omg lol

    thats the only fun way to play uno.
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You're as dumb as a brick

    sauce ?
  15. well at least she didnt trash all his posts leaving holes every here and there and making the entire thread go out of context.

    thats progress i guess.
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's such a rare event that one is "smart" I suppose it is worth noting as an oddity.

    i wonder how she defines 'smart'.

    like maybe they take out the trash and lined the bin with a new trash bag single handedly with one swift motion or how.
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL Nothing a full stick of dynamite in the tailpipe won't fix.

    if your 15" tall.
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson American cheese isn't even cheese.

    neither are american beers, footballs, and gasses.
  19. Originally posted by CandyRein People don’t play Uno anymore like they used to..

    People have lost all sense of true joy..

    Nigga there’s no better feeling than making a nigga draw like 20 cards when they have like 2 left in their hand..

    My nigga..

    how many uno blocks can you fit into your vagina.
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is why you use disposables or wash your mask after each use… Its what is recommended. You should also wipe down your groceries with isopropyl.

    I do both these. My masks also have a removable carbon enhancement. Sometimes I wear gloves to the store too, but usually i just use the sanitizer at the exit.

    a little droplet dries out like less than a minute.
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