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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. She probably listens to Adele.
  2. Originally posted by ohfralala I’ll cam with you Mano lol. How about tomorrow?

    That’s just it. I am being myself.

    well no or multiple people wouldnd't have noted a "change"...again no one else "changed"...We don't "really" know anyone but if 10 people move and 9 remain the same...but one doesn't...clearly there is a "change".
  3. Originally posted by ohfralala No. This is what leads to 50 year olds obsessing over the activities of strangers and fighting with kids half their age, online.

    So what leads to 25yr old fighting with 50yrs olds online?...hell when I was 25 I had better things to do..lolol
  4. Originally posted by Archer513 Lala keeps askin why ppl care

    Because we care 🌹

    Don’t turn away from those that love you 🌹🌹🌹

  5. Originally posted by ohfralala “Hard to put a finger on it but a few of us are trying really hard to understand. In the meantime we are going to give you shit for being well received bc life just isn’t fair and we are middle aged and angry!”

    Ohhhhhhh ahhhhhh look at that girl changing her stripes and finding her place in the shadows. It’s a mystery.

    Be yourself whatever crowd you are need to change.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL We used to have a program in this community which paired up the less fortunate with more worldly, more experienced members. The user with senior status would act as the mentor and guide for the well-meaning mongoloid they were paired with.

    Let me failed because the old ones continually kept trying to have sex with their young and naive protege.
  7. Originally posted by ohfralala How has my posting style changed?

    Hard to put a finger on it...but it's been noted independently by several. I noted it, and others who I'm not going to throw their names out noted it...and then obviously Matt noted it as he made the suggestion. This isn't an attack simply an observation and the fact multiple people observed the same thing...suggests it's a thing.

    You keep asking why we care is an assumption we care..and a clear defensive response...pointing something observed out doesn't indicate a deep level of caring no more than pointing out a pink blackbird does.
  8. Originally posted by mmQ There is no such thing as wasting time if you don't feel it's wasted time.

    -George Washington's second cousin when he was 7 years old after waking up from a nap

  9. Originally posted by DontTellEm Absolutely ur way too old to be on here everyday fighting and being retarded. Let me guess, ur passing time at work. I know…☺️


    The older you get the more free time you should have, it's called getting your ducks in a row.

    Youngsters are the ones who shouldn't be online they should be establishing themselves not wasting it talking shit on forums...get your shit together before you talk shit basically.

    First lesson is always free ;)
  10. Originally posted by mmQ The best part is the shit and the piss.

    It's hard to believe it could come down to this.

    You're quite the poet
    it's been noted
    you enjoy wordplay and rhyme
    I could engage in a similar vein
    but I just dont have the time.
  11. Is that ranch dip in the middle?
  12. Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. I'm glad to know that if I need an irrelevant opinion, I can hop on "Niggas in space" & be bombarded with a group of 40 something yr old men posting their opinions all day, everyday. 😂

    Most girls can't even get their bf to notice their new haircut. Smh

    Is the age range relevant?
  13. It's not the fact you 'get along' with people on NIS. I think wellhung's orginal point (if I may young sir) is that your posting style is completely different than it was on DH.

    Now of all the people that moved from DH to here, you appear to be the only one that has radically changed the way they post...Matt is the same, Archer is the same, I'm the same, cupocheer (tries) to be the same, Joerell, ella, teehee, paige, sheri (before she left), etc etc change. did.

    That suggests one of the "styles" was forced/faked/not representative.
  14. Paperboy age 12/13ish. 5am I had to be at the newspaper store on my bike, loaded my satchel...delivered about 30-40 papers, then went to school...after school same thing but with the evening papers.

    Got paid something like 2.30 English pounds which is about what...$3.70...that was for the whole week not per hour...lolol
  15. I can't the bullet has already been fired and it's an aluminum case so it can't be reused.
  16. Triggered
  17. Originally posted by Manonfire Bumfluff? Johnson…….

    Your sprouting young mustache.
  18. Originally posted by tee hee hee Omg. Lets try this again for the 3rd time. 😤Streaker streaks thru the hospital room.

    Um that's the first time you mentioned the streaker being in the hospital room...
  19. Originally posted by ohfralala Lol

    I’m about to turn 34. Never married. No kids. History of substance abuse. I’ve been arrested. Pretty sure I’m on the autism spectrum. I’m a giant derp derp derp.

    And I’m sitting here with a bunch of literal grown men in their 40s and 50s, that have their panties in a bunch, bc I got accepted on a website full of degenerates.


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