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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Making people feel some type of way ❤️
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Having a breakdown

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  3. Like im full of chill and dong the right thing. And im going to live in the moment and act decisively, without any hint of self awareness,
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo 6 cops came when he moved the heavy equipment. He forgot his friend who is black white and native looked suspicious and the equipment made too much noise. He quickly held out a key and the cop tried it ran his name and let him g8. He may or may not have been shoving pill bottles under the seat. They let him and his suspicious looking but ultimately harmless friend go and he got the trailer and left. He's kinda pissed he didn't exact revenge but knows where the developer lives so he might just terrorize him at his residence

    I once knew a paleontologist whose childhood piano teacher's late step-mom's local butcher's kid's main main bully at school who told him about once accidentally pouring a bunch of used frying oil and grease all over some nice elderly lady's yard and garden he was trying to tend to out of the kindness of his heart when he was still a member of the Buttercream Gang, unfortunately resulting in completely ruining the entire lawn soil and all.

    He was very apologetic I know he felt really bad- it was a weird accident all around, I guess someone must have collected grease from the bins behind area restaurants and filled up a 110-gallon drum of it then found this kid and told him it was magical gardening juice and let him keep it. Idk man it all happened so fast but you just reminded me of it. Thanks.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by POLECAT I say if you want to abort ur child you should have to birth it and then shoot it urself with a 12 gage with #4 shot then burry it by hand all on ur own

    Ok deal but if I don't want to abort my child it needs to be properly raised and taken care of by YOU and there will be inspections every week until it's 18 just to make sure you're not up to any funny business young man
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm gonna do the opposite. Fuck voting what a joke either way may as well just take a shit on the ballot and turn it in it's all the same
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  7. Originally posted by cigreting Nothing.
    Womens value is in their youth and fertility.

    Originally posted by cigreting You also place some sort of value on mens cum for some reason.
    Children arent some miracle you dumbass, any woman can get pregnant at will, anytime
    Why do you women think its an accomplisment for some guy to cum in you and then a slimy blob falls out 9 months later

    Lol at you calling yourself an idiot while you talk yourself in circles. Good job buddy.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    hah MF doom mask so THATS what that was.. yeahthat makes sense now

    I guess thats just a memory , the only one i can find is just a quick one of me and him. Now digitally age him seven years and start putting up flyers around the world

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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I think I have a picture of him wearing like a knights helmet thing on tinychat from 8 years ago if that will somehow help. 🙀😶‍🌫️

    Nah idk man dat nigga always seemt to keep hisself p private like the jet not a lot of info root beer floating around bout eem. I'm like 98.7% sure he do be gone with that wind tho.
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  10. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Steven I can't take you seriously when you use your first language incorrectly and believe in widely disproved conspiracy theories.

    'Constitutionalism' is dumb as fuck. Like calling yourself a 'patriot' or a 'nationalist'. "I love my country so much, here's a word to describe how much I love it and how right I am about all my beliefs".

    Guess what? Your beliefs don't hold up in court. You know, where the people who actually study law work?

    they hold up in courts of records and the supreme courts and thats the only courts that count.

    anyways we are winning and you cucks are about to flip the fuck out when we do,, mark my words TRUMP reinstated January 6th 2023
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo I went ti an Ethiopian restaurant before when I was at this girl's place in the hood and she had no food. I didn't know what to get so i asked the guy to recommend me something and it was something that he called "fun" which contained bread that had the consistency and probably taste of Styrofoam. He also charged me like 2 or 3 but each for those Lil tiny things of juice, like Halloween tick or treat sized. I brougt4 it back to her house, smelled it and threw it out. I was very glad to see it didn't last long

    Liberian good is literally babies, you knew that right?

    Well in that case! I love me some fried babby with dry rice.

    I feel sort of bad for the lady opening the place as she's really excited for the grand opening but I really don't think there's enough people around here into that stuff to make it sustainable but also I'm wrong a lot.

    The menu seems simple enough it's just like 8 things total lol.

    Dry rice with fried 🐥
    Dry rice with CROAKER fish
    Polava sauce with FUFU
    Cassava Leaf with rice
    Fried kidney beans with rice
    Potato greens with rice
    Jollof rice with beef cubes, shrimp, and chicken

    Yeah it's orobably gonna smell really weird in the kitchen there lol. I think I'm gonna probably gonna pass.

    Oh they have meat pie and fish pie appetizers as well. What a treat. What? A treat?!
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  13. laying in bed trying to summon the energy to get in the shower. Got 20lb of avocados on the discount rack for $4 so i guess breakfast is avocado toast again
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  14. Haxxor Space Nigga
    MAGA seems to be a synonym for MORON

    Trump repeatedly fleeces his supporters, and they are too stupid to care. Donald Trump and his entourage have fleeced their own loyal supporters out of roughly $250 million. There is so much money flowing to Trump from people who can ill afford the contributions that Donald Trump may have one of the most successful grifts in the history of mankind. Trump pleads for donations to his fight fund to challenge the election result. But with the election settled, and Joe Biden already sworn in as President, obviously this is not where the money is going.

    Where is this money going you ask? Well, the Save America PAC made six payments totaling $60,000 to Hervé Pierre Braillard, the French designer who styles Melania Trump.
    Another big chunk of cash has been used to pay off Trump’s campaign debt. This includes the huge personal debt repayments he now faces, Trump’s umbrella group that is currently overseen by his two sons, owes about $340 million to Deutsche Bank. $204,857 to the Trump Hotel Collection.
    $1 million to the Conservative Partnership Institute, where former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is senior partner
    $1 million to the America First Policy Institute, a research organization that employs numerous former Trump administration officials, including former Small Business Administration Administrator Linda McMahon, former senior counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, and former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf
    $5 million to Event Strategies Inc., the company that ran the Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse
    Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr. and was a top fundraising official with the Trump campaign, also was paid a $60,000 speaking fee for introducing her fiancé at the Jan. 6 rally.

    Essentially the Trump campaign and allies used baseless claims of election fraud to raise millions of dollars from the former president's supporters — money that was then funneled into the pockets of entities with close ties to Trump.

    Liberal vs Conservative my ass.

    Morons vs Reality
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  15. Steven African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sudo The word "libril" has changed like 50 times since the turn or the 20th century. Now it means nothing

    yes the modern meaning of "liberal" "groomer" "nazi" and "racist" have changed to mean "someone who I disagree with vehemently" and it's now encouraged to ruin the lifes of anyone you get skitzo with an argument because people need to keep people in line KEFFALS IS COMING FOR US YOU BETTER SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT WHEN JEFF HUNTER STARTS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE



    Originally posted by Sudo Do you believe in dinosaurs tho?

    nope, I don't just believe what i'm told. lets see the so called evidence

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  17. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo The word "libril" has changed like 50 times since the turn or the 20th century. Now it means nothing

    In America/the English speaking world its just an identity politics thing now. People just think it means 'leftwing'.

    They can't differentiate between social liberalism and classical liberalism.

    Basically everyone everywhere is some form of liberal, which is why using it as a reference to any one group is completely idiotic.

    People unironically think that liberals want to take their guns. Lol.
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  18. Balloon Man African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Could a candle correctly be considered a machine?

    It's more of a tool or implement.
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  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Having poor self control and bad eating habits really has nothing at all to do with intelligence

    proof im not lying

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  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Bro u traveled halfway across the country to get molested in a trailer
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