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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Obbe Why not?

    because its against the order of nature.
  2. how long did you spend looking for it.
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That's why being a child molester is illegal but being gay is not.

    it was and still is in many sensible countries.
  4. Originally posted by BummyMofo I was rapping old teachers at my school.

    joggers gonna jog
  5. Originally posted by Obbe Right, all relationships are defunct except for the one that had the largest impact on your life.


    thays not how you use defunct.
  6. Originally posted by cigreting Buthurt fag detected

    im surprised the show didnt trigger some sjw outrages.
  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Child molesters do hurt people. Every single one of them. There's no good way to molest a kid, Wariat.

    soirce ?
  8. D.

    too cliche and underwhealming.
  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wobbler. Girls develop earlier than boys thats true but not all of them. The person you were talking too could have very well been a non child bearing child. And that's messed up. wobbler

    what makes you an expert on whats messed up and whats not ?

    do you have a phd for it.

    hmmmm ?
  10. joggers gonna jog
  11. Originally posted by Ajax The federal government doesn't collect any property taxes. Instead, states, counties, cities, and other local governments control property tax. Revenues from property tax often make up a big part of local budgets and help to fund things like schools, police and fire departments, and road maintenance.

    thats before they lend themselves 5 trillion.

    things are about to chance.

    drastically and without a clutch.
  12. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'll mail you my books. Can you read Spanish?

    no, translate them into shynese.

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Also lol @ thinking something isn't real because there is no wikipedia page.

    Is that your only source?

    do your culture proud. dont mail me the books.

    put up a wiki page about it instead.
  13. sudan isnt the real target.

    the purpose is to set legal precedence for cases against china.

    this is the real purpose.
  14. Originally posted by Wariat I do know shadow and perspective lanny you dumby. Shadow goes away from the light hence why the side of his face near it is lit but it still looked better and this is fantasy after all to have both legs sort of sparkle or be full of light like coming out of another dimension or portal. Get some fucking imagination and a brain.

    brave shadows move towards the light.
  15. Originally posted by Obbe Sarcasm actually, I imagine your parents not having a healthy relationship is what has led you to believe healthy relationships are impossible.

    thats as retarded as sayimg all pedos were sexually abused as a kid.

    like they cant be asking for it and enjoyed it. very much.

    just absurd.
  16. hebe.
  17. crowbar isnt exactly the best weapon.
  18. Originally posted by Obbe Yes yes, all relationships are defunct except for the one that had the largest impact on your life.


    non sequitor.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    Zapotec is a God.

    no god mentioned.

    i guess you better put your writting skills to use and start a new wiki for zapotec (god).

    But I guess you answered my question about them being monoclastic. As I said earlier in this thread, its very common for polytheistic religions to be centered around a city or state. Even though they still believe in the gods that other cities worshiped, they mainly pray to one in particular. In Ancient Mexico, everyone believed in Zapotec. You can still see a lot of this in India.

    The city of Zapotec mainly worshiped the rain god Cocijo, and neighboring places called him Zapotec because hey, that's the god they believe in at Zapotec! This is also very common. The Aztecs had their own rain god called Tlaloc, who was different from Cocijo/Zapotec and probably called something else in the city of Zapotec.

    do you have any sources ?
  20. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Not before I coof on you

    im scrawny and have access to cat meat, which as we all have seen in vietnam.

    no corona virus deaths.
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