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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Op gets all her news off instagram.
  2. Originally posted by DH_SAVIOUR Know I am a god, folksšŸ‘

    This one?

  3. Manning up...although a tired old cliche is always a great solution to self created problems.
  4. Originally posted by jedi_darryl

    The dogs always going to win unless you are using a CRT
  5. Birds of a disorder just sounds wrong anyway

    birds with a disorder surely.
  6. Or
    birds of a disorder
    cannot cross the border
  7. They look like the kind of shoes a homosexual might wear while jogging in the park.
  8. Originally posted by allah I did one time, but when i was told in class that your some people don't always want my hands on them so im not allowed to but i still sometimes try but last time is when i get in trouble and you really not supposed to touch people if not ask first.

    do it anyway, be your own person not another one of society's puppets.
  9. I could use an Italian footlong myself right now.
  10. How's the warm milk working out?
  11. Being extraordinarily ordinary.
  12. Cup off her/his/it's meds again I see.
  13. Reach out and touch someone.
  14. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery etc...they are trying to ride your coat tails son...let them have their moment in the sun.
  15. Originally posted by Captain Shut up faggot

    Make me!
  16. myspace still does...and who has used that in the last 10yrs
  17. Originally posted by ohfralala A change which you yourself said you couldnā€™t describe. I asked you to explain it. You canā€™t.

    Well I could but I chose not to as it wouldn't be pleasant or constructive...I'm still somewhat thoughtful about what I say to people believe it or not.

    At this point it is completely irrelevant and pointless. Should I apologize that you have a shitty, one dimensional personality and donā€™t want to do anything but argue?

    Having many facets still results in a singular personality...unless you have multiple personality disorder.

    Sometimes change is good ;)

    So you do admit a change.

    Indeed it is but changing your personality based on the group you are with isn''s as mentioned being submissive to the group and displays a need to fit in, rather than being confident in your own thoughts/actions and words which shouldn't change dramatically in an already mature adult.
  18. Originally posted by šŸæ When have I ever enjoyed anyone being roasted???

    I dont really care who it is. Its annoying and immature.

    ..and then...

    Go do something productive in real life you pig. Youre talking about pro pedo? Youre a fucking rapiest and have a rape fetish. Fuck off.

    Oh Paige...
  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee I said something like that a few days ago.

    Please expect your invitation to the award ceremony shortly.
  20. Being normal is he new being weird and being weird in the new being normal.
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