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Posts by Soyboy

  1. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Wow I can't even imagine making out with a girl and finding out she has odd/missing teeth like some of you fuckers.
  2. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Trump = outsider candidate.

    Don't ever admit to such a thing. Don't even talk about politics apart from in a belittling and outsider tone.

    Oh you like trump? Loser. Not only a loser, but a betrayed loser. Don't even think about the meta-politics.

    The only way to talk about politics is as a winner. You talked about them as a loser. An open loser.
  3. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Finding out you have HIV:
    Finding out you're pregnant:
    Finding out you aren't pregnant with §m£ÂgØL's baby:

    She's coming out ahead by my maths §m£ÂgØL.

    And I prefer her babies to you any day.
  4. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Bueno Yeah apparently they are pretty back about that shit.
    Was the reading on the chans one anon told everyone not to learn Chinese b/c working with them is a nightmare.
    He needed specific quality metals and measurements, although always cheaper, it was never in specifications.
    Its like a phrase there, what you pay is what you get.
    Id imagine it is very frustrating that they go off specification to meet the cost.
    You wont know till its too late.
    There was some other shit too, dont remember.

    Yeah, that guy who was talking about importing hundreds of tons (tens of thousands of dollars) of specific grade steel to Central Asia from mainland China.
    He opened up crates of steel to be greeted with rusty shit sent to him from delierate scammers.

    Don't you realise this anon has just given you a review of a gaming mouse from China (for $17 or so) that doesn't suck that is dated December 2016 from a specific site that I recommend to you.

    It's different. I haven't had a bad experience with, and I'll stand by that - I'm Irish and some $20 item means nothing to me. People here know who I am. Half these fuckers could direct you to my house.
  5. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Can one of y'all share your method of CWE? I can just look it up, obviously, but I figure you degenerates have plenty of firsthand experience actually doing it, which is better than just Googling it and randomly choosing a method.
    My method involves a fridge-freezer, works great, but is inferior to just growing some poppies out in the open.

    So the usual, just be careful.
  6. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by  Couldn't you use a hammer and bludgeon instead?

    Why use that when they could just use a bin-bag and a hammer instead?

    I mean why use a hammer AND a bludgeon?

    I mean a bludgeon? Basically a bat?
  7. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock it seems someone wants me to kill myself. like for an oddly specific 50k. right Speedy Parker?

    TBH, $50k is about right right for you.

    The cops wouldn't investigate.
  8. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I have a super-common name. I'm an interesting person, who takes zero precautions, yet it's impossible to search for me. Queermo or not.
  9. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Zanick Every step you take in the right direction counts, as long as you keep your eyes fixed on abolition.

    Abolitionists caused the American civil war. More than half a million dead.
  10. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Remember, new things are only ever new once.
  11. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    You look like you live in a nice semi-tropical climate. Ask your Mom what she would like to grow.

    Don't bother with the crappy flowerbox. Throw it away or burn it. You must be able to grow orchids or other interesting plants there.
  12. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Sophie Yeah that's the one i literally spent 4 hours browsing microcock's Dev and Download sections looking for that link.

    My cousin works for Microbing. She views it basically as an ATM and doesn't give a shit.
  13. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Oh lol, lidocaine is illegal in Australia.

    Bet you wish you'd visited those fijian pharmacies now, huh, little Enter?

    You can buy benzocaine there though.,57371000168108/lanacane-c-3---0.5

    Spray that right up your asshole after a good bath or shower. And epsom salts - don't forget then.

    And the Voltaren/diclofenac gel as well.

    Basically unless your shit is cancer right in your heart, pain is inexcusable. I know someone who had cancer pain right on his heart.
  14. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Why would you even bother with this mouse?

    I know of some Ukrainian businessman, he told me about doing business in China. He said that they will never tell you no. When you give them a product to make, they'll tell you how much it'll cost. If you tell them a lower price, they wont say no. However, once the product (prototype?) is made, and you look at it, you see features/quality missing. When you ask about it, they say "you wanted us to make it with "x" amount of money instead of "y", so here it is.


    Makes sense.

    This mouse is what I'm using now instead of my Microsoft one.

    It's worth the money. This is the mouse I like now.

    Chinese business practice or their belief that it's OK to fuck you over if you insist on a cheap price doesn't apply here.
  15. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I like Benny better than either of you.

    Although I have no kids right now.
  16. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by mmQ So like the instant you guys lost your feet/fingers what are you thinking about? I feel like I'd be already planning what my life is gonna be like without it/them. Like, that very instant. "FUCKKKK THIS IS MY NEW LIFE." something like that

    Your avatar is a retard. I don't wish to offend you, but that says a lot. Most people don't anticipate being inferiorly abled.
  17. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    The big risk with gaming mice is auto-correction. Meaning they adjust to keep to an X or a Y axis as you scroll. I don't see any sign of that with this guy. It is as accurate as they come, and perfect for gay porn.
  18. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]

    $15, from China.
    includes around 10 buttons, half of which I don't don't know what they do.
    has weights inside it, which I guess is for balancing it or some shit IDK
    a button for double click and one for IDK what, triple click or some shit
    a DPI button, a necessity
    glows in the dark, necessity
    two buttons which I don't know what they do
    a button that open my home folder (~/)
    scroll wheel and middle click and all the usual shit
    high dpi and no obvious auto-correction
    Nice and big, suitable even for neanderthal westerner hands
    glows like a motherfucker

    - Yes, the box and the manual is in chinese. Are you so small brained you don't speak mandarin?
    I mean just turn your brain off and buy this fucking mouse.
  19. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by greenplastic idiot

  20. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Zanick Maybe Starbucks would be worth a premium if they served good coffee, but it isn't and they don't. If you really want to have good coffee for cheap, roast your own beans.

    Starbucks charge their premium for fatty or carb laden drinks, not exceptional coffee flavor (which is much harder to achieve).
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