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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Kinks I literally rejoined this place after the DH refugee crisis for the sole purpose of trolling them to try and save my precious home from going completely to hell.

    HTS is right. Us niggas must do what we do best. I mean, theyโ€™re either gonna learn how to hang or theyโ€™re gonna leave. Thatโ€™s what I figured lol.

    I figure within a year most of the nigs will have ODed or committed suicide and this place will be ours by default.
  2. no please don't bring mullet here...
  3. Originally posted by Archer513 Whereโ€™s yours?


    ETA: and "waiting to sit on your face" would be the right answer)
  4. I blame the Asians.
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby not true. thats like saying true drug addicts like all drugs. you can be a true addict and not like smoking the clacka

    a true drug addict WILL try anything, just as an alcoholic will drink anything. Sure they might have a preference..but that wont stop them drinking a free miller lite...same with a sex addict, they will fuck anything...but could have a preference.
  7. Originally posted by jer3552 she was very nice about it, but would not reschedule me for another appt….she wanted me to be a success using he rules…I understand but I'm going to continue my way, but will eventually do her diet plan

    You should have said "So I suppose a blow job is out of the question then" after she finished 'firing' you.
  8. Originally posted by jedi_darryl What are those??๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

  9. Originally posted by Manonfire Finally an actual real reply to the thread
    Thanks Arche
    Dontellem she was from dh when she inboxed me?

    Yep she was I remember her, she posted in Sex & Dating chat subforum, Archer didn't go in there much he stayed in the Knitting and craftwork subforum mostly.

    She's got a nice body no doubt...but you know lets not lessen these beautiful women to nothing more than a cattle sale...lets celebrate them as the wonderful human beings they are.

    (I accept unsolicited nude pics ladies)
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist i hear their cheese is proper poop an all


    Can't get a good crumbly Cheshire for love nor money and they think Blue Stilton is a skin disease.
  11. Wore them everywhere, school, the disco, garden hopping, the pool hall, skateboarding (1st generation). We didn't have a roller rink
  12. Real sex addicts don't care who they have sex with, men, women, animals...I wouldn't be so eager therefore to claim to be one.
  13. Originally posted by Zanick You apparently named your cat after mine. Expect a lawsuit, motherfucker.

    Mine is 13yrs old...yours?
  14. Originally posted by Daddyissues That's exactly how I remember them. Oh how I miss the good ol days at the roller gardens.

    I had fluorescent green laces in mine ftw.

    I googled a 70s pair, they are close but not quite right. Still, near enough...mine were all white though...I don't remember the green (or blue) on them.

  15. Originally posted by Zanick When I tell my cat she's a "pretty kitty" or a "good kitty" she knows these are excellent things for her to be. Cue meowing, rubbing up against my legs, etc. It's important to give her vocal praise. But sometimes I tell her she's a "pretty good kitty" when I'm feeling clumsy with words or just want to abbreviate. One could say I've referred to her as a cat who is pretty and good, which I think is more consistent with her outlook on the subject, or that I've merely said that she's okay as a cat. From her perspective, I have showered here with a plurality of excellences, but a sober, human analysis of my syntax has told me that I place my cat just steps away from mediocrity. It's superior to be a cat, in this case, reaping higher praises and whatnot, but I'd like to modify the language I use with her anyway. She is an excellent kitty, and I don't want there to be any disputing this.

    My cats name is also "kitty"...coincidence?
  16. Apparently they still make em!

    ...that's not how they looked back in the late 70s/early 80s though so not sure why they call them "orginals"
  17. Originally posted by X๐Ÿ’–X๐Ÿ’–X Iโ€™ll have to google Stan Smithโ€™s. No clue what those are.

    They were "big" in England...he was a famous(American) Tennis Player back when it wasn't gay.
  18. Originally posted by Manonfire That's not kinks name friend

    Check for Polyps while you're up there!
  19. Ah Adidas Kick used to be the shoes of choice back when I was a young-fella-me-lad...that and Stan Smith's.
  20. 30yr olds who still live at home with mom.
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