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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by CASPER Kinda reminds me of N0 W4RNING or whatever. Maybe that?

    N0 W4RNING sounds familiar, but I can't remember any particular posts off the top of my head.

    The name definitely rings some bells.

    And for some inexplicable reason it reminded me of:
    1. ftwchriso.
    2. Shotties.

    Those two had some kind of eternal feud between each other.

    I think they were both from Australia or thereabouts.

    Which reminds me... I mentioned rabbitweed already, but I'm mentioning him yet again because I really want to get in touch with him. He was from New Zealand.

    AdMech/TwistedFerret and Rabbitweed were friends I made on Totse, and it went well beyond that.

    I spoke with them via MSN messenger, email, etc all the damn time.


  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Grimace Hahahah some of you might remember this backwoods retard:

    insaneike_420 - This motherfucker was the best. He had the temper of stupidnoob with the brains of sploo. He lived in Benton, TN I remember and was always on meth or drinking Natural Ice or taking a shitload of opiates. Here is an example of his typing style:

    "fuck yuo peice of shitt. i mkow evryhing there is 2 know about meth u fkn faggot."


    I missed this post somehow...

    But omg, insaneike and warweed should have a spelling bee throw down.

    They were both utterly HORRIBLE spellers.

    Yet both mods (I think insaneike was a mod at one point, right?).

    Oh man, the memories...
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by fed You under arrest, nigga.

    NO, YOU!

  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Narc I think you're being extremely naive right now.

    Also I really don't get the point you're trying to make, I'm not sure you do either. It really doesn't make any sense.

    You're right, my whole intent was kinda half-baked to begin with.

    But there is something relieving about doxxing yourself before anyone else can.

    I'm not recommending anyone else do it.

    Internet privacy is a right I truly and strongly believe in.

    But, it is kind of a breath of fresh air.

    I don't have to spend every waking day wondering before I make a post if I'm about to reveal anything that could lead to my personal life.

    It's not feasible for everyone to do that, but... I'm not sure I would go to the extent of saying I regret doing it.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Imagine if your name was the only name in the country you reside … crazy I know, but believe it or not there are actually unique names in countries.

    Then imagine becoming unemployed and applying for jobs, where your “reputation” online matters. Another words, your online presence plays a role in consideration for your next job

    Now consider, for years you never really thought about this, but when you googled your name, you discovered much of your life was available with just a name search .. thank god, you lived a decent life and actually what was online, was to your favor

    Now imagine some lunatic online who only knows your name, manages to trash you by posting his fantasies of what he believes you really are.

    That then becomes the first thing any potential employer see’s online when they search your name.

    Imaginethat! Really.

    It does happen more often than you think, to people that don’t really think that fiction can over-rule real life accomplishments

    You know why? Because it’s illegal to discriminate, or deny a prospective employee an opportunity based on hearsay …

    Well, the fact of the matter is, it happens daily. And for those who make those judgement calls when sorting the yes and no piles, try to prove you ended up in the no pile because of an initial search of your name on the internet …

    From personal tough expierence and thousands of dollars to clean up someone else’s evil deeds, please don’t make the same mistake.

    It does happen and you would be very surprised, as I was how negatively this can effect your future, no matter how much hard work and effort you put into doing the right thing …

    In your case, it’s clear you haven’t lived that kind of life. But, maybe one day you will and one day, it won’t mattwr because your story and history is on page 12 .. but some sicko’s biography is on pages 1-11

    I'm half asleep right, because I'm tired, drunk, and took a bunch of very potent sleep-inducing chemicals.

    But I wanted to say to you, if I have one last post in me to give, this thread wasn't specifically targeted at you in any way. Your paranoia 100% justified.

    I'm trying to take some of that power away from the "doxxer" folk.

    I'm not suggesting everyone go and air their dirty laundry publicly forever.

    People are allowed to have some secrets.

    But also, exposing those secrets just to exert power over someone else is... basically... bullying, for lack of a better term.

    So my end point is, be cautious about what you share on the Internet, but also don't always assume the worst when people have a bit of info on you.

    Doxxing people, without their consent, is kinda fucked up.

    But also, pre-emptively doxxing yourself might be a reasonable strategy in this day and age.

    So I did it.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Is there snow right now? I want snow.

    Not yet.

    Inevitably, it will happen at some point though.

    I usually hide from it, to be honest.

    I'm not much of a snow person.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats the objective of a news ?

    To tell a story.

    But that story can be biased.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra lol@ thinking any source of news is objective

    I don't.

    It comes in degrees.

    The Daily Stormer is at one end of that spectrum of degrees.

    You can achieve borderline neutrality with media, but, generally speaking, it's someone's interpretation.

    And who do you think is interpreting it?

    The CEO, CFO, etc...

    So, basically, I'm agreeing with you, but this partiality exists on a spectrum. It's not binary (i.e. Alt-Right vs SJW).

    There's a certain truth that lies somewhere between those two.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala I wanna go to Chilliwack just bc the place is called Chilliwack tbh

    It's a neat little town.

    It's right outside of Vancouver...

    Far enough that I think it's technically long-distance to call there, but close enough that it's like an hour's drive on the highway.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by That's weird. Unless you havn't had a Job since then. I mean I would think they would have it up to date. and maybe one might have lagged but both?

    that's why I figured what I did.

    Fair enough.

    I essentially assumed the same.

    It is strange seeing my address from 10 years ago and my job from 15 years ago on my credit profile.

    They only update that stuff incidentally though. Unless they have a very good reason to update it, they don't.

    It is actually really weird, but that's how the credit bureaus do it.

    I suppose you could call in and let them know what's what, but I just don't care enough, quite frankly.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Hey we are the same age. Want to have a baby?

    Come to [REDACTED] and we just might .
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by HTS I kind of agree that people cling too tightly to their PI, but at the same time I would never post my address here and probably wouldn't even PM it to anyone here… no matter how much I thought I trusted them.

    I 100% respect that.

    I'm not pleading for everyone to post their damn addresses or something.

    I'm just trying to make a point about the paranoia.

    And the pettiness that would have to go hand-in-hand with tracking somebody online down just to... what... egg their house? SWAT them? Break into their place and KILL THEM? I mean, what is the worst that could happen?
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I also like to sit on my hand until it goes numb and then I give myself a handjob that feels like an actual handjob from another person.

    LPT: Numb hands feel like other people's hands. (Self-administered) Sex is much enhanced.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I also believe that Donald Trump is a liserd-man.

    I also believe that dandelions cure cancer, and big pharma is holding the world back.

    I also believe that anyone who tries spreading malicious tales about me is directly involved in a conspiracy that involves the horrible torture of innocent cilivilians the world over.

    I also believe that the color purple is actually red.

    I also believe that squares are round.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra what a coincidence, my name is also Darren Mackenzie and I am also an avid child pornography and amphetamine enthusiast.

    Okay, point taken, and I actually lol'd pretty hard.


    Actually, you reminded me of a strategy a coworker had not too long ago...

    Spamming the Internet with untrue things about yourself... like... outlandish things... And then how do they parse the true stuff from the rumors?

    I think I'll do something along those lines.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik loose

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