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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    clubbing a babby seal to death in virtual reality
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    Yes... anything is possible
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  3. I prostrate myself before the superior troll.
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  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Rahul is the name of a character in one of my short stories.

    I'll probably get blamed that I name him after this guy but why would I since it's a common name? because im making it known here and now that I originally wrote it some 3-4 years ago.
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  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If you knew the first thing about motorcycles I'd point out how wrong you are.

    if your sure your right you would have pointed it out already,
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  6. Originally posted by Sudo Y do u get crappy Indian motorcycles? Is it because your life is a joke? I bet it's because your life is a joke

    because harleys cost 60% more.
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  7. I feel sickened to my stomach. It was worse earlier. I felt like I did a few times in my life. Like when I broke things I didn't have money to replace. Like when I dropped my Handspring Visor and shattered the screen. That happened twice. When my car broke down in the snow and couldn't be brought back to life, and I didn't have money to replace it. That was one of the worst things ever to happen to me. My family were all home as my grandmother just died. It was one of the worst things ever to happen to me. My family are all rich cunts, and I was just finished chemo at the time, but none of them helped me. I'd do things differently today. And if I seen someone in my position, I'd give them the money to replace the car.

    I'm going to ruin DJI. The drone just cut off communication, and when I went to where its last reported location was, it was no where around. Fucked up shit.
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  8. An elderly woman accused of being the ringleader of a terror cell plotting a monarchist revolution was arrested in Germany.

    The cell allegedly wanted to kidnap the country’s health minister and attack the electricity grid to spark a civil war and restore the Prussian monarchy.

    Elisabeth R, a 75-year-old retired teacher who was quickly nicknamed “terror granny” by the German press, was arrested at her home in the eastern state of Saxony.

    On Friday, she was flown to Germany’s federal court, where she was photographed getting out of a helicopter carrying only a paper potato bag.

    Prosecutors said that she was the leader of a group that wanted to overthrow democratic Germany and bring back the Kaiser.

    The group allegedly planned to kidnap Karl Lauterbach, the German health minister, who is a hate figure among the far-Right because of his advocacy of strict lockdowns during the pandemic.

    The group then planned to carry out sabotage attacks on the electricity grid with the intent of causing a blackout so severe that it would lead to “civil war-like conditions”, the arrest warrant stated.

    Four other members of the group were arrested in April. Police found a Kalashnikov gun and a Nazi SS uniform in one of the suspect’s homes.

    Elisabeth R is accused of being both the spiritual and organisational leader of the cell.

    She gave the other members deadlines for acquiring explosives and weapons, prosecutors said.

    ‘Coup manifesto’ prepared
    Pamphlets she had written were supposed to be spread among the public once their attempted coup attempt had been started, it is alleged.

    It is unclear just how far the group managed to get in their alleged preparations.

    A neighbour in the town of Floeha told Bild newspaper that Elisabeth R was a solitary person.

    “I rarely saw her. She used to do gardening in the evenings wearing a headlamp,” the man said.

    Elizabeth R reportedly lost her state pension over repeated public statements denying the legitimacy of the modern German state.

    Treaty of Versailles denial
    According to reports in the German press, she was known as “the countess” inside the Reichsbuerger scene, a loose movement that seeks to bring back the Prussian monarchy.

    She appeared to have co-authored long texts arguing that the Treaty of Versailles, which brought about the end of the First World War, was invalid, and that Germany is still legally a monarchy.

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  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    They say you can post about anything except for Totse Army
    That means guns, sex, lies, videotape
    But if I talk about TA my post won't get displayed, huh?
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  10. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by frala Well I’d tell you to stop being so nosy then but I forget you don’t have one


    Savage af loooool
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  11. Originally posted by Speedy Parker I know you and the turd in your purse don't.

    Well I’d tell you to stop being so nosy then but I forget you don’t have one
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  12. Originally posted by Haxxor 👍🏼

    His music is derivative and boring, and if it weren’t for his publicity stunts and attention-getting, he would be yet another unknown rapper. He is largely talentless, and his music features meaningless, sexist and boastful lyrics and generic music. His videos, however, are interesting enough to obscure the fact that his music sucks.

    Apart from that, many people find his constant self-important tweeting, preening, shamelessly promoting his products like clothes and perfume, and self-aggrandizing very boring, annoying and stupid. Kanye West sucks!

    Kanye West is a musical genius, truly. Call his behavior whatever you like, but musically he’s a genius. He hustled his ass off to get where he is. He’s mentally ill and erratic without a doubt and you can armchair analyze him all day long, but the dude is not without talent. Plus DONDA.
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  13. Octavian. Houston
    Originally posted by Haxxor 👍🏼

    His music is derivative and boring, and if it weren’t for his publicity stunts and attention-getting, he would be yet another unknown rapper. He is largely talentless, and his music features meaningless, sexist and boastful lyrics and generic music. His videos, however, are interesting enough to obscure the fact that his music sucks.

    Apart from that, many people find his constant self-important tweeting, preening, shamelessly promoting his products like clothes and perfume, and self-aggrandizing very boring, annoying and stupid. Kanye West sucks!

    Only a paedophile would say that.
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  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    JUST IN: American rapper Kanye West is reportedly being kicked out of JPMorgan Chase and his accounts will be closed
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  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I stopped drinking to focus on my own growth and stability in my new life and new city I left to.
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  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lmao shutcho azz up 💕
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  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Putin just found out Americans have 0 fear with the computer age. brainwashed by their gadgets thinking they'll respawn somewhere else.

    Perhaps he's nothing but a bitch and everything thought he was some big tough guy KGB but he's lost all respect by his own people and the world is laughing at him. just two years ago Americans were talking about wishing they could move to Russia and they're going to get some beautiful Slavic wife. those people have really fucked up anger issues and use weird drugs and act just like American hoodrats but probably even worse.

    there is nothing in Russia you would want to be a part of. It's really fucking cold and everyone is out to stab you in the neck because they're all drunk on vodka and have liquid courage running through their veins and get punchy af.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah but they often don't get to make that choice
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  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    You know what, I havn't been thinking clearly. I take 900-1200 Gabapentin in a day. it makes you a foghead.

    and then the depression makes me want to take naps every fucking day for a few hours. shortening my days. I used to be able to articulate and point out details in depth but then I saw a number game pushed up on me. the digits coming from multiple directions and trying shut it down with twists in facts. slide-rule.

    I have an overwhelming sense of shit about to hit the fan for the entire world. I was getting dreams of nuclear armageddon like everynight months before Putin flipped out. I stated in a year or two most likely we're going to have a nuclear confrontation. the ability to extrapolate in visual details from nothing. no one talked of nuclear war and they started up. and then Boom.

    too many things are happening at once. That's another thing I touched on. "It's a good thing that everything doesn't happen all at once" and then this shit.

    So no talks of jedis Did It by Elon Musk and Kanye, today? memory holed.
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  20. Originally posted by aldra It is true. Tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people have fled to Russia, just as many have fled west to the EU.

    A lot of people, probably most, not just in the Ukraine but around the world don't care who runs their government so long as they can live comfortably and Russia can currently provide a significantly higher standard of living than the Ukraine. I expect that many simply fled to the border that was closest to them; even if someone living in the East wanted to flee to Poland they'd have to take their family across the contact line so it's much safer to wait it out in Russia.

    The Russians also actually have schemes to evacuate civilians from the lines of fire and relocate them away from the fighting. You can criticise the scope of those schemes, sure, but so far the Ukraine seems to outright prefer to leave civilians in place to be shredded.
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