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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Start with this:

    And with a bit of imagination and redneck engineering (or lots of money and a professional education)...

    You are permanently high.

    Think about it.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Just got back from the E.R. where they gave me IV antibiotics because I stepped on some glass last week and apparently I got infected.

    Now just chillin, having a few drinks, smoking a bowl or two of meth.

    And also REALLY temptedly contemplating using this...

    To set up my own constant IV meth drip.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Either that, or just straight up raise the damn zombie baby.

    Get a nice house in the suburbs, enroll the kid in kids soccer or baseball or something.

    Throw birthday parties.

    Just do the whole family thing, but with a zombie baby.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby what if she's a zombie and has a zombie baby you have to take care of?

    Force her to abort it.

    I'm pretty sure "pro-lifers" aren't gonna care about a baby that's already technically dead.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR † I must be a weirdo because I can easily get past the makeup. I once had a wound like the lowest (not the vagina) one, though. Makes it relateable.

    Well I guess if you and the dead girl have that common trait, there might be some chemistry.

    Might as well fuck her.

    Plus, you don't have to use a condom, because she's obviously not going to get pregnant in her condition.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung I noticed that..
    but why?

    It's actually a very common thing in the kink community.

    betas are superior, therefore their descriptors are capitalized:
    -- Him.
    -- Bull.
    -- Man.

    Whereas betas are inferior, and therefore their descriptors are never worthy of capitalization:
    -- sub.
    -- sissy boi.
    -- cuck.

  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i mean when you were a little boy are your hairs as corse as they are now ?

    no homo.

    Wut? I have no idea.

    The precise texture/thickness of my hair when I was a child somehow slipped my mind many years ago.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ajax You can give your child any surname you want.

    Case in point:

  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny this how posting on this website feels like,

    What the actual fuck?

    That's horror movie makeup and all that, and thus, clearly, fake.

    But still utterly creepy that there's a market for it.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung The Yerkes Dodson Law is prob the gayest law this side of the Mississippi.

    Well it's a federal law and if you violate it there's a minimum 12 month sentence.

    I highly recommend you obey.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Behold, The Time Cube:
    Hey stupid - are you too
    dumb to know there are
    4 different simultaneous
    24 hour days within a
    single rotation of Earth?
    Greenwich 1 day is a lie.
    4 quadrants = 4 corners,
    and 4 different directions.
    Each Earth corner rotates
    own separate 24 hour day.
    Infinite days is stupidity.
    Most math is erroneous.
    You are educated stupid.
    Google has over 1,000,000
    links to Time Cube site.
    Click here to view a mass of links to Time Cube site.
    Click for Time Cube on Horology Site.
    TechTV will fly me to San
    Francisco in early June, to
    tape Time Cube interview.
    Academia is an accreditation of real
    stupidity - deadly to all humanity.
    Dumb ass teachers fear Time Cube
    and will eat dung before debating it.
    Dumb students are educated stupid.
    Click below for stupid linear time.
    Nature's Time is Cubic and perpetual.
    Linear Time is wrong and suicidal.
    I have requested that the UCS, or
    Union of Concerned Scientists, act
    to evaluate Nature's Harmonic Time
    Cube Principle of Creation - for the
    welfare of children, nature and the
    future of all humanity. The dumb,
    stupid and evil bastards have ignored
    their obligation to their humanity
    fellowship to research Time Cube,
    and deserve to be spit upon publicly.
    It is their moral duty to test Time
    Cube, and a curse of evil if they ignore
    the greatest discovery of humanity.

    I have offered $10,000.00 to the evil
    bastards if they disprove Time Cube.
    They can't disprove it, so they hide
    like yellow-belly bastards they are.
    There is no human entity, just human
    Cubics - as in 4 different people in a
    4 corner stage metamorphic rotation -
    never more than 1 corner at same time.
    Cubeless education - is a deadly evil.
    Cubeless educators are evil bastards.
    Humans are dumb, educated stupid,
    and evil. They don't want to know
    Nature's Cubic Order of Creation.
    Man invented word, and calls it god.
    "The Word World", imposed by the
    academic institutions, is synonymous
    with the Matrix's induced "Dream
    World". Both are most efficient mind
    enslavers, and humans know not their
    difference from "The Cubic World",
    the creation principle of all that exist.
    Academic free speech is a damn lie. Try
    to discuss & debate Nature's Time Cube
    and your evil teachers will not allow you.
    Ignorance of Time Cube dooms humans,
    inflicting their own created "word hell".
    Educators are actually "evil word gods",
    teaching commercial plunder of Nature.
    The damn bastards suppress free speech,
    by denying Time Cube debate discussion.
    Students MUST DEMAND free speech -
    for the greatest of all human discoveries:
    Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4 Day
    Rotating Creation Principle of Cubicism.
    Educated stupid, you can't know Truth.
    Read physics of Santa Claus . Explain the
    physics of a god. Belief has no inherent
    value, but worship of such nonvalue as a
    god, equates to nonacceptance of Cubic
    knowledge - as demonstrated by ineffable
    Truth and the Highest Order of Wisdom.
    I can talk with a human for hours about
    the Time Cube and they will agree with
    every claim I make. But at the end of the
    conversation, they remark that they believe
    in the nonvalue belief god and cannot
    accept Cubic Creation, regardless of all
    the ineffable Truth and Wisdom it proves.
    A Belief Matrix pulls a 1 day world over
    your eyes, while the real Cubic World has
    4 simultaneous days in 1 Earth rotation.
    Educators own your mind and fills it with
    garbage, that will soon destroy humanity.
    You are a slave - to academic
    induced inculcated belief - an
    insidious entity, an evil which
    corrupts human mental ability
    to accept creation knowledge,
    as demonstrated in Cubicism.
    Did you see the movie Matrix? Actually the
    induced night "dream world" is synonymous
    with the academic religious induced daytime
    "word world" enslavement of humans. Word
    has no inherent value, as it was invented as a
    counterfeit and fictitious value to represent
    natural values in commerce. Unfortunately,
    human values have declined to fictitious
    word values. Unknowingly, you are living
    in a "Word World", as in a fictitious life
    in a counterfeit nation - which you could
    consider Matrix induced "Dream World".
    Can you distinguish the academic induced
    "Word World" from the natural "Real
    World"? Beware of the change when your
    brain is free from induced"Word World"
    enslavement - for you could find that the
    natural "Real World" has been destroyed.

    "Why not the Time Cube?"
    The only reason is educated stupidity.
    I have demonstrated absolute unrefutable
    proof of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days with
    in a single rotation of Earth. No other man
    or god can claim such Truth manifestation.
    The academic brainwashed mind is corrupt
    and can't comprehend Cubic magnificence.
    University of Michigan is a racist and
    anti-white institution - offering 20 points
    for registration, if you are not white. It is
    already evil in that they suppress student
    free speech for discussing and debating
    Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle.
    Integration equates unnatural racial slop.
    Does black mentality need the 20 points to
    equate the mentality of the white race, or
    is it an evil ploy to subdue the white race?
    What anti-white force is behind this evil?
    I will not receive one educator reaction, as
    their power is in ignoring ineffable Truth.
    How can such an evil school exist in USA.
    Evil Ass Educators Suppress Time Cube,
    and dumb ass students condone such evil.
    Cubeless institutions are spreaders of evil,
    and students lack mentality to challenge it.
    I bestow upon myself the "Doctorate of
    Cubicism", for educators are ignorant of
    Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle
    and cannot bestow the prestigious honor
    of wisdom upon the wisest human ever.
    Dr. Gene Ray
    Force teachers to debate Time Cube site.
    Word teachers are the most evil humans.
    Religious academia represses the human
    mind of the Cubic Truth - not utterable.
    Educators and teachers, ignorant of the
    Time Cube Principle, are evil liars and
    unfit to live in Earth's Garden of Eden.
    The bastards refuse to challenge this site,
    repressing Time Cube free speech rights.
    Students must force Time Cube debates &
    Make sure every teacher sees this web site.
    Time Cube proves a 1 face god impossible,
    due to 4 corner face metamorphic human -
    baby, child, parent and grandparent faces.
    Religious education is mindless declaration
    of ignorance, still maintained from its
    ancient origin by dumb and evil humans.
    If you believe the academic erroneous word
    god, you will die stupid and evil - for you
    have not the mental freedom to comprehend
    Nature's Higher Order Wisdom of the
    Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day Time Cube Creation Principle within 1Earth Rotation.
    Until word is cornered, educators are liars.
    by Gene Ray, the wisest human
    Any dumb ass should know that a prime
    meridian does not just pass through the
    Greenwich point, but it also passes as a
    great circle through both poles, crossing
    the equator at 2 opposite points, dividing
    Earth into 2 halves of light and darkness,
    with each its own 24 hour rotation - in a
    single rotation of Earth. You should know
    that harmonic symmetry demands a
    second great circle meridian to create
    sunup and sundown corner quadrants?
    There are 4 simultaneous 24 hour days
    within a single rotation of the Earth.
    You may be too damn evil to accept it.
    Since I have informed you of Nature's
    Harmonic Time Cube 4-Day Creation
    Principle, your stupidity is no longer
    the issue. For now, the issue is just
    how evil you are for ignoring Life's
    Highest Order, and just how long the
    Time Cube will allow you to plunder
    Earth before inflicting hell upon you.
    Your father was a fish. You evolved
    from an egg laid in water, fertilized by
    a sperm fish swimming upstream -
    just as salmon swim up stream to
    fertilize female egg laid in the water.
    Maybe, you should worship a fish god.
    There is nothing so dumb, stupid and
    evil as a cubeless educator, except for
    their evil dumb stupid ass students.
    Evil educators teach dumb students
    how to profit from plunder of Earth
    and to create deadly nuclear waste
    that will poison the children's water
    and destroy humanity. Both educator
    and stupid student must be condemned.
    Tis Time to ban any educator who does
    not teach Cubicism above cubelessness.
    To save humanity from extinction, like
    prior civilizations perished, youth must
    redirect selfteachers, or shackle them.
    Stupid Educators know of the Truth I
    speak and know that it will indict them
    as the most evil bastards on the Earth.
    Only a dumb student can be educated -
    as in brainwashed and indoctrinated.
    Time Cube debate denial is educator evil.
    It is not immoral for students to dispise
    educators who ignore Nature's Harmonic
    Time Cube or suppress free speech rights
    to debate Time Cube Creation Principle.
    Ignorance of Time Cube is Greatest Evil.
    Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:54:04 EST

    Dear Mr. Ray-

    For a year now I have studied your Time Cube truths but have not been
    able to convince others of its reality (dumbasses). My mother is a teacher,
    and she said it was "nutty" and "stupid." But guess what- I cornered her,
    literally, in the living room one evening, and forced her to admit it.


    American teachers are sworn to fight against the truth of Time Cube.

    Transfer interrupted!
    A Devout Student of Time Cube


    Time Cube has the answer for nuclear
    waste problem. Scientists are stupid
    asses, and ignore the Time Cube.
    Time Cube discovery makes me wiser than human/gods. YOU were educated EVIL, &
    too dumb to know about Time Cube Creation.
    My Cubic wisdom is above 1 - day Gods
    and Scientist. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil.
    Educators are"damn liars",and most evil
    of all animals. They do not deny the charge
    of being evil word bastards.

    There is no teacher on Earth qualified to
    teach Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-
    Day Rotating Time Cube Creation Principle,
    and therefore, there is no teacher on Earth
    worthy of being called a certified teacher.
    There is no human entity, as there are but
    human Cubics, via 4-corner metamorphosis.
    Educator ban of Time Cube free speech
    is Nazi like evil. Professors are evil
    bastards for suppressing Time Cube, and
    deserve 'tar & feathers' by betrayed students.
    I will give $10,000.00 to 1st education
    institution or to the 1st professor who can
    disprove 4-Day Time Cube. Evil professors
    ignore this as a challenge would indict them.
    The 4 corner quadrant Earth has 4-24 hour simultaneous Days within a single rotation of Earth, as if 4 different Worlds with 4 separate Days and 4 separate races with 4 stages each.
    Bible's and science's 1-day
    Earth rotation are evil scams.

    Not 1 educator on Earth has objected to
    being called a stupid and evil bastard
    for not teaching Time Cube. They know
    that it's Truth and would expose them evil.
    Students have no Truth to
    think with, they accept any
    crap they are told to think.
    You are enslaved by word,
    as if domesticated animal.
    A school or educator who does not teach
    students the Harmonic Simultaneous 4
    Day Time Cube Principle, is a death threat
    to youth, therefore stupid and evil -
    begetting stupid students. How can you
    trust stupid professors who lie to you?
    Can't lose the $10,000.00, they cowardly
    ignore me. Stupid professors threaten
    Nature and civilization with word lies.
    I think Cubic, I am wisest. You think self,
    you are evil. Your Professors are stupid
    evil Liars, and fear the Time Cube Truth.
    Cubicism bans monodeity. Integration is a
    racial slop, destroying all of the races. What
    is more racist than NAACP? Can there be
    a NAAWP, NAAAP and a NAAIP for the
    white, the asian and indian people? Why
    not integrate NAACP? What is racist and unracist? Linear Time is an 'evil lie'.
    How long will it take the educatedto destroy Nature?
    Destroying Nature equates destroying future children,
    for Nature constitutes the reservoir for human spirit.
    Ever notice how Nature returns when humans leave?
    One day, vines will cover New York like Aztec ruins.
    Academic scientists created over 77,000 tons of atomic
    waste and more everyday - for your children's future.
    You educated stupid bastards are unworthy of Earth.
    Invented word god and the stupid scientists recognize only a 1-day Earth rotation.
    I demonstrated an absolute unrefutable
    proof of 4 days simultaneously in a single
    rotation of the 4 corner Earth sphere.
    RPI incurrs a Cubic curse, evil for ignoring
    Time Cube. RPI professors will eat dung
    before they allow students to debate Time
    Cube Life, as free speech suppression.
    Students must stop such evil, or perish.
    NO Time Cube research by evil academic bastards. Students are taught stupidity -
    denying free speech rights to debate the
    Truth Cube. Is your university so evil -
    as to suppress Time Cube? Students are
    really stupid, without Cubic life wisdom,
    and yellow belly cowards. Only MIT was courageous. Time Cube is TOE theory.
    Time is CUBIC, not linear as stupid
    and evil educators teach children.
    See MIT Time Cube Video.
    Video no longer on MIT site.
    Academia is mind control
    and a perfect enslavement
    for the masses of humans.
    Word is evil empowerment,
    separating man from nature.
    Humans are not godly, their
    4 corner stage metamorphic
    seasons proves them Cubic.
    They're just educated stupid.
    Man isn't a steward of life's
    nature, the bastard plunders
    it like killing future children,
    for they die without nature.
    Educators are actually evil
    for refusing to teach students
    Nature's 4 World Time Cube.
    It is up to the youth to force
    educators teach Time Cube,
    or inherit the barren Earth.
    Children having babies is evil
    & welfare for such evil is evil.
    Overpopulation is Time Bomb.
    Word is not Real nor Truth,
    but deadly virus of humanity,
    transmitted through language.
    Teach Time Cube, You Fools.
    Educators Teach Their Students To Act Evil,
    but the students are really too dumb to know.
    MIT students depict great courage to debate
    the Time Cube where academia fears to tread.
    Are all other schools too evil to follow MIT?
    Time Cube Debate at MIT.
    Time Cube Disproves Gods.
    Ignoring Time Cube is Evil.
    Educators ignore Cube Life
    and they create evil students.

    Humans are the only educated stupid
    animal and too dumb to even know it.
    Interracial marriage is stupid and evil
    for it creates a child not of either race,
    betraying the child and both the races.
    Educators don't know black from white.

    YOU are the lowest form.
    YOU can't procreate alone.
    YOU destroyed the village.
    YOU destroyed the family.
    YOU destroyed childhood.
    YOU destroyed naturalism.
    YOU don't know the Truth.
    YOU pitiful mindless fools,
    YOU are educated stupid.
    YOU worship cubeless word.
    YOU are your own poison.
    YOU create your own hell.
    YOU must seek Time Cube.
    The rest is cutoff by post length limitations, but you get the idea.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I always wonder when these CLEARLY mentally ill people (no offense, bud) post stuff like this online, if they are actually seeing a shrink, or if this is one of those undiagnosed cases, which would be kinda scary. And I don't mean because schizophrenics have a tendency to go around killing people. It's moreso about the fact that this poor dude might have had a chance at a normal life if it was caught earlier on.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung 🤣😂

    It was meant to be a joke.

    But but just for the fuck of it, I Thanked your post, and then unthanked it.

    And I documented the entire thing so that you may experience it.

  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny there're 2 types of [asian] hairs, fine and coarse.

    idk about white people tho.

    I didn't even know there were different hair textures for Asians.

    White don't really have that, other than curly vs straight.

    Black folk definitely have a certain kinda hair in some scenarios.

    I once dated a (half) Jamaican gal and she would braid her hair. It didn't look good (or even go naturally) straight.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny idk. i never really pay attention to their faces.

    mostly just hairs and bodies.

    Well damn, you're living life on easy mode then.

    Hot bodies are pretty fucking common, unless you have very specific preferences there...

    Actually, I kinda just figured it out...

    Everyone gives different weights/biases to different factors.

    So, to you, if body-type is important, you are probably more selective than I am of body-type.

    I care about the body, but the face is always what gets me.

    And hair, well, I have a definite preference for darker hair, but I don't care all that much. Unnatural colors (like green, purple, etc) do kinda lead to a lower score, generally speaking. But they aren't a deal breaker.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by A College Professor ur like such a bad poster everyone fell asleep

  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH Man my coworker is a huge incel he kinda insinuated he's inexperienced but the other day he told me all about incel philosophy while I was frying on acid. It's so fuckin lame but also kinda true, the women I'm actually into have always destroyed me but at least they give me the pussy.

    His worldview is totally fucked but mine surely would be no better in his shoes

    This sums up my experience to a T.

    I have had vastly predominantly negative experiences with women, but lots of sex.

    So, I dunno, I can't really hate them.

    Now, imagine having predominantly negative experiences with woman, and yet no sex ever.

    It's hard not to see their point of view at that point.

    Originally posted by Sudo I feel like hearing about incel philosophy while high on acid would make for a bad trip for sure.

    That's such a weird thing I would imagine it only exists in America but there was that guy who drove over a bunch of people in Toronto

    Originally posted by Sudo I've been with terrible women who aborted children out of spite and stole from me and ruined my bank account and told a billion lies while incarcerated. A weak man would let that destroy him but a strong man keeps soldiering through the pussy until he finds a better one. What kind of a faggot defeatist attitude do incels have? Just the weirdest thing in the world. I think Jigaboo Johnson is an incel as well as most of the guys from Rape hotel

    But you, just like myself, and WE SMOOTH above, have all had sex. We've all had women express interest in us at some point.

    It's really not fair for us to try to claim to know their point of view.

    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH It was starting to yeah for sure. I think the MDA helped my empathy.

    I was thinking about all the difficult times I've had with women and telling him he just has to accept the game and enjoy the wins, not take it seriously til someone gives him a reason to then accept that it will also likely be bad at times.. and he's talking about radical socialism that would guarantee him pussy for having a high IQ and other shit that's never gonna happen and he's telling me he just never had a W (as I picture a vaporwave-styled picture of an NBA player)

    But what if there aren't ever any wins?

    That would be pretty demoralizing.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you need to defoo.

    family drags you down.

    I don't know what "defoo" means, but I rarely interact with my family anyway.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by A College Professor ( rams a giant bundle of romaine lettuce up gadzooks asshole and runs away )

    I prefer iceberg lettuce when inserted rectally, but I am nonetheless appreciative of the gesture.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
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