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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by jedi_darryl If said child have these attributes, then most likely failed at having a successful relationship with anyone during the future.

    Success is measured by the subject not the's my choice to be anti social!!....oh wait..
  2. Originally posted by Archer513 Anyone dumb enough to spill all your intimate,personal bullshit to some “internet friend”

    Raise your hand….

    Remind me, what brand of wet wipes you use?
  3. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Yes. The man who has intercourse aggressively and uneasily will produce children who are irritable and untrustworthy. But, if the intercourse is done with great love and desire on both sides, the child will be of great intellect.

    What if the child is irritable, untrustworthy and has great intellect?
  4. Originally posted by jedi_darryl On topic: if hate is the epitome of evil

    It' isn't. One might hate child rape for example...does that make one evil?
  5. Originally posted by Manonfire Ive never seen a group of people so hung up on ppl online u guts been doing this for months

    YEARS...we were kind of hoping this kind of shit was gone along with DH...
  6. Originally posted by Archer513 =

    Things that no woman in the history of the world has ever said:

    “You know what I think is hot? A guy with no teeth.

    This is one of those gender differences...

    A gummy woman is always welcome.
  7. Originally posted by stl1 The hell with your skin tone.

    I just want to see your skin.

    Send nekkid pics!

    Big hug, my friend.

    Filthy old man
  8. Originally posted by POLECAT did you guys know teeth are the only thing that gives a person bad breath

    Not true young fella-me-lad

    "If you experience persistent bad breath, the cause may come from deep in the digestive system. "
  9. Originally posted by tee hee hee It's so strange how i dont even know your names but i know of your bathroom habits hmmm.

    You know my name and you've listened to my bathroom habits.
  10. The hottest women are always fucked up in the head...that's the natural order of things.
  11. I plan on uploading my consciousness to a 32k Commodore PET
  12. I never understood the "kiss my ass" line from a woman...(unless she's a munter of course) I mean who doesn't want to kiss a womans ass?
  13. Originally posted by mmQ God that'd be weird if Christianity was real and I fucked it all up.

    You'll be fine as long as you accept Jesus as your savior on your deathbed, until they continue to sin....Jesus died for our sins so it's only fair that we continue sinning to ensure his sacrifice was not in vain.
  14. UK has great curry houses too, can't get a good curry in Texas for love nor money.
  15. She's a fine woman
  16. The tongue of an illegal Mexican maid lubricated with her tears is also a good cleaning method.
  17. REAL men wipe with barbed wire.
  18. Originally posted by esbity Lying and cheating to move up at a job but abiding by all laws.

    Being honest at a job but committing crimes.

    They are both acceptable methods if you don't get exposed.
  19. You tend to hear cig or ciggy more than fag these days from the British.
  20. "Fancy lad" > Faggot

    "you're nowt but a fancy lad eh?"
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