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Posts by Soyboy

  1. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    It's hard to be smart and happy. You keep overthinking everything. Malice is about 130-140 or so, and seems to think that analysing things is a good thing to do - something he probably picked up from school and all those books and articles he reads.

    Plus being that sort of IQ means that he can't relate to normal people - past 1 SD or so (15 points or so) communication between people breaks down, and Malice is a really bad aspie as well - so starting off badly, with little chance to improve.

    "An unexamined life is not worth living" - bullshit. To enjoy life you need to be able to not think.
  2. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I really hope WTAC is back, he was one of the most creative posters on Zoklet.
  3. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by -mal- Are those the pillow cases? I would actually look so good on one of those lol.

    ewww 3DPD
  4. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I genuinely feel like I want to wash my shit-funnel out. I've got some sorta soft stool up there, and I think washing it out would be a good idea.

    Where the fuck do I even start? What do people use?

    I once had a gf who would douche with those water bottles with the nozzles on them. That doesn't seem like it'd work, she was kinda lose and my asshole is virgin.
  5. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Hate to break it to you Malice, but a lot of people sort of enjoy life, even the ones who act all miserable for attention.

    People like things like food, socialising, games, having opinions, having a drink, watching television, etc. People even enjoy kvetching.

    If you don't enjoy life that may be because you never learned how - enjoying life is a skill, something that can be learned, not something that comes automatically.
  6. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I like sorta fat girls- just chubby, not American sized. And big tits on a fat girl do count.
  7. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Malice: It sounds like you have no source of pleasure in life, and, although you masochistically blame yourself, most of your difficulty arises due to other people.

    Sploo: We all should just take the Malice pill. If you don't have time to do your homework just kill yourself. Didn't get that job - kill yourself. Bad day - kill yourself. Headache - kill yourself.
  8. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Sophie Sploo has an imouto?

  9. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Barbara and George were interesting people. Barbara supposedly a daughter of Aleister Crowley - conceived during a pretty intense magical ceremony. George HW also into some occult stuff, Skull and Bones and the like.

    I feel like an elite should be into magic and occultism. It's a good aesthetic.
  10. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by  ˙ʇɐɥʇ doʇs ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ ˙sɐǝpı pǝʞooɔǝɹd ɹo pǝʌıǝɔuoɔǝɹd ʇnoɥʇıʍ 'sǝɥʇoןɔ ʇnoɥʇıʍ 'ǝɔıpnظǝɹd ʇnoɥʇıʍ 'ǝdıɹʇs ןɐɔıʇıןod ʇnoɥʇıʍ 'ʎʇıןɐuoıʇɐu ʇnoɥʇıʍ 'ɹoןoɔ ʇnoɥʇıʍ ʇsıxǝ ǝʍ ǝɔɐds ɹǝqʎɔ uı 'ssǝuʇıɟ ou s,ǝɹǝɥʇ 'ǝbɐ ou s,ǝɹǝɥʇ

  11. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Malice, are you committing suicide because you don't want to have to write computer code?
  12. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Zanick I don't need to, you'll probably be dead before the next President is elected.

    America needs to become an empire run by the Trump family now.

    Line of succession should be Donald > Eric > Barron.

    This is a necessity.
  13. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Can you just spit it out?
  14. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    This is exciting for me.

    Sucralose is just a sugar-alcohol, it won't kill you, quickly.
  15. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Either go into cryptocurrencies, or sell soy.
  16. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    No one wants a criminal record - it means career suicide, and the whole "violence is wrong" meme has gotten out of hand. Sometimes a little violence is beneficial for everyone involved.

    I wouldn't do anything personally. These bitches want equality, let them enjoy it.
  17. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Dolphins are basically just rats that evolved echo-location.
  18. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Also, I didn't go. Which is good because I need to save for Vegas.

    Awesome, can't wait to hear about your high score!
  19. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I don't think anyone ever had a grudge towards a group of people and then was glad for preying on random members of that group.

    Not even serial killers. Not ethnic violence - Hutu killing Tutsi, Irish against Brits, blacks killing whites, not even political violence - commies killing fascists, jedis killing palestinians.
  20. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    You should come visit me in Ireland Enter. We have a nice farm and a nice large room you can have to yourself for a week or two.
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