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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I have so little recollection of the past week.

    I (hazily/vaguely) remember doing a few of the following things:
    1. Buying two whole CASES of Sherry/Brandy and a bottle of Southern Comfort and drinking with a bunch of homeless folk one morning.
    2. Smoking crack in a pub bathroom.
    3. Drunk/benzo'd/GHB'd texting escorts from leolist (Canadian replacement for Backpage).
    4. Posting a bunch on Totse (yeah, I'm calling this site Totse, pro'lem? meet me outside! :madface:).
    5. Spending a FUCKTON of money.

    And what do I have to show for it?

    A near-empty bank account and a whole lot of regret.

    I'm legit "re-evaluating my life" right now. I always thought that was a trite, cliche saying, but maybe it's worth doing from time to time.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox I was going to post a thread from about a man with a master's degree in chemistry who synthesized his own opioids, but apparently that site no longer exists.

    He was up to something like a quarter gram of fentanyl per dose when he got caught in some sort of confrontation with campus police. He got six years, and according to his story, it took a year and a half for his withdrawals to subside completely.

    Rule number one of drugs: it will eventually end, and the harder you fight it, the worse it will be.

    Holy fuck, a year and a half of opiate withdrawals sounds like utter torture.

    You are right, though, that drugs are by no means an easy way out. They just offer a coping mechanism worth considering if life is feeling just too damn overwhelming.

    Originally posted by Jυicebox

    Sometimes the hardest pill to swallow is self-administered.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III Tell me about it, I just had a gnarly puke session between these last two replies from drinking some dank poppy seed tea at 4 am. Also had a bunch of coffee, a bowl of weed, and 1 mg etizolam. So things are starting to look up at least.

    I just ran out of crack, so I'm finishing up whatever GHB and liquor I have left. I also have a bottle full of xanax, but I'm exercising every last bit of restraint not to benzo-blackout.

    I miss me some poppy tea. I used to be a full-blown opiate addict. I can't do that stuff anymore, though. :(
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by POLECAT dem normies fucked like rabbits tho

    tfw not normie enough to get laid like leporidae. :(
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III Yea, I was just thinking that the first 1-3 hours of my days fucking suck

    Yeap, that's pretty much how it goes. Drugs are solid cope when they actually work.

    There will always be a portion of the day, though, that is drudgingly dreadful.

    Such is life, I guess? Acceptance is one way to deal with it. It's not an easy pill to swallow, though.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III 430 out of what though? i need some context to judge

    I imagine in terms of number of forks.

    But you're right, though. A tangible metric to evaluate this ranking would maybe be helpfully informative.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III You may find a few hours or even a few days relief in drugs or some other vice, but you will need to be there to deal with yourself when you come down.

    I'm opting for just never coming down.

    An ample-enough supply of psychoactive chemicals can keep you in a state of utter blissful ignorance about any such self-hatred. And during those rare moments of bonafide sobriety, a little dose of denial and other coping mechanisms can suffice just enough until you re-dose.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sophie I agree, Ruby is pretty decent as well though as far as scripting languages go. And talk about Ruby, i've been looking into Crystal, supposedly it's the next big thing. Easy to learn, with syntax resembling Python/Ruby but i hear it's nearly as fast as a compiled language.

    Golang is supposed to be pretty decent too, in terms of both compiled runtime and language quality.

    It's strongly typed, if I recall correctly, but that's not such a big deal, generally speaking.

    Still though, scripting languages like Python and Ruby (preferably Python IMHO), are the quickest way to get from idea to functioning code. Python is like executable pseudocode.

    And even though they're just "scripting languages", they are Turing-complete, so not at all limited really.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox

  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Da fuq is bundy?

    I can't even google it cuz I just get Ted Bundy shit.

    Is it a nickname for a research chem or something?

    Is it some kind of OTC delirient like antihistamines?

    There are few drugs out there I have yet to try, but if it is a delirient, it may just stay that way.

    Delirients are not a class of drug worth experimenting with.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Gotta head to work - normie fucking time

    We all have to normify from time to time, at least to dissuade any impression of impropriety to other normies.

    It's the human condition reified.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Hasbara were/are people hired by Israel to spread propaganda

    Is this conspiracy theory type shit or legit? I think I have some reading to do...
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ecto the plasm Do heroin

    Practically speaking, this is perfectly valid advice. Heroin is like a perfect cure for any stimulant come-down, or for hangovers too for that matter.

    BUT, that does not make it good advice. Using one powerful drug to counter the effects of another can be a recipe for disaster.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sevn Think if I smoke meth once I’ll be hooked?

    It totally depends on whether or not you're prone to habitual stimulant use.

    I do a bit of meth from time to time, but I always regret it some 20 minutes later.

    Opiates, benzos, and alcohol, on the other hand, are seriously habit-inducing for me.

    Differen't strokes for different folks, as they say.

    You might want to tread cautiously regardless, though. A drug habit of any kind can be quite destructive.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III shoutout to clonazolam, aprazolam and ETIZOLAM

    also big ups to gabapentin and soma

    I wanna try me some clonazolam. I used to have a prescription for clonazepam, but I hear clonazolam is leagues better, despite the similar-sounding name.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Normfags are hella lame. I'm sometimes in awe of the fact that I may be considered to be a member of the elite class of individuals that are non-normie.

    Old-school Totseans and Zokletians are anything but normie-tier. Not so sure about DHers though.

    And I have no idea what hasbara is.

    But normie-hood is boring. That's legit fact.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Yeah I popped some xanax, took a couple caps full of ghb, and am sipping on some wine now.

    Otherwise, I'd be up all night and be sketching out like fuck all day.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Yeah its fun, IF you know when to put it down

    When you've run out of both crack and money?

    I'm probably lucky as fuck I so seldom do this stuff that I have no suppliers' numbers saved in my phone, or I'd be re-upping until I've depleted every last cash reserve.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Well TIL.

    I had not acquainted myself with this datehookup site.

    So is a refuge for DHers as well as Totseans/Zokletians?

    It sounds like we are a shining beacon for many weary Internet travellers.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Grimace I always loved crack. What I loved even more though, is dissolving a $10-$20 rock in about 20-30 units of white vinegar, and then injecting it directly into my neck via mirrored reflection in the bathroom and a belt around my neck. Haha. They way it would hit so fucking hard, instantaneous "tunnel vision" and an extreme vibration in your whole fucking head as your head completely numbs over and you feel that rush of euphoria that used to make me literally gasp. Hah, one time, the rush was so fucking strong, I dropped to my fucking knees and just LOVED every second of it. The hardcore rushing goes away about as fast as smoking it does, but it's much stronger and then you're left with the typical crack high as if you smoked it and then of course, the eventual come down and a desire for more.


    Damnit I wanna slam some rock now.

    I might actually try that.

    The needle gives me heroin flash backs and intense opiate cravings though, and I really have to stay away from all that.

    But damn if I don't wanna try it just once.
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