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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by joerell Most are unfit and even smokers and drinkers.

    This has little to do with how qualified to give advice they are. Just as a football coach can be a arthritic old fart who can't run 10 doesn't impede his knowledge of how to strategize a game. Being a fat/smoking doctor just means you are not applying your knowledge to doesn't detract from the value/accuracy of the knowledge.
  2. Darts

  3. Originally posted by joerell Like you begging for nudes on your knees.👍

    Gayness confirmed.
  4. Originally posted by tee hee hee Wonder how much that cost the city….

    A fabulous amount..
  5. Originally posted by joerell It's not an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance…Pole is truly a liar and sociopath as Jill stated. If this is boring and tiresome for you go buy some more shoes or find better entertainment. I see you addressed me first and not Pole the abuser. I find your comment bias and why you're boring and tiresome.

    boo fucking hoo.
  6. My brother lived in Brazil for 2 yrs (Soa Paulo) a number of years ago overseeing the building of a Motorola factory there. He stayed in a fancy hotel the whole time and they told him not to go out on his balcony because residents of the nearby shanty town often took "pot shots" at the hotel...sure enough he went out on the balcony (as one would) and there were bullet holes in the walls.
  7. Personally I don't see the correlation between crossing the road and being a faggot that requires "pride crosswalks". I guess the faggots are offended by regular crosswalks.
  8. Originally posted by stl1 It takes leather balls to play Rugby.

    Um this is the "soccer" world cup not rugby.
  9. Butthurtness confirmed.
  10. Originally posted by stl1 So, tell us all about your extensive knowledge of the Richmond area.

    While I've never had an interest in actually going to such areas, I'm sure there are some good stories to be told, Boo.

    Lots of nightspots and restaurants.

    I figure you'd be more interested in the Montrose area though...

    "Houston will be the site of the state’s first rainbow-colored LGBTQ Pride crosswalks—at Westheimer Road and Taft Street in Montrose—which are set to be installed this weekend in advance of the city’s LGBT Pride festival and parade on June 24."
  11. Todays games

    Korea - Germany
    Sweden - Mexico
    Serbia -Brazil
    Switzerland - Costa Rica.

    Not much to say about that, Germany, Mexico and Brazil for wins...Switzerland - Costa Rica..don't really care.
  12. Originally posted by joerell Thanks for confirming you are.

    You're welcome (and a little butthurt)
  13. Originally posted by tee hee hee Is op rightguy???😒😒

    Only you know if he is the right guy for you.
  14. Well school is out for the summer so we might have to wait till September.
  15. Originally posted by J.P.W Good place to live.


    Average, Missouri City is about 10 miles from where I work. Our contract engineer has his place there so I go often. It's a bit dull/bleak but close to the beltway so you can get anywhere in Houston pretty fast and not too far from the Richmond area for the nightlife (or Montrose area if you're a faggot)
  16. Walmart sells running shoes for like $10, (George brand). I buy those.
  17. The term "false flag" is an annoying buzz term that is now overused. Lets hope those who use it are involved (on a victim level) in the next mass shooting.
  18. Originally posted by joerell I agree Pole is a liar and a sociopath.

    Well just about everyone on an internet forum is.
  19. From Aldi, 1 x 12 pack Diet cola, 2x lettuce, 1x box of mushrooms, 1x carton of cream, 2x 8oz packets of extra sharp cheddar, 1 packet of breakfast sausage links.
  20. That's obviously not taking in a Texas Walmart car parking the "disabled" (re: fat fucks) line up waiting for one to come free.
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