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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Technologist I’d hedge a bet that some people are going to die from taking hydroxychloriquine now that trump says he’s taking it.

    it'll stil be less than those who suicided due to the lockdown.
  2. Originally posted by G Factor in elemental stress like sun burn,prone to skin cancer,etc. just weak genes that are disappearing off the globe. Nature weeds it's own garden

    whats the color of your skin ?
  3. Originally posted by Pillpopper The one on top of that shithole.

    shithole cover.
  4. gogle have a lot.
  5. Originally posted by G Dominant genes that endure environmental stress etc.

    id say having gone to prison for being a nonce is proof of endurance of environmemtal stress.
  6. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah I'm not a doctor. I just know what doctors say. I'm not a doctor though! This is what the doctors say. And just so you know, I'm not a doctor at all. I heard this from doctors.

    and doctors are not researchers.

    they just hear those rumors from high priests of science.
  7. no.
  8. Originally posted by G Strawberry blonde & blue variant still = recessive.

    so whats a superior DNA ?
  9. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Mmm what a fine looking little semen depository

    society is weird.

    when she did that its perfectly fine.

    but if she did that naked in exact same pose that'd be child pornography.
  10. ?????
  11. Originally posted by gadzooks She's got like three kids.


    i hope you also like kids.
  12. Originally posted by gadzooks

    is she 3 month pregnant ?

    did she ever gave birth ?
  13. A mum is 'fuming' over her 11-year-old daughter's school work which asked children to define hardcore pornography - among other 'inappropriate' topics.

    Children in Years 7, 8 and 9 at Archbishop Sentamu Academy in Hull were set the work in their Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) class as part of their home learning.

    Teachers have asked the 11 to 14-year-olds to 'define' pornography, soft pornography, hardcore pornography and transsexual pornography, as well as female genital mutilation, wet dreams, trafficking, male circumcision, breast ironing and more.

    They were also asked questions about alcohol, drugs and smoking.

    what a nonce country.
  14. Originally posted by G See the edit.

    thats not blue mane, and i dont hisnhairs are blond either.
  15. Originally posted by G Some idiot tried to scam me on eBay a few mo.'s ago after jumping through numerous BS hoops I finally got a $2000 eBay credit. My son's commandeered my rope so I went w/ below.

    14k Yellow Gold Solid Diamond Cut Twisted Rope Chain Necklace 30" 6mm @ 71.2 grams

    are you a black person ?
  16. Originally posted by G

    you can see his DNA thru that ?
  17. you're moms a phantasy.
  18. Originally posted by G A lot of poles are inbred w/ very weak DNA you can see it in Wariat's countenance.

    whats a weak DNA ?
  19. ill call her for you.
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