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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by tje2607 She started thinking you was hot and wants your D

  2. Originally posted by Manonfire I dont get hardons

    You should probably eat more veggies and work out a little.
  3. Originally posted by šŸæ Icelandā¤

    Shame they didn't get to the next round...amazing they qualified though with a population of only 330,000
  4. Argentina go through after all!
  5. Originally posted by šŸæ Worse.

    Would you like to share your story with us and we'll listen thoughtfully and without judgement?
  6. Originally posted by šŸæ My view point on police officers has drastically changed.

    for better or worse?
  7. Originally posted by benny vader repeat after me :

    there can not be a civil war in america, or anywhere else for that matter unless and until a majority of its citizens go to sleep hungry at night every night.


    All they'd have to do is shut all the mcdonalds for 2 days...those fat fucks would be revolting (in both ways)
  8. Originally posted by benny vader vacuum cleaners get rid of them permanently.

    Meanwhile at Benny's house...

  9. Originally posted by Dfg My wife and I split up in 2012/2013. She had a daughter from a previous relationship when I met her and that girl became my step daughter until the divorce.

    After the divorce my ex continued to use drugs and I got clean in March 2013.

    Couple years later, my former step daughter gets into major trouble / heroin addiction and gets taken from my ex wife by Child protective services for severe neglect (age 16) Thatā€™s when I got full custody of our 13mo boy and 7yo girl. My step daughter didnā€™t like group homes at all and asked to come live with me and her half siblings so I said yes. This was feb / March of 2016.

    Fast forward and things are moving along, and November rolls around and my mother suddenly faints at the school she teaches at overseas and it turns out that it is brain cancer and itā€™s really really bad. 5cm tumors. Plural. In the brain. That was thanksgiving day 2016. 30 days later my stepdaughter goes missing and had relapsed on heroin and the first clue to her whereabouts was pictures of her on backpage being sold as an underaged sex worker. The fbi got involved as itā€™s super illegal to post naked / sell women under the age of 18 online. They have a exploited children task force. My profession is cyber security and online forensics as well as being a former Marine so for three weeks I tracked everything down that I could and that lead me to finding her at a shady house at 1am just north of the downtown area of a major US city. A Top 10 US city.

    The cops didnā€™t believe the ā€œcrazyā€ father right away but when they raided the house 2 hours later they found her and took her to the hospital. Long stint in rehab and sheā€™s been doing a lot better.

    After I found her, and after those three weeks were done, m ex-mother in law came to stay with me and my younger kids and I barely left my bed for a month. It took me months to cry. I started havin nightmares about random motels and watching through the eyes of other men, finding and paying and sleeping with my own kid. But itā€™s not me, Iā€™m stuck having to watch and when I wake up and fall back asleep the dream would continue.

    I lost my job. Couldnā€™t keep things together and in August of last year I attempted suicide when I had to face the reality that I couldnā€™t take care of my children anymore. They left with cps under a voluntary order as they call it. Much better that I did that than have them taken. I went to the VA hospital and was admitted to the psych ward for a week.

    Itā€™s been a rough couple years Recovering drug addict Single dad of really young kids Foster / step daughter gets sold into prostitution when she didnā€™t have the money to pay her dealer back.

    Itā€™s been almost 11 months since the suicide attempt and even telling people the story seems to mess up their worldview and catches people off guard completely. I barely go out anymore and was able to get my kids out of foster care after being gone for three months. I have a job that I love but am suddenly noticing that my short term and medium to long term memory is in shambles. Iā€™ve been in fight or flight / mission mode for multiple years now and Iā€™m not sure how to move forward. 35yo single male, full time employed, no family anywhere nearby and I cry randomly or intermittently, and feel like Iā€™m just barely hanging on. No real end in sight and I would really love for someone to tell me how to be happy again.

    Taken from Reddit, not me.

    Forgot to put in the link. Basically MALICE, you're not the only one dealing with issues. You can make it work.

    I never believed the letters I read in your magazine...until one day at the grocery store...
  10. Originally posted by Archer513 I can piss into hurricane force winds and never catch a drop

    Power my sons…power šŸ˜Ž

    That's because you crouch.
  11. Just figure out what human consciousness really is and then how to upload it to a computer/robot and you're immortal.

    They already put a worms brain in a lego would be a niggers brain.
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL Just because you don't know someone doesn't make them unimportant.

    Well it does to me.
  13. A usb microscope for working on circuit boards...and maybe looking at my swimmers
  14. Originally posted by joerell If pissing in the wind lessens your anger you're out of luck considering I always use washrooms.

    I always let the wind fly when taking a leak at the urinal.
  15. So who is posting on her twitter account then?
  16. Always amusing when someone needs help wiping their ass.
  17. Originally posted by Kinks Wtf is up with all you dh dudes and being on a suicide mission lol

    The irony
  18. That ass definitely needs motorboating.
  19. Say it isn't so /head shaking emote goes here
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