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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Marry a US citizen. Simple.
  2. Originally posted by tee hee hee as in this is how much you have spent on men/bfs so far and were calling it the "f*cking tax" lol

  3. ..and some of the men think they are women.
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL It all about looking noble and virtuous, not being noble and virtuous.

  5. I'm just trying to save you from yourself Dazza
  6. It's pretty rude to wear a hat indoors too. Was he never taught proper etiquette?
  7. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Eh

    Anyways, the only reason I didn't say teehee was a man is because her stance in the pic says….idk. Everyone is a man.

    Everyone being a man of course is a (an doesn't sound right) Utopian dream to people like HTS and Sophie.
  8. R&R be proud to contribute to part of the team, rather than the rejected loser you currently are
  9. Originally posted by tee hee hee I cackled at this

    ..a day later.
  10. Used to love me a wagon wheel before I saw the light and recognized such stuff for the filth and poison it is.

  11. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Fatty fat fat

    And the wobble bottoms from hell. Part II
  12. Or Dumbdumb Danielson.
  13. Yep, any crazy bitch that contacts you years later to "go over things" clearly a fucking nut.

    ..go over what bitch? I dumped your fat ass.
  14. Aren't the young and restless old and napping by now??
  15. Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover I feel raped of my earnings.

    When you add it all up its what? 50% or more ?

    You only make 40k? or are bad at math? lololol
  16. Nutty Vasquez would be a better choice.
  17. Originally posted by HTS That won't silence me, you anti-Semitic scumbag.

    Are you an anti anit-semtic HTS?
  18. Originally posted by apt I'm sorry

    We know...
  19. Originally posted by Red_Woman I'm indeed asking, questioning it. Myself included. It might very well be a "need". Just not convinced is the need to reproduce and that is all driven by instict. Althought for the most part yes, probably.

    Maybe we should do some practical experimentation once we've exhausted the theory...
  20. Originally posted by apt If you say it enough times and wish upon a star, maybe it will come true

    And if you continue to nip at my heels maybe one day you'll break my skin and force an "ouch" out of me. lololol
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