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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Red_Woman what we want consciously you say, but is it 100% conscious? After all, we are attracted to some and not to others. Those that do not attract us, on a basic levels (insticts) are still able to reproduce.

    Your subconscious is supposedly responsible for 80% plus of your actual conscious decisions...maybe higher (I didn't google it but I recall something like that).

    The reason you are attracted to some and not others is all part of the "natural selection" of this man going to support my brats, is he going to protect us, is she going to produce fine strong kids etc etc. Just as in a lot of species the individual being might choose a mate seemingly randomly but there are instinctive and subconscious things going on that make that decision for them.

    Men see a big booty and nice curvy body and think Mmmmmmm...that's the conscious part that is told by instinct and the subconscious...wide child bearing hips - CHECK, big full breasts to feed the kids - Check, nice layer of fat so she's strong and well fed which suggests her kids will be too - CHECK..etc.

    The dumbass at the bar though doesn't know his brain is doing all this for him and just thinks..."Jesus I want that riding on my cock tonight!"
  2. Originally posted by Archer513 I fuck cuz it feels good

    And I like seein alba’s o face 😈

    Yup, and it feels good because otherwise you wouldn't do's an evolutionary's not coincidence you have all those nerve endings in your naughty bits.
  3. Originally posted by Red_Woman But we don't all decide that. We are not ALL the same.
    And seriously, crumpet. Are you telling me people have sex just to reproduce?

    of course, your sex drive was put there to encourage you to reproduce...again what we want consciously isn't what drives us...our instincts drive us. The pleasure you gain from it is...on "force" you to do it.

    If your sex organ was your elbow as it is now...there wouldn't be much elbow rubbing as it's not really pleasurable...and we'd be extinct millennia ago.
  4. Originally posted by jedi_darryl From this point on, everyone is a man. LJ, Paige, candyrein, Alba, applebottom, triple threat, lala, ell, kinks, itybit, aldra, etc. They're all men!

    Don't forget teehee.
  5. Originally posted by Red_Woman But my point is that we're humans and we have evolved from the cave man. We do not use or see sex as simply a tool to reproduce.

    This is the common mistake humans make...they think they are highly evolved and above the laws of this case the instinct to reproduce.

    We are not...modern man has barely been around what...100k years or something? a million years from now the life forms around then might look back upon us as nothing more than amusing monkeys as for as "how far" we have come.

    Our self importance is just does not override instinct, your conscious decision..even if you think is overriding a product of evolution and instinct. NOW...looking at it from another point of view sure humans might get to the point that we ALL learn to override instinct and evolution and that could result in either our success or our failure. After all if everyone decided.."no kids for me!"..the species would be extinct very quickly...and nature would have another dead branch on it's every growing tree of life...

    We'd be a failed experiment.
  6. Originally posted by Red_Woman Not a great job for back pain really. I suffered from back pain because of that.

    Keeping weight in check, so to not make it worse. And make physiotherapy and specific exercises is the best way

    You can still do your job though, no need to go home...or you can work from home etc. It's hard to do a physical job with a dicky back...not so much a desk/computer/phone job.
  7. Originally posted by NARCassist but you have less control of them, not such an attractive option if you are the control freak type.


    Just get rid of them and get another one in. I use a company here that supplies contractors...I know within 4 or 5hrs if they are worth keeping or not...if one works out for a week then 'shuts down' I just get rid of them and get another one in.

    The company I use is a new one and claims to be the "uber" of go online, create a need...people look at their qualifications/experience, then click "assign to job"...done, they show up next day.
  8. Originally posted by cupocheer One should be kind to people, regardless.

    Regardless of?
  9. Well they can, our laws say they can't though...there is a difference there.
  10. Originally posted by Red_Woman What about those who do not want to reproduce?

    Like me?

    Aberrations of nature basically. Billions of years of evolution should still result in the life form being instinctively driven to reproduce...if it doesn't..there is something wrong with the individual and obviously that line of genes will end with that individual so minimize the number of such aberrations "infecting" then next generations.

    Dead end basically, nature is full of dead ends.
  11. You're going to need a lot of cream to go in that harbor too..and some big ass scones to go with it.
  12. I thought Aldra was a dude...
  13. That did sting the eyes a bit.
  14. Homosexuality could be classed as a mental illness too...clearly it goes against the intent of having a male and female gender and genitalia used for reproducing. There isn't any reproducing going on with 2 dicks in the basket...hence it's against nature, not normal and so probably due to a mental illness.
  15. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Dogs could sense evil. So if it barks and tries to bite ya, you're a person with bad intentions. My dog does it to almost every pedestrian he sees. They smile at me and I say to myself, "you evil motherfucker, don't smile and me and say he's cute". But I say thanks anyways.

    What if the pedestrian barks at the the dog then evil?
  16. Originally posted by aldra he means that if you define paedophilia as a mental illness, any other deviant sexual behaviour must also be categorised the same way

    Such as having a shoe fetish.

    Also if it's a mental illness it really shouldn't be treated criminally. The insane defense is a thing used sometimes successfully by killers etc.

    They'd still have to be locked up in a loony bin though.
  17. I don't like it when they lick their balls or ass and I'm eating dinner.
  18. Originally posted by Cootehill Most businesses would be delighted to have all their employees as independent contractors. The costs and obligations of having employees is enormous.

    Yup. Health benefits, vacation pay, sick pay, unemployment insurance, tax, SS etc etc.

    Hiring a contractor is so much less of a headache as you just pay the contract company a set fee...that's it...and usually that set fee is equal to or less than the REAL cost of an employee...but without the headache.
  19. Originally posted by HTS ftfy

    There's no room for anti-Semites in 2018.

    According to who? and who put them in charge of what is and isn't acceptable? ...themselves?
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