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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by cigreting OP doesnt realize shes past her prime, hit the wall, and now she realizes shes not getting all the attention she used to.
    So she finally sees the writing on the wall that her fun time is over and is trying to lock down some cuck who doesnt know how men and womens value works in society.

    nah I think you're just upset and jealous
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo Answer: Kamala Harris would win by sucking the dick of every judge and then Michael obamas to ensure he/she took a dive. Then on the way out she would beat up the black janitor and sodomize him with a broom

    WWE getting wild
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  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Imagine spending 2 years of your life in a hospital care ward and then you get murdered by a prostitute
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  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm not just talking about Houston…I've been all over the world and the guest has never had to give their ID.

    I live in a country that takes human sex trafficking very seriously. The rest of the world especially non white countries don't give a shit about women.

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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny taiwanese leadership is run by a person with pussy, therefore nothing that comes out of it is credible. they're just US poopets and they parrot what US wants it to.


    still, China hasn't build up enough IC manufacturing infrastructure to fill the void yet (they're trying to convert Shenzhen) and the massive loss of supply would affect everyone.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny in regards to ukraine the US tactics are more of a passive-aggressive provocations. everytime putin reiterates his redlines that he didnt want crossed and the US just keep crossing it the song 'toy soldiers' by eminem went off in my head.

    the dies are set, the US want a proxy war with russia and ukraine would be it.

    I believe all of FUKUS has already said there will be no boots on the ground if there's a war. This depends on how much control Zelensky still has over the military (vs. the hard right and the oligarchs that control them) - the US wants conflict, specifically to justify aggressive political policy, to burden Russia with an enormous military operation (since the Ukraine stopped being considered a buffer zone they've reactivated multiple shock tank brigades) and the costs associated with rebuilding any territories they capture, and to learn about the new strategic CNC networks, but also wants to stay out of it. I think with the latest developments (the EU missile crisis bit), the west in general will quietly try to prevent conflict because it's been made clear that it will lead to rapid escalation not just inside but now outside the EU.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny turkey wont matter anymore because erdoganomics is going to implode, collapse and then prolapse. once that happen the military will take over again and another reset will ensue.

    LOL, just a few weeks ago I was telling someone I was impressed with Erdogan, going from impulsive and retarded to cleanly winning Kharabakh and rebuilding the country, then he pulls this shit.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the only real question is how far will iran respond to jéwsrael attack this time, and will biden be onboard. based on how things are going, it seems like anti-semites in biden admin is still in charge, so i dont think US is going to be directly involved should minor conflict eruptes between jéwsrael and iran. and neither will the arabs.

    I'm not sure israel will have the resolve to try it again. Iran and Hez are at their (militarily) strongest ever, with the exception of Lebanon's dire circumstance. They know their 'Iran is 2 weeks away from nuclear weapons' line is rubbish, even if nobody will openly admit it.

    The US refused to escalate further after Iran hammered their airbase for Suleimani and were driven from Afghanistan; I don't think they have the stomach for more middle-eastern wars at the moment.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny there will not be a so called "eu missile crisis" simply because eu defense officials and foreign affair ministers, mostly unmanned, will be too dumb and too retarded to realize they have hitchhiked themselves into a missile crisis, and will continue to assume everything is fine.

    it takes two to conflict and since the EU does not and will acknowledge there is a conflict, nothing happens.

    I always thought the 'if a tree falls down and nobody hears it, does it make a sound' thing to be retarded. it doesn't matter if they acknowledge it or not, we're on trajectory for a massive missile buildup around the world.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if by "civil war" you meant what happened between the north and the south in the past, it will not happen. simply because "americans" these days no longer have what it takes to sustain and maintain that kind of endeavor. there are going to be riots and unrests, and maybe a few mass shootings and mass casualty events when the shelves run bare, but thats it.

    life in the US is just too confortable for "americans" to return to valley forge and people who say there are going to be a civil war soon just want an excuse to buy tactical dresses like fat girls using prom night as excuses to buy pretty prom dresses that
    they'll never get to wear.

    because none will ask them out.

    I posted about this recently; I think the most likely scenario is certain states telling the federal government to get fucked on divisive partisan policies like vaccines, trannies, race relations or similar and a heavy-handed federal response leading to increased hostility between states
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  6. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Nile Fuck it without any research, I'm gonna vote other.

    The GERD is going to result in hard power straight up warfare on the horn. The IMF and other infrastructure banks tried to stop the Ethiopians from damming the Blue Nile(denying loans), Ethiopia funded it alone(bonds and private donations), $4 billion I think. Went ahead with the work. Addis Ababa isn't coming to the table and Sudan and Egypt are getting worried. Water is life and the Nile might as well be Egypt.

    The cabbies I've spoken to about this(Men From The Horn predominantly) have mixed opinions from its just saber rattling for a better deal in electricity, to issues of sovereignty. Ethiopia holds all the cards and is probably thinking on a long term time scale, with climate issues in mind. They wanted 5 seasons to fill the reservoir, Egypt doesn't want that dam to exist at all as it represents an existential threat or a very powerful political weapon that can be switched on and off at will.

    There's my bet.

    Heh, I guess I have a fitting name for this post lel.

    "The dam is 71 per cent complete and when finished in 2023 will be the largest hydroelectric dam in Africa"

    Possible other dimension to the exacerbate conflict: Gold(and other minerals)

    Let our Man Shirvan drop some knowledge on ya.

    Oh snap "the west" making noise about human rights. What's gonna be my prize? I'd settle for a victorious Aksum tbh.
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  7. Nile bump
    That sounds fucking awesome. We could strike a deal for some jade I could carve into like an eagle or something to sell to an Asian in hongcouver.

    It would be an ADVENTURE. Mind you I'm pretty lame and can be bad company sometimes.
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  8. Nile bump
    I'm trying to tell anyone who will read that. Now or in the future.

    Seriously I think they will try and kill me.

    So if that happens I want people to know where to look, what happened to me and what may happen to them.

    Shiva Protect Me.

    Might as well DOXX myself to make sure I can be found, dead in a ditch or in jail cuz I got framed.

    My name is Francois Mario Gilles Brodeur. If you got a problem with things I said, come and have a chat.

    Yes, yes I have the frenchiest name around, don't question my indigenous heritage. Lotta chinks named "William" and such ya know.

    Lel I should just post under my real name and tank any future relationship, business, romantic or otherwise with anyone who does a Google search. That would be hardcore.
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  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    The system iz good. my favorite game is Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, followed by goldeneye. systems are bout 100 bux on ebay now, which is fine but its kinda interesting that the console and the games are worth money again. ( oh what? i'm like a boomer, i remember when N64s were old-news and they only cost a nickel )

    the picture from them looks a lil bit ghetto on modern televisions, might be worth getting the video output modded to give component out or HDMI. kinda want to go full fonaplaps and spend like 600 dollars pimping out a nintendo
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  10. Nile bump
    Fuck it without any research, I'm gonna vote other.

    The GERD is going to result in hard power straight up warfare on the horn. The IMF and other infrastructure banks tried to stop the Ethiopians from damming the Blue Nile(denying loans), Ethiopia funded it alone(bonds and private donations), $4 billion I think. Went ahead with the work. Addis Ababa isn't coming to the table and Sudan and Egypt are getting worried. Water is life and the Nile might as well be Egypt.

    The cabbies I've spoken to about this(Men From The Horn predominantly) have mixed opinions from its just saber rattling for a better deal in electricity, to issues of sovereignty. Ethiopia holds all the cards and is probably thinking on a long term time scale, with climate issues in mind. They wanted 5 seasons to fill the reservoir, Egypt doesn't want that dam to exist at all as it represents an existential threat or a very powerful political weapon that can be switched on and off at will.

    There's my bet.

    Heh, I guess I have a fitting name for this post lel.

    "The dam is 71 per cent complete and when finished in 2023 will be the largest hydroelectric dam in Africa"
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  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    *licks the wall*


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  12. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    my fucking cat wont get off my bed and stares @ me liek 'wtf do u want'

    what do

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  13. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  14. Bradley Florida Man
    So I'm on a bunch of medication for my arthritis namely;
    Folic Acid
    and effexxor

    I have been trying to get 30 ambien a month & klonapin

    When I don't drink, I have really bad anxiety. Not like anxiety attacks (though that does happen sometimes) but an overall feeling of dread, coupled with depression and trying to do my best to be a good person this shit is really difficult for me.

    My goals as recently a month ago were to go back to Uw-Milwaukee, quit drinking and get back on my medication while tryin to come up on a car to share with my girlfriend.

    She's now my ex girlfriend, i live 30 miles away from the university and today's the first day i haven't drank. I live with my mom again and I have an interview in two and a half hours. I'm sweating like a motherfucker and my mom wants me to get rid of my fish tanks cuz they all died while i was out fucking off in Milwaukee for the last six months.

    I don't have any friends in my home town anymore, all of them have moved away or become successful or died. :/ I am talking to this beautiful black girl I went to school with and i'm kinda interested in her but she lives in Fairfax working for the US Navy. I jerk off to her photos a lot and we make small talk everyday, that provides me a small amount of happiness.

    I'm back on my meds which is how i can function to work, but i can't drink on them or there's an issue my liver will shit out. I'm not very scared of that as I don't really fear death but i really would like to not be on dialysis or like be told that I have to get off my arthritis medication because i've destroyed my liver.

    I don't know how I went 3 1/2 years without drinking (2016-2019) but i'm hoping getting this job will help me stay sober.

    I have to go to jail in 3 weeks for a crime i didn't do, only like 34 days but FUCK MAN I hate my life and it's so fucking cold here. I want to go somewhere south like Florida and fish all year round.

    I could be in Florida right now with a bobber and worm in the Gulf of Mexico with an attractive cuban person teaching me spanish.

    I could work at a call center!

    There's so much potential for me there, IDK where fairfax is but if she's in the Navy there's probably water around where she stays at, I could fish there too.

    Eitherway, I hate that it's below freezing, i'm sweating cuz of withdrawal, I have to walk the 3 miles in the cold wind to get interviewed and honestly, I wish I had some weed & pussy but realistically I have 28$ to my name and i have to get my mom a christmas present.

    Fuck my fucking life. Thank you for hearing my bullshit and I appreciate any constructive criticism or honestly feedback.

    The one silver lining is I'm pretty sure I'm getting the job even if it only starts at part time.
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  15. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    i fucking hate last names ending with the syllable 'ski'

    they seem to be ruining everything
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  16. It's started snowing. The city looks amazingly beautiful. Soon it will be the feast day of St. John McCain. Happy neoliberal Christmas to everyone.
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  17. I'm staying in a AirBNB in a swanky new development on John McCain Avenue in Ukraine and eating lunch in a shopping centre. Meanwhile I walk past homeless people literally shivering in the subway. We are close to war with Russia. This is peak neoliberalism. This is the future John wanted for us all.
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  18. Manchin killed the Biden spending bill (which was just the "Platinum Plan" in drag).

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a self-described democratic socialist, alleged Manchin “does not have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests” by voting for the bill. Sanders did not elaborate on who those “powerful special interests” may be.

    Bernie knows the score.
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by WellHung ur a parasite who sucks the govt dry.

    good, they stole my cocaine
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sophie It's not gonna set anything on fire is my guess.

    have you ever put something metal in the microwave? results are pretty funny

    in one episode of archer they open the gas line, freeze a fork in a block of ice and put the block in the microwave as a sort of makeshift timer (ice melts, metal in microwave causes flare-up ignition of gas)

    obviously not meant to be taken seeiously but I still wonder if it'd work
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