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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. are you going to the whole thing before you remove them ?
  2. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace If you need more things compared I can make an anal-orgy for you.

    im sure you do faggot.
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What makes you think it was in vain?

    i've no idea what it means.

    i just saw people responded with that on tv.
  4. Originally posted by Grylls Ok you useless turds, I found a free vpn and changed my location to Thailand

    fuck you

    nothing is free.

    especially vpn.

    better watch your packets.
  5. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Found a piece of Uranium glass today using the counter. Pretty neat.

    Made a lego case for it.

    I need to go out and see if I can find anything interesting.

    how many sv was it ?
  6. Originally posted by Octavian OP has rape fantasies. He wants us all to admit to our sins whilst he wanks himself to death.

    its clear from his use of your gonna get raped avatar.
  7. Originally posted by BummyMofo This is the guy who thinks that as long as he yells "surprise!" beforehand, then it's not rape it's what he calls surprise sex.
    Doesn't work that way, otakuman. You need to own up to your crimes. You are the chieftain of the rape clan.

    no nigger.

    non niggers use words to entice their sexual partners to have sex with them.

    all advanced sapiens do.
  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Planning is for squares.

    thats why pentagon cant win wars since korean war.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Singular incidents to the contrary are not reflective of natures overall long term plan.

    singular incidences are microcosm of natural order at large.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Minecraft sounds like the gayboy version of Rust.

    i kept thinking meinshaft.
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sounds like a hate crime.

    crime of negative passion.
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Exactly…that is the natural order of things and the cycle of life.

    natural order ceased to run its course when guns got involved.

    any inferior beta untermenschen can stick their inferior beta-tier finger into the trigger guard and pull.
  13. Originally posted by Kev America had gulags too, ever heard of the Public Works program in the 1930s for all the millions of starving unemployed Americans? They built shit in parasite and tick-infested swamps for $25 a month, $20 of which the tax man took, the conditions were described as gulag-like.

    To the OP, this shit is true but what do you expect from a privatized prison system? It incentivizes the interest to lock you up, then millions of non-violent offenders come out of jail worse than they were before, the cycle continues and the system has to eat all the shit it excreted in the first place.

    The dumbshit drug war and now this feminist utopia where speaking to a woman without her permission can get you locked up and then you get to make products for corporations for 7 cents an hour behind bars.

    What you also need to let sink in is that sentences in the Soviet Union were rarely longer than a year, America has inmates initially locked up in the 1960s that are STILL THERE.

  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You can't follow a coherent train of thought

    thats called thinkin' out of the box.
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 我去商场常常

    Everybody who isnt Chinese- "You racist fuck"

    Everybody who is Chinese- "Uhh okay"

    As vinny would say- wo choo shangchang changchang.

    learn your own language before laying your filthy tongue on mine.

  16. Originally posted by aldra

    maybe try this one, not sure how well it handles non-youtube sites though

    last updated 3 years ago.

    wont work with any modern phones. or at least thats what fdroid claims.
  17. i wanted to highlite this form of censorship for quite a while now.

    it goes by ip addresses and it doesnt just happen with netflix, it happens on youtube and many news sites.
  18. Originally posted by Cathay Coof The Soviet Union didn't have the nigger problems the US has.


    10% of the population and 60% of the prison population.
  19. Originally posted by G He committed trespassing which is documented on film(more than once). The guy was a liability on the planet, it's probably a good thing he's not breeding & furthering that damaged bloodline.

    whats the color of thy skin.
  20. Originally posted by aldra G confirmed for j'ew, he clipped the tip off

    he should go work for silvercorp.
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