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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by benny vader like i said,


    reread the whole thing.

    There was nothing to clean up benny...till humans came along
  2. Originally posted by Red_Woman I agree with you in general on the subject, but that is not what I said. My only point was: that can't be the only reason. Because we are humans and have brains and are more complex.

    Then what is the other reason? what is the point of sex if not to reproduce? what is the point of individual pleasure if not to promote some underlying "need" by "nature" ?
  3. Originally posted by apt You try to attack my credibility because you're a simpleton who can't effectively deal with my argument

    Not an argument

    You've been destroyed and along!
  4. Originally posted by benny vader no, nature intended for us to clean up after her and maintain balance in her ecosystem.

    Um but humans fucked up the ecosystem, it sure didn't clean it up.
  5. Originally posted by Red_Woman So why did you dismiss it as "mankind being full of themselves", when I was speaking about people having sex not just to reproduce. Innovation isn't part of the evolving process?

    It can be argued both ways...what's the end goal of people having sex just for pleasure? isn't needed for social groups to form. The mens darts team at the pub all seem to get along without having sex with each could be limiting to the gene pool if selective breeding is adopted...the whole I only want a baby with blue eyes etc.

    Mankind is full of I've said before what does the human race offer to the billions of none human living organisms on Earth?...nothing good that's for sure, they are self serving and only detrimental to other life.

    Nature might therefore take us out at some point...a failed experiment.
  6. Originally posted by apt Using teleological language to describe the evolutionary process… more evidence that you're a double digit IQ simpleton

    lolol this fucking guy...first you didn't read the bit regarding the environments being different, you didn't get it was comedy, you didn't get the example of isolated evolutionary measurable differences destroying your argument, you admit you are not an expert..and you sure as hell can't count into double digits to even know. lololol
  7. Originally posted by POLECAT it wasnt the original definition

    Well then lets see the original definition...
  8. Originally posted by Archer513 You both know shit about genetics

    Because nascar sucks

    And boo is the one that likes fat bitches


    Lets leave teehee out of this you rotter.
  9. Originally posted by benny vader thats a typo that escaped me.

    that shouldve been ''we shouldnt be expected to live as nature intended us to''.

    Maybe nature intended for us to innovate and that's why we have large capable brains, opposable thumbs etc to help create stuff like tools, clothing and nice shelters to protect our pink naked bodies from the elements....wouldn't that then be natural?
  10. Originally posted by apt It doesn't actually. Not when you pretend to know something about a topic while making basic errors of reasoning that even a first year biology student would catch, like not understanding how genetic selections acts on mutations over a long period of time.

    see the edit dumb dumb...lololol

    Here it is..

    You didn't even read what I "comedically" said…the environments were not the same…they were 2 separate worlds with separate gene pools…2 separate worlds with separate gene pools would not result in the same results…That's demonstrated by isolated islands on Earth that had/have unique flora and fauna.

    You're dismissed.
  11. Originally posted by Red_Woman lol

    I'm sure that's not the only definition though.


    a person regarded as having an innate gift or talent for a particular task or activity

    ..sounds familiar.
  12. Originally posted by apt You're always trying to write authoritatively on things you obviously know nothing about. Doesn't take an expert to observe and point that out.

    Well actually it does, you not being one wouldn't understand that though..lololol

    You didn't even read what I "comedically" said...the environments were not the same...they were 2 separate worlds with separate gene pools...2 separate worlds with separate gene pools would not result in the same results...That's demonstrated by isolated islands on Earth that had/have unique flora and fauna.

    You're dismissed.
  13. nat·u·ral
    adjective: natural

    existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

    Humankind IS part of nature...even the dictionary doesn't get it...
  14. Originally posted by apt You're the posterchild for Dunning-Kruger

    Is that your expert opinion? lololol
  15. Originally posted by apt You're retarded and don't understand evolution. If both groups have the same natural environment and encounter the same population bottlenecks then after a million years they'll end up very similar due to genetic drift and selection.

    Clearly you're comedically retarded...
  16. Originally posted by Red_Woman I was ref to this, for example.

    "Men see a big booty and nice curvy body and think Mmmmmmm…that's the conscious part that is told by instinct and the subconscious…wide child bearing hips - CHECK, big full breasts to feed the kids - Check, nice layer of fat so she's strong and well fed which suggests her kids will be too - CHECK..etc."

    You are attracted to the opposite. Let's say to an androgynous type of woman. No big breast to remind you the feed of the kids. No big booty etc.

    Well it's clear "nature" tries many paths/'s always experimenting..hence the evolutionary process and genetic's a very very long term thing.

    Obviously long term the most successful couplings will dominate the species.

    So, as an example...

    2 separate worlds with just Archer and me and our clones...

    in Archers world...archer and his clones fuck generations of ugly fat chicks,
    in My clones and I fuck statuesque Italian beauties with delicious legs

    Then a million years later compare the results...

    1. a race of Fucked up looking fat people who like Nascar and diabetes
    2. a race of highly educated and attractive olive skinned people who like the arts and innovation.

    The most successful branch of evolution I think is apparent.
  17. Originally posted by mikeyagain I remember when Teehee wasn't you.. Much better posting back then..

    But less attractive.
  18. Originally posted by Red_Woman Which brings me to the question I raised before.
    If you had sex with someone 15 yrs old. It would be against the law and you would be punished. But would you be considered a pedo?

    No...A pedo is someone attracted to a pre-pubecent child...a 15yr old is usually pretty fully developed physically.

    You would be a sex offender though.
  19. Originally posted by Red_Woman So those who are attracted to other forms of aesthetics, are a "deviation" of what we consider natural.

    Depends on the deviation...if you have a fetish for stockings and that results in you getting a boner and blowing your load in her anyway..then evolutionarililylyly it's inconsequential as the end result is the same. Now if that stocking fetish only ever results in you blowing your load into the balled up stockings on your cock and not into an actual woman..the that would be 'unnatural'...the means to the end should always result in the ultimate point of an individuals existence..which is reproduction.

    Aberrations and freakishness is naturally removed from the gene pool if it doesn't reproduce.
  20. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Bigot

    Yup...not sure how it's relevant though.
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