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Posts by BummyMofo

  1. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see my nigga. ya dig?

    KKK say "we got resources for peoplez who are white and sad*"

    *If you are a sad fat white woman
  2. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Fuckin niggas in space man

    Have you ever noticed what you can do?

    Can you?
    Can ye?
    Kan ye?
    Kanye West niggggaaaaaa Kim K is KKK

    KKK in the USA, thank ya neighbor-whore fatty white bitch for snitch'n to the police now there's no peace
  3. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dumb nigger stopped eating dog meats because masser said so.

    Smh you're looking this shit up on the net huh? Thats such a waste of time and energy and a total disrespect to dogs. You keep making an ass outta yourself vinny at this point i cant say anything to you that could teach you just how fucked up you are
  4. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no dogs or niggers aloud

    That's a lie you eat them dogs up.

    How much you make setting up a chinese food place in a red light district? I bet that shit will make a hundy every hour in business.

    You should let niggas come in then you get your hipster beanie wearin white bitches they follow
  5. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dis nigga be did done noggin n sheeeeit.

    How is ya chinese restaurant buffet workin out in this economy rn? Cant remember last time i had some real good og general tso.

    They dont make em bc niggas an their hipster incelmen 4chanfrog motherfuckas are goin out and makin a scene of it and chinaman dont wanna set up shop there cause its too scary for chinaman.
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Anyways great ..pussy still good.. still eating cake wishing that a bish would.. got my foot up on they necks as a bish should 🎵❤️

    You spittin like Nicki Minaj, me Ima king get my massage

    From a fine chick thick as fuck big butt READY TA SUCK




    Donkey Kong lookin ass niggas still votin for Biden

    I'd rather get a Yacht and go see Poseidon

    Fuck KKK USA motherfuckaz
  7. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat believe nothing you hear my man and only half of what ya see.

    ya dig my jig?

    You sound like a crackhead but ok

    Originally posted by The Earl of Sandwich Nigger

    Nice response really well thought out I can see the Incel Faggotman 4chanfrog University (IF4U) really gave you some knowledge before they stripped ya butt naked shat on your chest and left you to fry in the sun on a Texasman's driveway
  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat The game is to be sold to those worthy enough and told to only a select few.

    R/G, R/B, pick a Hue
    Say the game ain't sold?
    Prolly cause it lookin old
    Lookin gold
    Like ya mammy's teeth afta she sip the urine outta the cup your cop gave ya to put the sample in, ya simpleton faggotman
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Saw me one ef them fat white whales i wanted to throw a harpoon at the bitch

    Instead I gotta step up n switch
    The game
    It aint tha same
    As it was,
    All ya buzz-
    -feed readin'


    Fohanotha Hundred NaziCoin B.-T.-C.-

    Fuckin C.-C.-P.-
    Fuck Xi Jingg Peingg
    I b on dat Live PD Nu Stream, callin
    Themselvez P.D. Cam?
    Wellllll C.D.e'se NUTZZZZ nigga
    I ain't hate it was tho
    Put them cops on ya tv show
    We gonna win gonna stompem flat BREAK UM INNNNN

    We tha new Mafia but we not eatin pizza
    Come get a piece'a DISSS YOU FAGGOTMAN KKK SONUVABITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm out. Fuck a fat white bitch in da mouth
    Cuz I aint gonna go down south
    Y'all already know what's down there....

    To all them bummy niggas STILL CASHIN IN ON WELFARE


    Suck my nuts lick my butt it aint so sof'

    Faggotmen 4chanarmy Incelguys Elliot Rodger Dodgin' bullets in tha trannymatrix

    Hatred become the HATRIX

    I got enough pubes in my GOOCH nigga
    Ta weave you a new sweater and put ya mammy on blas' cus she datin that wigga

    Fuck um


    CCP eat a dik

    KKK Incelmen get flushed down quick

    With a giant turd thatya mammy preserved from ya potty trainin days, fuckin sick

    Twisted fat white hoes

    Lick um. Deez nutz boi
  10. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein 2 girls that normally car pool with some other girl are wanting me to take them home tonight so they can ride in my new car…


    Car full of hawt chicks …don’t wait up fuys.. I’ll be home a lil later ❤️


    Can yall fit me in there
  11. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley u wanna hang out with me in well hung in a couple months? We're gonna do it at dayton beach or some shit? I'm in Miami.

    Maybe if you have somm psychedelic shit im trying to get my jimi hendrix game goin here i got ideas i just need somethin to get em goin
  12. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Cant say man but out here I jus got off in tallahassee fl, niggas were smokin clone on the bus straight up smokin that k2
  13. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Nazi guys out here kickin the blacks and the chinamans out. They settle with the MexxiMen and get all close an shit.

    Fucking KKK suck my dick and chinaman go kill Winnie the Pooh dictator Xi Jinpingus. PENGUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley This is the best thread you've ever made. I'm gonna do some RoboTablets after I get out of rehab to reward myself. I never heard of them before.

    I used to drink Delsym (Orange) mixed with Monster Energy drinks. It was TERRIBLE!~!~!~!~ (tasting) but fuck man did I love that shit when I was growing up. I never would do it more than a couple times a year. Haven't done it in 3 years.

    I'm excited!~!~!~

    100 tablets for 24$ on Amazon, 40mg each, that's 25x 400mg highs @ 1$ a piece

    Bummy, what city are you in?

    I also used to use K2 but stopped after my first prison bid, AM2201 will forever be in my heart (perhaps literally) <33333

    I like to watch people smoke the shit and what it does to them, their mind, and their body, both after smoking it and after prolonged use, it just gets more and more lulzy.

    Highly addictive unless you never go back to smoking it, but who am i kiddin!~!~! i'm a white boy and would take a hit and start mumbling too prolly, not sure.

    Not gonna use it again, but I will TRIP BAWLZ at the beach on bundy despite that I'm an adult. You caused me to feel this today, Mofo, and I appreciate this thread.

    Good lookin out , tell em KKKs who give ya tha spyce to bake ub da SynthetiCcloneBoneK-2 for my boy who is right now buying white sugar donuts........i think he gonna mix some white donut sugardust in that K2 an smoke it bing bang boom you got a stim+ addition in ya hits

    Smoke em up boiii
  15. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Owwwww shit these white guys i seen mixin spice with that fent shit

    Talk about weirdo behavior i seen a chinaman do the same mix and he was trying to climb a wall by putting sticky shit on his feet and hands an be like some spiderman shit LOL the fuckin chinakkkboy prolly made up a foot before he faceplanted and got a black eye
  16. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Lmao that's nasty. But yeah them shits are the best, little pellets and they're like 40 mg each since it's freebase and not hbr

    You ever fuck wt delsym? Back in my youth i had grape delsym drank on deck an i put a little chaser in that shit an it would go down nice and clean. Cant be doin that shit rn tho Im just taking a break from all that and tryin to get back to Vegas so I can make some cash baby
  17. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster You ever had Robotablets

    Na i had a homeboy who loved em would use them like beans and make a burrito not even lyin it was his stunt and bitches would laugh but he get high as fuck and not be able to get an erection
  18. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Incelman sellin that clone K2 Spice shit downtown niggas are TRIPPIN FUCKIN HARD TODAY LMFAO. Saw a white boy smokin tht spice shit he was wearin nothing but a blue tony the tiger tshirt. He ran up to someone with his dick out and this other bummy nigga in sunglasses punched him in the throat. Bam. I think he got right back up not more than 10 seconds after tho

    Shit is like crack for white people

    Spice spice baby. Its da wytekidd w33d420 KKK blazeit.

    Niggas are laughin but not like my cousin aint on crack himself so I guess the jokes on everyone

    And chinaman is off huffin paint. Knew a chinaboy who shoplifted tons of that duster shit daily, would go through cans of it im surprised his head didnt blow tha fuk up.

    Well i guess niggas an bitches ain't gotta worry cause we are alllllll fucked up rn
  19. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders I fucking hate post covid human interaction

    Everyone has gone insane

    No Lie some white girl the other night asked "Sir I Politely Request You Wear a Mask"
    But she was like 300 pound bitch with skrillex hair
    i tell her to go get her mammy to bring me a mask i'll put it on if she aint busy fuckin with 10 of the nazimen down the street
  20. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Everyone can go fuck themselves but Joe Biden will always be naked with children touching his hairy legs.

    welll shit boy you aint wrong. that faggot ass motherfucka will prolly be in his death bed with corpses of dead raped young male prostitutes.

    Originally posted by Rape Monster the only thing you put up anyone's ass is dildos up ur own, cum sucker

    Says you FAGGOTMAN i aint doing any of that faggot shit you incelguys are doing over on reddit or 4Mans or wherever you homoguys go
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