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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Consider yourself told.
  2. Originally posted by DontTellEm You? 😂🤔

    Not me mistress, you'll not see me posting on here during the weekends or evening. I have better things to do with my napping or yelling at small children.
  3. Romania.
  4. Originally posted by DontTellEm Thank God u have "niggas in space" to occupy ur company time. 😊

    Fixed...what kind of loser posts on here on their own time..lololol
  5. Originally posted by stl1 Has anyone seen that video of the 21 year old waitress who body slammed a customer who grabbed her ass?

    He was there with his wife and two kids.

    Boo, post it for Gramps, please.

  6. Originally posted by Manonfire U so rite good sir

    U are my mentor now hung

    Another generations begins...It's heartwarming...grandson.
  7. Originally posted by Archer513 Every guy has gotten fattyfished

    Those fucking angles…fatties know their trick angles. 👍🏻

    It’s always a feeling of “fuuuuuuuuck…not this again”

    When they waddle into the bar and you kinda recognize their face.

    Thay see you right off the bat too…no sneaking out the back.

    A couple of years later (and obviously still feeling burned) I was going on a blind date that a friend and his g/f set me up on.

    obviously the girl said "Oh she's really pretty you'll like her"

    ..I asked the guy "so she looks ok?"

    He said..."Well, she's not a boot"

    I canceled the blind date.
  8. Originally posted by tee hee hee ….you skipped over the abortion! @jigg

    That was someone else.
  9. Originally posted by Red_Woman How did it end?

    Naturally I was the perfect gentleman.

    It was a hot day, she kissed me and the sweat from her upper lip drizzled into my mouth...The plan was for me to stay the weekend...we did stuff around London for a few hours and then went back to her house...the whole time I was thinking how to get out of it...She physically abused me on her sofa and then said lets go up to bed...I said I felt ill and asked to use the bathroom.

    I stayed in there for 20 mins shaking and whimpering. I eventually came out and said I was sorry but I was deathly sick and needed to leave.

    The next day was my birthday and she called to say "happy birthday, thanks for coming, and I hope you feel better"...I hung up on her.
  10. I learned not to believe internet photos back in 1993 when I met a chick in London I'd been chatting to on Compuserve (if anyone remembers that) for 6 months...her pic said 120...the thing waiting at the train station in london when I got off was 250...that was the end of my online dating career before most of you even started!

    I still remember getting off the train and looking around for her, not seeing her but seeing this blob jumping up and down waving..and thinking "oh no..."
  11. Originally posted by Archer513 True,but if you’re claiming you’re less fat and ugly,and are not,then abuse is sure to follow.

    No one likes a hypocrite 😂

    But DID she make such a claim...simply using old pics doesn't make that claim, it's the viewer who made an assumption based on this pic. I mean if I used a pic of spongebob squarepants would people assume it was really me?. If she never actually said "btw guys I'm still this hot, young and slim" then there is no hypocrisy...there is only assumption on the part of the viewer.

  12. Originally posted by Manonfire It's beinf a hypocrite u kno this

    I guess it could be seen as hypocritical IF you were a fat fuck and denied it...but if you happily embrace your hippo-like appearance then it's not hypocrisy to then ridicule the excess fat rolls of others.

    To be honest an ugly insulting an ugly is a much more acceptable situation than a hotty insulting an they are on a level playing field.
  13. In her defense shit talking other people has nothing to do with how the self looks

    I mean if you call someone a fat ugly fuck...and they are in fact a fat ugly fuck...what the abuser looks like doesn't change the facts people!.
  14. Originally posted by Archer513 If you don’t know us,then why not be honest?

    You got busted using old pics,shit talked other women,got your balls busted…

    Why not come clean.

    What happened?

  15. Originally posted by DontTellEm If I were insecure ( I am somewhat, cuz I'm a woman)
    I would honestly be hurt.

    I don't know u ppl.

    Ignore them baby and come back to bed.
  16. Working is for the birds and 99%-ers, be independently wealthy.
  17. She's taking all this abuse very well, that's worth some kudos points.
  18. Originally posted by tee hee hee I can post it for youuuuuu!!!!

    You can't even post your own profile pic without getting me to help you..lololol
  19. Originally posted by DontTellEm Post a recent pic. Lol 🤔
    Without a enhancement ya kook ass failure.😋

    I'm scared.
  20. ...and once more after discovering the music of Tupac

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