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Posts by BummyMofo

  1. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Lannny will you be supporting the Bummy Mothafucker brand???

    it starts here

    beating up some faggotmen right now but i gonna get back to ya with the concept drawings you sell em I get em dollars
  2. BummyMofo African Astronaut
  3. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    wot you say boy
  4. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Pho real chinaguy. Watch ya back, cuz Japan Man is gettin angry I m hearin
  5. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    What ever happened to the KKK
    What ever happened to the Ice Cream Pedophile Van Man with KKK trinkets
    They still out here I know that much I know they out here the motherfuckin chinamen in kahoots with KKK/USA movement. Smh. Japanman gonna stomp yall again and niggas gonna have a big boot to do it with
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I don't get it.

    its crackheads man back on their Biden Boy Hunter Huff KKKUSA shit. oh but don't legalize thc
    fuckin biden bitch.
  7. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    It's gonna be a designer brand like Versace or Gucci

  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    One will be a shirt that says:


    Another that says:


    And another with NaziCoin design on it.

    Also, coffee mugs with Chinky faces and angry azz nigga faces on em

    Comin soon stay tuned I got my boy w/ his media company gettin my designs put in for print. He's on street level so none of this "oh that's too offensive to print" bullshittt lmao

    Fuck a KKK in the USA get the bummy mofo niggas off the streets into mansions thats the DREAM
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Make the world a better place. For the fat black women, give them oreos and send them to the FedoraManLand where Antifa will host gangbangs.

    I seen it. Lizzo gettin GANG BANGED by antifa 4changuys . 4 guys, 1 Lizzo gettin put up like a Turky on Thanksgiving. White antifamen were breaking barriers

    you ever heard of DP?

    this bitch was getting QP'd. Two dicks in her ass, two dicks in her vagina. QP.

    if you wanna improve your life

    sign those fat white hoes up for the gym. pass the fat black hoezers into AntifaTentHoboTown.
  10. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny this is why the white men need tk bring back public lynchings,

    more like chinaman needs to re-enact Tienenman square massacre and put down a bunch of ya nips you takin up too much space
  11. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um he had to have some credit to qualify for the card in the first place…

    AS mentioned he doesn't have to be there for a judgement to be issued against him…

    One day he wont be doing that shit, he'll get a job, he'll file taxes…then he'll pay.

    This is the problem with the dumb dumbs of society you see, they don't think of their future selves…

    Of course it's possible he could remain a complete worthless bastard his whole life or better yet die from his activities…society will be ok with him dying and will see the $$ loss as well worth it.

    Yea hes gonna die eventually. I know for a fact he is gonna remain a worthless bastard. But I find it hilarious he was able to get a credit card, buy a bunch of shit and set himself up, and now he's gonna go to the grave not givin em a cent of that charge back.

    What can ya do when he the one runnin his crew sellin chocolates in empty sneaker boxes to funky black kids.
  12. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    She a hood rat, straight up, and she marrying a ginger white dude with ed sheeran lookin ass

    This guy plays American Pie on his acoustic guitar at summer camps and he likes to chew ice after he done drinking the soda. That much I know about him.

    Idk that isnt sketchy or anything but bruh....this wedding is gonna be hilarious. I might not make it through. Idek how im gonna sit there with a straight look on my face and not burst out laughing during the ceremony. I may have to duck out this one fr I have no clue what to do bc if I go there and I see this bitch in a wedding dress with his ass in a tuxedo im gonna die laughing the moment I walk in.

    What to do what to do
  13. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They have his social security number…they can destroy his credit, take him to court, and garnish his wages/tax refunds etc. He doesn't have to show up for any of that to happen.

    Destroy his credit?
    Nigga had no credit to begin with lmfao

    Take him to court?
    How? Are they gonna come down to where this nigga plays basketball and say "you on basketball court now you go to legal court" and throw him in a van? Try it

    Garnish his wages, tax refunds
    This nigga shoots dice bruh idk how you garnish wages on that. Tax refunds you got me on that one LOL as if a nigga paid tax to refund in the first place 😂😂
  14. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ fuck I've been waiting my whole life for someone to tell me in the infinite money hack. Thank you!

    Real niggas know the truth
  15. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    So a brother of mine has this mastercard, ran it up to its limit right before the expiration date

    Then when the expiration date came he closed his PO box so the mastercard can't send him a new card with the transferred debt

    Now these mastercard motherfuckas with their jungle-jéw bounty hunters can't do shit.

    "Nigga you have to pay your debt"

    "What debt" he says 🤣😂

    What can they doooo LOL
  16. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    drunk dont care i will draw yo azz
  17. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley ya i used to do that too as a child and grab the half finished ones outside businesses from people going in, i've seen people (addicts) take this to whole new levels, in rehab if you put a cigarette out with 1/3 of a cm of tobacco left someone would smoke it

    Crackhead bitches think they're scavengers lol its just gross
  18. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny niggers of a color,

    wallows together.

    Chinky binky
    Come ova an get ya pinky
  19. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Chinkymen have rat faces and eat rat faces


    I saw a nigga high on some K2 Clone Spice shit tonight he kept trying to jump over this table with an ash tray on it and he kept falling and knocking cigarette butts and ashes everywhere and he didn't give a fuck.

    On another occasion I knew a dirty hoe who smoked K2 spice clone a lot and she would go by the bars and look at the ash trays to see if there were cigarette butts that still had some tobacco. Bitch was smoking used cigarettes from God knows where and she would put a piece of spice at the end of it so the spice would mix with the tobacco in the used cigarette butts. Bitch thought it was like a nifty way of getting high i thought it was nasty shit. She can't even afford a glass bowl or a one hitter pipe from the bodega so she just puttin her spice in used cigarette butts and making spice cigarettes that people had already put theyr dirty ass mouths on all ashy and shit

    And this bitch

    Was a filipino chinky bitch she had a daughter who she would send out to go collect unfinished cigarette butts from ash trays so she could make spice joint type shit idek what this bitch had going through her mind like wdf this bitch is thinking

    Do people like that even think at all damn
  20. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    You niggas ever been to a flea market? Shit there is

    Like, crazy
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