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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. how big is her penis.
  2. Originally posted by Technologist As a child who idolizes her brothers, I watched as a black youth tried to strangle my brother because he didn’t like a call my brother made on the football field. It took 3 men to get him off my brother. For a child that is traumatizing.
    Did he do it because he hates whites, or did he do it because he didn’t like the call? No it must be racial because my brother was white and he was black.
    Casper, you have your perspective and I have mine. I DO NOT see black folks hating me. I’m sure there’s blacks who hate whites, as well as whites who hate blacks; but in a multicultural city people learn to get along.

    Soi I’m not discussing this with you, your unhealthy obsession with this, when you don’t even live here, has made you an angry white man. You can let this weigh heavy on your mind for days, weeks, even months or years. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.

    how many white people have you seen chimping out over some game call.

  3. Originally posted by Wariat Who does that. name me one white or european country or race that acts anything like spics and likes to hurt small animals or forms gangs in the hundreds of thousands?

    original spics have bull fetishes.

    they either "fight" the bull or run from it.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i dont like her upper torse

    i know you prefer her lower torso.
  5. gigolo economy
  6. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood A nonce is what you are and he was talking to a police officer not a real girl and described what he would like to do with her if he meets up and was trying to seduce the police officer posing as a young girl.

    That's attempted noncery. Annoyance of a minor under 18 and two counts of trying to meet a child under sexual pretenses. He was registered as a sex offender and went to prison because he's a retard that can't keep his lolis in line because he's a bitch

    thats entrapment.
  7. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Guessing either PreTeen HardCore or PreTeen HurtCore.

    HardCore is insertive sex, I dunno what HurtCore is exactly, but it's a real thing.

    insertive and hurt ?
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace OUR UNDERWRITERS
    Unrestricted financial support provided by

    Bentson Foundation Gilead
    Grant support for ASP provided by


    are you trying to show us an example of blaring conflict of interests ?
  9. the same as governmemts gun grabbing just righ after masss shooting.
  10. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Pomeranians aren't bitey, but they have an fearless attitude when confronting bigger dogs that gets them in trouble a lot.

    maybe they just want to suicide by dog.
  11. Originally posted by aldra oh I thought you meant she'd actually changed te colours of her dogs


    why would you be thinking something so sick.
  12. Originally posted by aldra yeah, not just spectral though.

    every time something like this happens, ie. a mass shooting that leads to legal changes or restrictions to 'freedoms' there are always people who seem to assume by default that the government orchestrated it. that instead of the anus being placed upon them to prove it was pre-organised, that's the start point and they shift the anus to having to prove the government really DIDN'T do it.


    if you see a half eaten human beside a tiger what would you think ?
  13. Originally posted by aldra I uh

    I don't hear voices in my head. thoughts are just ideas, outside of that it's hard to explain how to access them, I just do

    typically when I write I I don't 'hear' things before, only after when I look over it to make sure I haven't fucked up

    i believe its not available to people below a certain IQ points but i could be wrong.

    also :
  14. Originally posted by BummyMofo Also "traditional racial roles" my ass. By that logic, jéws serve the blacks like they did in Egypt. White people eat each others' shit and the chinamen do whatever.

    your traditional racial role is to be subservient and do everything your white master tells you to .
  15. Originally posted by theshroomguy I don't get how she can just pop a baby into the toilet like a crap then just fuck off like nothing happened. I've seen women get laid up for days or weeks after this. I.Q must be too low to register the pain and trauma . That's one vacant ass look on her face.

    thats part of the reason why niggers evolve with large cock.

    they needed to drop their baby out as fast as possible and move on before tigers and lions find them.

    loose vagina is part of yheir survival strategy.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It's not like he tried to meet up with a 12yr old to play Minecraft with her. He was going to rape her, and her dad found out.

    Also why you asking this? Click the fucking link in the op you maroon. Look at the actual record of the incident. You can buy the full report for like 10 bucks.

  17. Originally posted by BummyMofo and they don't mind traditional gender roles.

    what a sexist.

    you expect them to play traditional gender roles but you refused to play traditional racial roles.
  18. Originally posted by WellHung anything is better than yellow. The Yangtze River used to contain Chinese paddlefish.

    and now ?
  19. Originally posted by Wariat No it was the first post I saw on zoklet but no I wasnt looking for that sort of porn. I may have been looking at news for some case or arrest or something dont remembe.

    zoklet was full of PTHCs.
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Less people get eaten by sharks than die in car crashes.

    I still don't get into tanks with sharks

    that because your a coward with inferior gene and no culture of you're own.
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