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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. The transsexual transgressions of a shirt lifter...
  2. Originally posted by ~L J~

    I doubt that's true...women after all bleed and sharks like that.

    If you had 50 women in the water and 50 men I think it would be pretty even unless it was time of the month and they were all synchronized then it would be mostly women for lunch
  3. Foreplay lol...grabbing the shirt when the tits out out and saying "look at these! come play with them"...and you reply "Oh wow, this cotton is really soft"
  4. Originally posted by jedi_darryl You guys, are blowing this way out of proportion. It was just a stupid board game. The shouldn't be any discrimination whether Sophie is a tranny or not. I only challenged her, I mean him, to prove my self worth. Not because I wanted to bang her-him..whatever it is. This is absurd.

    You were a pawn to the Queen.
  5. Originally posted by ~L J~ This…

    Um..what kind of faggot grasps onto the shirt rather than the actual tits...
  6. "She kindly asks for privacy for the sake of her family.”

  7. It stops when you say "fuck it"
  8. He played chess with a tranny while thinking about playing with it's chest.
  9. Darryl, Assume everyone online is a dude until proven otherwise.
  10. Originally posted by chzbrgr I stopped shaving my armpits because my skin is sensitive and it's painful for me.

    Gross...use nair or something...Jesus...
  11. Niggers seem to be in their element at the store, blocking aisles with their cart and not moving when you want to get passed or just holding up the line at checkout...not having their money ready...spending 3 mins going through their bag looking for it, asking their nigger accomplice if they have a 'dolla', then not loading their bags into their cart until they have paid and the cashier has said bye....THEN they slowly start moving their shopping bags AFTER putting their purse back in their bag and further holding up the line.

    It's as if they are goading someone to say something to them...

    Then there is the store nigger who gets in line...loads their stuff on the counter...then disappears because they forgot something...and slowly saunters back while everyone waits.
  12. Originally posted by joerell Unfortunately this overall is true…sad reality. Just curious…excluding the military how many of you have either wounded someone in self defence or worse.

    I've beat a few asses in the distant past, either in defense of myself or others...not sure you count that as "wounding" though.
  13. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Lol yeah it was pretty intense. She's actually pretty good. I was always 3 moves ahead of her though.

  14. Niggers be noggin, and closet homos be closet homoin.
  15. Sounds like a wild night...
  16. Originally posted by cupocheer let's say the special investigator that is investigating the Hillary Clinton e-mail situation and the Comey firing is honorable, non-biased politically, and is straight up in his findings.

    Then, as an offshoot of the Hillary investigation the IG found evidence that Donald J. TRUMP and his three elder children have violated federal and state law as it pertains to money matters, and the New York Attorney General has found prima facia to sue "the Trumps", and has done so today, that it is time to get the VULCHER and his spawn out if the White House. ($19,200,00.00) Wholly shite American taxpayers!

    Why not throw an Alien invasion into you fantasy too...
  17. Originally posted by itybit True, lol not sure I'd go to that extreme either. Typically I noticeably look for the placard and walk by them shaking my head in a "shame on you" fashion

    I understand a beautiful and thoughtful woman such as yourself wouldn't dream of such animalistic behavior...just rest assured though that out there there are vigilantes like me making the lazy selfish twats pay for their transgressions.
  18. Originally posted by WellHung the little ones taste better and have less mercury than the big ones, daddio…

    Just like women.
  19. Originally posted by POLECAT there were 3 people in the car,, stay relevant, fucktard

    I'm responding to ity's post dummy about people parking in disabled spots...You're clearly too busy thinking about HTS's dick to comprehend the flow of conversation...lolol
  20. Originally posted by POLECAT that woulda put the white dude in the wrong.

    Well obviously you walk by casual like and drag your key along it when no one is around. It's quite easy to do.
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