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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. A small willy wouldn't really change ones "octave"...a large one would most definitely result in a higher "octave"...if you put your whistle in my bottom area I'd probably not notice it, but if you gave me a rusty trombone...
  2. I think people have gotten dumber over the years not smarter, I know back in the day before t'internet and cell phones etc I was a lot smarter. It took the internet to show me how dumb I really was.
  3. Of course the correct response to such an "accusation" should be "don't try to categorize me by gender or color you asshole, I identify as colorless Mongoose."
  4. good heavens.
  5. Originally posted by tee hee hee Lol you make terrible predictions nanannana

    This tournament is out of the ordinary..well except for the bit when Poland went out.
  6. Originally posted by benny vader i dont have a choice in that either.

    the sound i make depends on the length and girth of the thing im struck with.

    your thing made me high falsetto.

    very high.

    You just complimented him.
  7. Not sure if that's a white woman or a white man in that gif...
  8. Originally posted by Manonfire Jose u don't want to know her

    manofire, you have a bit of fluff on your upper lip
  9. ^ it's about as insulting as being called a
  10. Originally posted by tee hee hee Jer, next time tell her, "you can't fire me, I QUIT!!!"

    Jer is the customer. He is paying for her services. She cannot therefore fire him and he cannot quit, he can fire her or she can quit.
  11. Originally posted by tee hee hee Actually, anyone with even "a drop" of white in them would be using the "white privilege"…to get all those white privilegessss.


    That's nigger talk, a person with white privilege doesn't abuse it like a nigger would.
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL Because every single person in Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked to the point of hopelessness. Not everyone on the planet is wicked.

    Well if you believe in Sodom and Gomorrah it follows you'd believe in the idea of original sin...making everyone wicked.
  13. Originally posted by benny vader why dont you put your money where your mouth is.

    my pockets.

    they are already full of small change.
  14. and has a 'safe place' free from white privilege and the patriarchy
  15. It's perfectly acceptable to say it on skype too. Though I tend to say "seeya" or "ta-raa" on skype
  16. Originally posted by joerell No not flirting…

    Previously on

    and is jealous of him flirting with other women.
  17. Originally posted by Archer513 we Need an illegal,transgender,homosexual,flat earther,gender fluid messican mass shooter for the win 👍🏻

    Who is also vegan.
  18. Well there we have it. Joerrel is clearly a woman or...or a man who thinks he's a woman and chats up married black men online.
  19. Perhaps a mass shooting at a Texas border immigration holding facility for kids? ETA: by one of the white male border patrol agents.
  20. Originally posted by benny vader its from fools like you that the mafias got richer.

    What's wrong with making people wealthier? You're just mad the Mafia gets more publicity than the Triads.
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