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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Hmmm then this is a quandary that clearly needs resolution before we can proceed much further. Either she's a woman pretending to be a man occasionally or he's a man who dresses as a women and likes dick regularly...which is it, only dated photographic proof is the answer.
  2. Originally posted by joerell A homosexual psychopath demanding nudes from men now…fucking loser. LMAO.

    You've yet to prove you're a man. The naked pics will help...possibly.
  4. This was mine

  5. Originally posted by SpatianHaigency ….

    If you want to make some money just look at my predictions everyday and bet the opposite.
  6. wow...who'd have thunk it.

    All these tinpot teams doing well kind of gives England a real chance (in my mind) of actually having a possibility of winning it.
  7. I in a parallel universe..

    Sweden beat mexico 3-0 and korea beating Germany 2-0 with a min or two to go...
  8. woah...I just checked the unbelievable!
  9. Yes, though I think the Panama game wasn't really a good measure of performance (kind of like England vs a local pub team). The Germany/Sweden game was the best so far (that I've watched).
  10. Hello sexy.
  11. Originally posted by X💖X💖X Ahhh my knee probably. Yea, from walking around the building, during breaks and lunch, without changing into sneakers. At least I think that’s what it’s from. It’s feeling slightly better, thanks for asking. 💋

    Lets have a look at it, also include the upper thigh area as pain often travels...
  12. Originally posted by joerell It's also a fact that even though a slob may be knowledgeable advice is useless unless he can prove it works.

    The proof if you required it would simply be a reference to the supporting documentation he was basing his advice on...not his physical appearance....lololol

    Would you like a shovel to dig yourself deeper in a more efficiency manner?
  13. Originally posted by joerell In your opinion…

    Again no, it's fact. A persons appearance and behavior has nothing to do with their level of knowledge. Steven Hawking for example (when he was alive)
  14. Originally posted by joerell I know a few from Iran, Iraq and overseas

  15. Originally posted by tee hee hee Oh boys..that was more "tongue in cheek"!

    Try tongue on ballsack next time.
  16. Originally posted by joerell True…however if you ever take a look at diet courses and tests for Drs and nurses you'll see what a joke they are…only skilled medical staff who do further research and updates for better knowledge and sure most don't. Like I said pick the Dr you wish and whether you want to learn more is up to you.

    Which again has nothing to do with whether they are fat or smoke...
  17. Originally posted by joerell In your opinion…

    Well no it's fact you don't have to actively take part in something to be educated and knowledgeable about it.

    I'd rather have a skilled and qualified Dr who actually updates his knowledge with recent research and doesn't just prescribe drugs by trial and error.

    Irrelevant to the discussion, a fat smoking doctor could be knowledgeable and up to date on the research...simply because he is not employing it to himself personally doesn't mean he isn't fully qualified.

    Most smokers know smoking is bad for them..they still do it.
  18. Originally posted by tee hee hee Just lock up all white men right? Problem solved…

    The first "famous" school shooting was a girl. When asked why she did it she responded "I don't like Mondays"

    The Boomtown Rats hit song "I don't like Mondays" was about it. If you were an old fuck like me you'd know that.

  19. Originally posted by joerell No not a desperate loser like yourself.

    Gayness and butthurt confirmed.
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