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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone have the actual tldr on why these guys did this?

    ngl, stabbing 10 people is pretty hardcore. Not supporting murder or anything, but goddam.

    they wrote a manifestro but it was only a few words long saying "fuck white people eh fucking racist goofs eh ill show em"

    word on the res is that Wild Eye Billy got busted with the meth re-up and their other dealer was too drunk at the bonfire, they couldn't even get a zip of natives so they ended up going feral BFI mode

    translation from canadian: that's drinkin buddy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by cigreting I do not fail. I choose not to participate in an activity in which the cons highly outweigh the pros. I used to participate with many hos in my younger years when I didnt know any better and didnt have much to loose.
    Answer my question

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Steven African Astronaut
    Your life is governed by fear and men's cum
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  5. Bradley Florida Man
    I have to agree with the sudo science, you do have a tendency to take fringe data outliers and string them together in a manner that lacks any consistency except in the fact you are always the chief victim in every scenario.
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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    planet tessi is my favorite plural
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  7. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Do you think it would feel good to be loved?

    love is just an abstraction of men's cum
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by cigreting Cant explain because I'd tear apart your reasoning as usual, typical female

    explain why you think your individual experiences apply to every other person ever. You're practically a flat-earther at this point trying to demand someone explain why you're wrong because you think you can totally PWN them when they bring up anything. Hurr durr everyone that isn't me and shares my opinions is automatically a dumb but not me I'm a smart
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by Steven lol fatass

    Id make you my dandyboi,homes
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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Kiwifarms was all about not touching the big stinky

    You see a retard on the computer, don't call their work saying they posted a bong hit rip smoke spice youtube video to get them fired, that's gay.

    Posting someone's name and address which are public and can be found on google was not touching the poo, it was used to show that this isn't made up, you get a full "objective" history of the person and all the names they used, accounts, etc like a public record

    The "touching the poo" rule was completely dropped once the turbo autisms were able to dox Keffals several times based on CSI-tier shit like the reflection off an eyeball (literally) because you can see the name of the coffee shop across the street and the closed/open signs matched 100%

    You used to rarely see some idiot get upset on KF and say some shit like YEAH WE NEED TO PREVENT THIS MOTHER-FUCKER CHRIS CHAN FROM EVER BEING FREE AGAIN LETS START A PETITION TO BAN TRANNY AUTISTICS FROM RAPING THEIR MOM WHO'S WITH ME FOLX!!! I'M TAKING THIS STRAIGHT TO JOE BIDEN and they get banned because you are just supposed to point and laugh, not play cyber bully kick the retard.

    But the past few weeks the Keffals thread exploded and attracted all the alt-white edgy 4chan faggots and the dam burst on degeneracy, no amount of moderation or rules could have stopped it. I remember a pleading post from NUll a month ago telling everyone to calm the fuck down and smile and be happy and not get so fucking angry about retards online

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. 2fly4U2 Houston [my further incomprehensive anogramma]

    painting koi & waiting to hear what’s on for today, probably shopping 🛍
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh no I did not doctor :(
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by troon The fixation on 'trying to pass' is the dead giveaway. It's deceitful. This is different from trying to look good, like people do all the time, men and women. This is about deception in the extreme.

    They rarely achieve anything like the level of deception they are aiming for, nowhere near. Those that do get close only ever achieve it under certain limited conditions. It's a depressing thought, to be that driven to deception, having to face the truth that you will never achieve it.

    There are people who are 'trans' (a misnomer to start with), like people who have bodies that are insensitive to androgens to a greater or lesser extent. They just are that way, whether you label them trans or not. And really, internet trannies shit all over them with their troonery.

    the thing that gets me with this guy and his faggot friends in particular is that it's obvious he does this as some sort of deranged sexual fetish but tries to couch it in the language of 'helping children express themselves' as a way to justify it and lure impressionable retards. I genuinely hope that someone wraps him in plastic and throws him off an overpass.
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lockedin Best: Sudo, Sophie, Nile, aldra, mmQ

    Worst: G0llum, Spectral, Speedy, Hikki, WellHung, Polecat, stl1

    I'd substitute my handle with yours in that list. I also kinda like troon even though he thinks i'm spawn of the devil. But that's ok. Like Sudo who'd shoot me IRL if he could. But he's just a likeable person.

    Hikki is a suicide or a mass shooting waiting to happen. If i were a betting man, i'd put money on self delete.

    The other people you mentioned i don't particularly dislike as people i dislike their shtick. But stl1 has no redeeming qualities.

    Shout out to Richard Burnish. And of course; got murder on my mind 24/7, bless, bless, to all my niggas up in heaven,
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Balloon Man African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Ur dumb.

    Is this flirting
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  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I'd snort a wellie off your ass and bang you in the rehab shower roshambo
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  17. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. It obviously was Mikhail Gorbachev so everybody can just calm down
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Steven African Astronaut
    show us the autopsy and livestream where your friend died or you're not even a real human being.
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  20. Ghost Black Hole
    swatting and encouraging harassment is all against the rules there so these people are making shit up. They only post public information, if you post a picture online and people use magic to have a demon show them where the picture came from that doesn't make it DOXING AND SWATTING

    It's called an OPSEC fail. Stop fucking using the internet and posting, problem solved

    The government should not be allowed to come to your house for "online threats" or be able to fuck with things because YOU'RE ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE AND SUICIDE

    Computers can't hurt you unless its spectral turning your motherboard into a gravity sink for an artificial wormhole and sucking your house into the nether dimension

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