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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. Originally posted by Wariat ive been running up to bitches todsy as ive had a few beers i wanna meet or fuck todsy hanging st the same bar i was at last nght and me and star trek hung out but mostly outside while bitches walk by and if one gives me the eye or smiles or i just want i try to leave my beer inside thsn sort of catch up to her starting a converdstion with you have ebautiful eyes or hair or any shit.

    You could have shortened this to

    "I'm being creepy again"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    keep your load to yourself
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  3. Originally posted by Steven Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, on a dark and stormy night, the pale moonlight beamed through the window of an English Chippy Chop Lick Lock suck my balls lol.

    There was a young man named Jiggaboo Johnson
    Many compared him to a more handsome Charles Bronson
    Quick of wit and sharp as a pin
    When it came to ridiculing nerds on NIS he'd always win

    One such nerd by the name of Smeagol
    Thought he'd have a go and challenged the NiS Beadle
    Sadly smeagol's challenge was weak and naive
    and Jiggaboo destroyed him you better believe

    Smeagol got mad and started a thread
    fantasizing about Jigga, that fine white bread
    Jigga retorted with an off the cuff poem
    That further ridiculed smeagol and definitely...

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Originally posted by Kafka Isn’t everything we do/say driven by emotions to an extent?

    Not everything...I'd argue taking a shit isn't an emotional response...ETA well not on all occasions...some people do shit themselves when they get scared.
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kafka People can still look hot with a black eye type of thing.

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  6. blaster master victim of incest
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo How was Trump much different from predecessors? He was less droney than oBOMBa but expanded troops in Afghanistan, continued operations in Syria and Iraq, gave Kim Jung Un a ton of clout and legitimacy, started a "trade war" with China that hurt the US more than ch8na and still needs subsidizing.

    Not starting any new wars is revolutionary when you're the only one who's done it since Jimmy Carter.

    He tried to minimise involvement in Syria and Iraq but was undermined by his own cabinet and military.
    He tried to end the occupation of Afghanistan but kind of fucked it up, even if he were 'allowed' to. Again, the military did what it wanted and later openly bragged about feeding him false information and playing 'shell games' with troop numbers.
    He tried to normalise relations with Russia but was undermined by the entire state and media apparatus.

    He fucked up a whole lot of things too, but the point wasn't that it was necessarily a change for the better, but that it took an outsider to do ANYTHING different.
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    1. relentless aggression against Iran's been policy for a long time, so not what I'm talking about. he did Suleiman real dirty though, luring him with a diplomatic request and then having him assassinated.

    2. he wouldn't have needed to if he wasn't constantly under attack from the retarded Russiagate conspiracy theory.
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  9. Steven African Astronaut
    faggot organ:

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  10. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Just got a call from a pig saying I was being investig8d for property damage. He said it's a criminal file and he will be seeing me soon. He asked for my name and info and I gave him my lawyers name and he said he already had his number.

    I think I'll probably get a stupid little inconvenient charge out of it but may end up beating it but the process will be the punishment. Sucks I may have gotten myself back in the system

    c'mon dude
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  11. Steven African Astronaut
    10-20yrs tops and you will both be dead.
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  12. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    No he died high on special K after a truck ride, he loves truck rides and he loves going to the vets office.
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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    he found a gf and said ahhhhh finally I never have to post here again.

    Just like Rocky aka Brick and that other nigga
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  14. Murk Lore African Astronaut [usually pique my undulation]
    Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associate that Jeff Hunter and James Comey worked for is all over YouTube selling his book on how were fucked and our economy is very close to a new crash

    Other experts are warning of the same thing. Buying gold is Shit because it's 120-200 an ounce for service fees? good eagle etc

    Best to diversify in other ways. Also they encourage buying ounces but one should buy grain to have aggregate
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Haxxor Space Nigga
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    I have been calling all dressed chips "Aldras chips"

    if I ever met him i Would bring him all dressed chips and say "here, I believe these belong to you"
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  17. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo She was OK. Pretty short and pretty fiended out. She was a really scummy friend of mines gf at the time and he later told me he raped her. That was a weird and terrible time in my life.

    shut the fuck up
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  18. Ghost Black Hole
    All hearts and prayers πŸ™πŸ’— going out to the native community of West Canada. This is just loike a British terrorist innit

    Kinda weird cuz it's not hard to get a gun in da Rez legal or illegal I think they have different hunting license requirements
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  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Can't you go one second without mansplaining to someone? It's a pretty toxic character trait and honestly can you blame women for thinking the modern "man" is a pussy boi that deserves to be cheated lied and disrespected

    Mhmmmmm! Ladies know what I'm talking bout!
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  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sudo I like h8 threads about me alot more than love threads like this

    I cold πŸ₯Ά kick your ass they call me the ice man and someone else is the fireman I bring the ice and he bring the heat it's gonna be a pineapple Express topical hurricane πŸŒ€ tornado punch! πŸŒͺ️
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