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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Pillpopper Hmm shitty artist and even shittier art. Can't look beyond those facts.

    why dont you show us your 'warrior on a horse' and let us judge how good of an artist you are.
  2. Originally posted by Pillpopper I wonder why they charged the guy who filmed this with murder. Must have lied his ass off.

    what do you mean ?

    he shot a nigger with a camera he shot a nigger.
  3. Originally posted by BummyMofo Vinny this is your alt?

    You're going the extra mile. You are the neighborhood boogieman. Bitches can't go out at night with you at large vinnyboy

    says the one whos actively trying to present his nigger self as a rapist.

  4. Originally posted by G Peach(summer hue)

    you mean brown.
  5. Originally posted by G It's not his fault he's autistic & has cognitive issues that affect how he interacts w/ people online etc. So that part's not the key element as to why I dislike him. To be in that state & have a shitty attitude, refusing to take solid advice & just convey general negativity is why I wish him ill will. Toss in the sex offender legacy & he's just not a likable human being whose shown zero redeeming qualities.

    dont look at the artist, look at the art.
  6. Originally posted by aldra hovering over buy, customs will probably rape me though

    for organic honey ?
  7. Originally posted by Pillpopper I take it wariat hasn't been doing he manly duties to your ass and you also appear to be quite upset over it. You should visit a glory hole to get over it.

    sounds like warriat is currently occupying your head,
  8. Originally posted by Pillpopper I didn't see hiki or wariat post in this thread. You need to be clearer when saying blue pill faggot. That reference almost always means one of those two retards.

    wait who appointed you to be an authority of what is and isnt retardation ?
  9. Originally posted by Misguided Russian

    the flag is wrong.

    meanwhile in mother russia ....

  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Oh the irony.

    Literally a sentence from a book but if you want to make even MORE shit up about pretending to know Chinese, go ahead.

    "i go to mall long long"

    now go take elementary nahuatl or something and leave my language alone.
  11. Originally posted by G I've "taken" some pussy before, that's where the girl is playing games like sucking your dick & extensive foreplay but trying to prolong the cat & mouse game. "Taking" it is just a bit of force to get initial penetration, then nature takes it's course. She always dug that shit lol.

    name, rank, and skin color.
  12. why cant you people just leave him alone.
  13. Originally posted by Ajax I don’t recall. I think it was curiosity more than anything at that age.

    how can you not recall. how old are you.
  14. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist roofies and duct tape work better than words.

    its hard to guess the proper dossage for something that small.

    too much and they OD.
  15. Originally posted by BummyMofo ^A rapist talking to himself.

    ^ a nigger trying to talk to others.
  16. Originally posted by Ajax I found some in the wild when I was a kid. I found more in the dumpster behind an entertainment store near my house. They caught on and eventually stopped putting them in the dumpster. So I upped my game and started slipping them out of the plastic in the store and putting them inside car magazines while I looked at them. Of course I got caught. The employee was disappointed after asking where my parents were so he could tell on me and I told him I walked from my house by myself. I believe I was 10 or 11.

    did ypu have an errection while looking at those mags ?
  17. Originally posted by G Already less redundant shit posting to be found. But this may trigger autist Hiki because he lost his lone buddy ?!

    skin color.



  18. my hero.
  19. Originally posted by Grylls

    free as fuck

    anything that uses 'users testimony' to promote their shit warrants further secrutiny.
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No they are not.

    If I singularly decided to put my penis in your tight anus and call you a bitch, it doesn't mean the population at large are willing or want to do the same thing.

    no, thats exactly whats happening behind every closed doors and drawn curtains in every home, offices amd factories across your country.

    they're happening rampant, unabated and free, and with utmost impunity.
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