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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by jer3552 celebrating with a bowl of chopped kale and cottage cheese….I call it my kattage cheese….

    My god you know how to party.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve always understood you were an equal opportunity shit talker

    I like that, I'm going to add it to my resume.
  4. Originally posted by aldra depends on the missile

    the ABM network was meant to make a lot of money and not much else

    The Russkis have 20/30/40yr old missiles...any of which could be shot down long before they got here. I doubt very much the current gen technology to do so is public knowledge.
  5. Originally posted by tee hee hee You self centered bastard! !

    Yeah so? duh.
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Jesus…talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for thread topics…REPORTED.

    Would thank
  7. about scraping the bottom of the barrel for thread topics...REPORTED.
  8. huh?
  9. Kids and their toys...
  10. Originally posted by S6x If Nibiru is on a constant orbit with earth's path then it would of slammed into our planet long ago and destroyed it back then. fake news.

    but an unstable Russian Nuclear Defense network exists. it failed in 1983. it happened 2 other times (though not as intense as 1983 where an actual ICBM launched and had to be self destructed 1200 miles out)

    If it happened before.. it can happen again. especially with the Democrats trying to agitated them over the voting tampering they claim.

    It's ok, any singular missile fired at the US would never make it...would be shot out of the sky long before it got here.
  11. Italian meatballs and salad
  12. Originally posted by stl1 Sandpaper isn't good enough for you?

    This is hotel Bastardos, we used barbed want wet wipes or sandpaper? go hotel gayboy.
  13. Remember the time I said "I'm not angry, I'm disappointed..."
  14. Are you familiar with a material called "horse shit"...the Nibiru thing is of similar material...hope that helps.
  15. Originally posted by tee hee hee I'd marry whoever has the most coolest stuff so I can have half when we divorce mmmmk?

    That's not the case in many states, Texas for example you only qualify for half of what was accumulated DURING the marriage. In other words the 10 mil I already have is wont get any of it.
  16. Originally posted by Manonfire Can someone pls explain who the fuk Matt is !????

    Matt is wellhung

  17. Originally posted by joerell BREAKING NEWS NASA announces! RED ALERT!!! NIBIRU PLANET X to pass Earth On 21st July 2018!

    2 days to go...
  18. yup...just make sure there are a lot of cars though parked up...(so you know there is a lot of guests and they wont remember them all).

    Best Western are good about not giving a fuck.
  19. Originally posted by WellHung And utilizing them free of charge… wud anyone care to join me? (Ladies preferred)

    the free breakfast bar motel chains have are good too when you are on the road. Just find a chain you know has a free breakfast bar, pull over and walk in like you stayed there last night

  20. Me too.
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