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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Narc I know.

    But yeah things have changed now and there are some seriously nutty loons out there who'll point the pedo finger for the stupidest thing.

    I mean there was that woman who took some pix of her two year old kid playing in the paddling pool in the garden on a hot day that happened to be naked as often two year olds are when paddling in summer. She got reported by the photo processing store and charged with child porn.

    I myself had over zealous cops try and fit me up when I got busted selling drugs and it turned out this one girl happened to only be 15. The pigs caught her with some weed a week later and threatened to do her for intent to supply unless she made a false accusation that I'd touched her. I was lucky in that there happened to be CCTV where her statement said this happened and proved it was a load of bullshit. But if there hadn't have been then that could have turned out bad. But it shows exactly what cops can be like with this sort of stuff, twisting any little thing or even nothing into summing really fucked up.

    It has reached the levels of a true witch hunt and mass hysteria, that's for sure.

    Originally posted by Narc There are some serious pitfalls out there these days. Im just saying that it doesn't do any favors to be laying the groundwork for the traps to be set in your own garden. Ya get me?

    Again, I 100% see where you're coming from and am in virtually no disagreement.

    I might consider going through this thread and basically redacting anything too incriminating, but I want to think on it for a bit first, because, I don't really want to 'let the terrorists win' so-to-speak.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Grimace

    I love this.

    I actually had a lot of fun putting it together.

    It spans like 5 years of just drinking with the buds.

    So it's hard not to get nostalgic every time I see it.

    Most of them have family's now, kids, the whole adulting thing.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny was that "without me" ?

    It was Chacaron.

    A classic Central American hit from circa 2005.

    It won 5 Grammy's, and was nominated for another 4 categories.

    Scholars are writing doctoral theses on the complexity of the lyrics and how they represent the profound experience of the "Chacaron."
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by DontTellEm It's all shits & giggles until some lonely, mentally deranged weirdo takes ur pictures & ur information & puts it on porn "meet & fuck" sites in ur local area.

    All of these things take time and effort.

    Who the fuck has that kind time and energy to devote to such trivial activities?

    Like I just don't get it.

    Call it Polyanna Syndrome or rose-tinted glasses or just garden-variety naivety, but who the fuck is doing stuff like that?

    Originally posted by DontTellEm But it's ur fault, cuz u posted the pics so u deserve it. :/ 😛


  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box used to be a volunteer for erowid, going through trip reports. actually I think I still might be one, I get the emails occasionally. you wouldn't believe the backlog of shit.

    When you put it like that, maybe they published it like 10 years later.

    All I know is I posted the same trip report in BLTC, and quite a few people found it useful.

    It was surprisingly effective.

    I think they were either Mother Gecko or Botanical Bear or whoever the main supplier on Totse was back then, so they were quality seeds.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box what I love most about this thread is that its a fucking CANADIAN doxing himself. this is a place with even less free speech rights than America. if you'd think anyone would dox themselves it would be an American with a bald eagle blowing him while he uses thermite to smoke his meth. gadzooks is so fucked. canadians aren't allowed to say the nigger word, much less post on a forum called niggas in space lmao

    I'd just love to post a link to a '' thread on work Slack.

    I'm already known at work though for making obscene comments during conference calls.

    Or for using swear words and sex talk in my code comments.

    I actually kinda like pushing the boundaries to see what I can get away with.

    If you stand out at what you do, you can get away with quite a bit.

    I took that lesson from the book of the show "House, M.D.".
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box sublingual. sublingual is the best. well, next to IV.

    Shit, forgot to mention it.

    It's exotic enough to be worth mentioning.

    But I have definitely taken a lot of things sublingually.

    If I had pure alprazolam powder (not too difficult to find, really, on the deep web), I'd make a highly concentrated propylene glycole solution and take that sublingually a fair bit.

    I did it with crushed pills, but, you know, binders and fillers and all that make it less concentrated.

    I also remember sublingual HBWR (LSA) to have been surprisingly effective some 10 years ago.

    I even wrote a trip report and sent it to Erowid, but they denied it (I think because at one point I mention a drunk driving friend who dropped by right in the middle of the whole thing - I doubt it was my communication skills that got it denied - who knows for sure though).
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box it was/still is accepted drug knowledge that you can't snort benzos because they have to be water soluble, which most benzos (except midazolam) are not. insaneike was very much in the anti-camp, I was merely curious. think I was like 17 at the time, I asked a few questions in one thread, no one had real answers, the next day I woke up at like 7 AM and was like, "let's look into this". well water solubility doesn't fucking matter at all, it matters if its soluble in lipids, that's what your mucous membranes are all about. I showed plenty of cases of scientists using benzos intranasal. in my opinion, it was a pretty shut and dry case that I presented: snorting benzos WILL get you high.

    now, maybe I was wrong and didn't take certain things into account or some shit, but no one ever brought up a serious argument, "snorting benzos doesn't work" is basically urban legend tier. one of those situations where you learn not to trust what people say on the internet.

    A frontiersman of sorts... I like it.

    I still wonder if there's an ROA I'm missing out on...
    -- Obviously IV is ideal, but I always associate the needle with heroin, and as an ex-addict, I have to avoid that.
    -- Tried hot-railing (meth) for the first time a few days ago - basically the inhalation of smoke through the nose.
    -- Have not tried I.M. (intramuscular) or skin popping or whatever it's called - both sound kinda gross to be honest.
    -- Eyeball drops, the stuff of Nazi-soldier myths... I might try it, but haven't researched it enough.
    -- Rectal... I think I already mentioned it in this thread, or at least in another one this morning... I like rectally administering drugs. I think it does give me some kind of sexual thrill. If Bioavailability is even equivalent to Oral, I'll go for rectal (unless it's ridiculously impractical like I'm at work or in a class or at a funeral or something).
    -- Cannula directly into skull (PRO's: bypasses BBB, 'nuff said; CON's: you literally have to drill a hole into the top of your skull, 'nuff said).
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Actually I'm so not doing that.

    These guys are potent... 2mg a piece.

    And I always drink with my benzos.

    So I have to be incredibly cautious with my benzo usage when I'm on the stuff.

    But for fucks sake it's 9:30 AM here and I HAVEN'T SLEPT YET.

    I'm snorting a line of Xanax (might work, might not).

    Then walking to the liquor store to re-up.

    My only goal is to get some sleep soon.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ScarletLetter Popping m&m's as if they were Xanax.

    Popping Xanax bars as if they were m&m's.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Great. Good news. I expect more high quality videos then.

    I sold the video camera for drugs many months ago.

    I guess cell phones have video cameras though, so there might be some...

    If you didn't check out "Alkoholiks", that's about the pinnacle of my "filmmaking career".

    It will give you a pretty comprehensive overview of my day-to-day life.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost Nah man doxxing is cool, don't you want to be cool like §m£ÂgØL and Riser?

    To reiterate: I highly advise against doxxing yourself, and I certainly oppose doxxing others.

    But here, I'm doxxing myself for shits and giggles.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by ohfralala

    I don’t know if this is him or some random but I’ve been watching this little repeat on repeat bc it cracks me up.

    That's my bro who was living in the dreaded province of Alberta for the past year.


    I'm so excited.

    The World is about to change.

    When two such potent forces come together, big things tend to happen.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Grimace Nice to put a face to the name, Darren.

    I'm honored to be at least half-way to a first-name basis with you.

    I don't mind calling you Panny though, or even Grimace. He was a beloved purple... character of some kind... that we all knew and loved growing up. I realize, also, that is is a verb as well. That definition is a bit less uplifting though.

    Originally posted by Grimace I applaud you for taking the initiative for DOXing yourself, but I do not believe that the majority of the userbase will follow suit with your idea.

    Thank you, but again, I want to say that I fully support, endorse, and even encourage the preservation of online privacy and anonymity.

    It's the safer, smarter, more practical thing to do.

    I, on the other hand, am throwing my hat in the ring and testing the waters with a whole new strategy.

    Hey, if it turns out horribly for me, I will share my lessons learned with the whole lot of you.

    Maybe I will find out first hand how detrimental it can be to a person's reputation to intentionally post their own personal information.

    Time will tell.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Snorting Xanax (to attempt to verify or disprove a claim made my many before me).

    It's kinda like Myth Busters, but with drug myths.

    I will approach the endeavor with pure scientific objectivity.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Upside: Liquor stores (cold beer and wine stores) open at 9 AM in Canada.

    This is looking like an all-nighter.

    I don't do all-nighters anymore.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    It's FUCKING NINE AM and I haven't slept a fucking WINK yet...

    Yeah, I'm snorting that alprazolam.

    It's happening.

    Worst case scenario, I'm back where I started, and I have enough stock left to go oral.

    Or rectal... No joke but I Kinda like rectal administration of drugs, even if bioavailability is equivalent to oral.

    I guess I prefer sticking things in my ass over sticking them in my mouth.

    Obviously that last sentence can be very, very easily misconstrued in all kinds of ways, but whatevs.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box insaneike was one of the reasons I had to really look into the viability of intranasal benzos. this dude was just so convinced about this water solubility shit. to this day I still see people spreading these total lies.

    Was he pro or con?

    I'm not even lying when I tell you I am contemplating doing a bump of Xanax (not pure powder, either - so fillers and binders abound).

    It's so hard for me to test effectiveness of different ROA's with drugs like benzos because I'm already on a bunch of other drugs as it it. So by the time it kicks in, I'm not remembering a damn thing.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny security cameras are only useful for providing authorities and youtubers and liveleakers with entertainment after a bunch of masked men broke into your house, robbed and raped the shit out of you, killed you before gang rapping you again.

    I don't do rape - neither giveth nor receiveth.

    So these intruders would be wasting their time.

    Besides, all I'd have to do is press one button and the popo's would show up.

    I'm not one to call the cops in most cases.

    But if my anal virginity is at stake, I may just involve One TIme.
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