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Posts by BummyMofo

  1. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I like the direction that this has gone. But what y'all don't realize is that most of us niggas are NEETs, but we make money by being scummy ass mothafuckas. I buy alcohol for minors, sell weed to tourists, occasionally catfish some betamale ass mothafucka by posing ass a cute lil white bitch and having them send me some money on paypal.

    Y'all "wagecucks" are bitter, need to learn to adopt the real negro lifestyle. I don't even pay no mothafuckin taxes but I have lots of jedielry and video games n shit
  2. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    If you ain't 21 yet and need me to buy you some shit, hmu you just throw $20 my way + whatever it costs for the drink you want
  3. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I make my money by being a mothafuckin hustla. I don't need a fuckin job, that's shit for conformist bitches.
  4. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I just feel so betrayed by our one black president, who was supposedly a smoker of the herb himself at one point. Nigga, the war on drugs is what led to this shit being sold in head shops, so what does he do? Ban it, and doesn't even make weed legal. Fuck a nigga named Barack Hussein Obama.
  5. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    "Loser," he says. Nigga, you can't be tellin' me shit. I ain't got a job because I don't listen to anything nobody says.
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Spice isn't physically addictive, faggot ass lying nigga.

    I do understand your craving it, though. I quit it years ago and I still kinda wanna smoke it. It made everything hilarious and fun.
  7. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I ain't got no mothafuckin job, I just live w/my family and I don't do shit

    can't be the only one here tho, where the bummy niggas @?
  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I remember back in the day you could get that mothafuckin shit at any head shop, then Obama the bitch ass nigga banned it...

    I miss it because it was legal, niggas would freak out on that shit and have psychotic moments, but I could chill w/it

    How could Obama ban this shit but not make regular weed legal? Now a nigga has no way to get legally high... it's fucking bullshit, if you ask me, but I do miss smokin dat spice. Anyone remember this shit?
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    DAAAAAAAMN son, you livin' the dream
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