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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. No point calling the cops, by the time they show up the offender will be gone. I find keying the car works well instead.
  2. A bunch of us went "shark" fishing a few years ago in the Gulf...we paid $100 each about 15 of us and the boat captain took us 12 miles out...and then just followed shrimp boats as all the little 3ft sharks hung behind them looking for scraps.

    We all caught one of these 'pretend' sharks and felt a bit ripped off. They provided the rods and the line tension on my reel was set at like if you got anything on it flew off the reel all dramatic like. I was adjusting my tension and the guy ran over "what are you doing...don't do that"...I said "umm dude you have like 30lb line on here and the tension is at 10lbs...why"...

    I guess they are used to idiots going on the boat and not knowing a fucking thing about fishing.

    Anyway when we got back to shore there was a dude there filleting for $5 so had him fillet my "pretend" shark and stuck it in my freezer, about 6 months later I found it and deep fried it and it was surprisingly good.
  3. Of course.
  4. Originally posted by WellHung My favorite shark is the shortfin mako. It's a pelagic shark. Hbu?

    Might favorite is slightly battered and deep fried.
  5. Never had you pegged as a faggot pole...
  6. Originally posted by BummyMofo Ok, imagine she's as fat as Adele is. In fact, let's just say she's Adele but without the fame and half the money (but still enough to support you)

    Also mind you her father is still a gangster. Russian mob or something like that.

    Marry her y/n?

    No, Adele looks like one of those crazy bitches that would always be yelling/crying and begging you not to leave.
  7. House shoes and chocolate pudding cups.
  8. Originally posted by ~L J~ Maybe this will work, aldra. Sorry, I’m kinda retarded with electronics lol.

    The video isn’t a big deal but if that’s him, jeeze he’s a weirdo.

    Looks tarded. When I watched the original video I thought it was an old man.
  9. 7.12mins into a 24hr day.
  10. Live by the sword die by the sword etc...You want to get violent expect a violent response.
  11. Like flaccid peni resting on a fluffy down pillow.
  12. Good lord
  13. Originally posted by Archer513 Fat bitches be goin through the drive thru when you ain’t around

    They can throw away the evidence,but that French fry smell lingers…

    Who hasn't found a hidden dingdong wrapper in their girls panty drawer at one point or another.
  14. Maybe you should take this opportunity then.
  15. Thanks Son, $270...a drop in the ocean for me of means like me.
  16. R

    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q Ridiculous?


    I was thinking "rotund"
  17. Now why would you want to handle another mans Wilhelm Mr RnR?

  18. Outer Mongolian's not giving a flying fuck about NIS but wondering where the bitches be at.
  19. Boo fucking they say in Outer Mongolia.
  20. He probably doesn't have the bus fair.
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