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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Krow These people are damaging the trust built into children and creates a fucking horrific phobia of some type. often it is said they themselves will do the same thing. maybe out of anger. creating monsters of people who may have been kind of loving and volunteering. I mean everyone is different growing up regardless if they were pampered or tormented

    but the majority will turn to harsh lifestyles. the girls might turn to porn or prostitution. not in a way that they would of chose to do so with using protection and say having a 401k and working in Vegas with a union of adult escorting. Im not saying this is a good lifestyle but many chose this seeing they make more money than stay in college and probably love sex and the company of people

    while some girl raped at a young age might live on the edge.. hoping it takes her life .. going out hardcore because that's how this fucked up world is (to them)

    and with boys.. they may just start killing shitloads of people or run sex trade.

    it in no way is acceptable. Ever. it is the one crime that if you go to prison for. You're marked for dead. you will always be getting stabbed or beaten down.

    It's the worst possible thing to do to a kid. You fucking insensitive mother fuckers. I have seen sardonic like humor online before. but clearly some of you aren't fucking kidding.

    I'm not at all trying to diminish the trauma that sexual abuse can have on a child.

    I explicitly stated that I approve of age of consent laws.

    But when you use demonizing and dehumanizing rhetoric about these people, you aren't helping the problem at all.

    I have all kinds of sympathy for anyone who was victimized by sexual abuse as a child.

    But think about the fact that the one who did the abuse was once a child themselves.

    Do you think kids sit around thinking "oh gee, I can't wait until I'm an adult so I can sexually abuse children"?

    The truly tragic thing is that it just fucking happens, and dehumanizing them does not help anything.

    I sincerely wish we lived in a world where no child has to endure sexual abuse.

    But treating those who commit these heinous acts as inhuman monsters is also unfair.

    And, I did kinda pounce on your particular comment a bit harshly, because what you were initially saying was kinda sorta humane in some ways.

    I personally have no problem with the idea of chemical castration. AS LONG AS IT IS DONE IN A HUMANE, DIGNIFIED, AND REVERSIBLE FASHION.

    Depo-provera (birth control for women) happens to be a relatively effective treatment for various paraphilias. Combine that with a bit of compassion for the affliction, and some quality therapy, and you might actually find sex abuse trauma start dropping on the whole.

    Isn't that the ultimate end game, anyway? Fewer victims? That's certainly what I want.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by F0N I posted a bunch on Totse and Zoklet. Not a prominent figure by any means but I had like 3000 - 5000 (or was it 10,000? fuck knows….) posts on zoklet alone by the end. Main rival was Darkhunter and Crazy Mike. Loved those guys and their weird ass ideas. I've been gone for years more or less. Occasionally on TinyBLTC to catch up with Panthrax et al.

    I do remember the name gadzooks faintly.

    You seem like good people, so I hope you stick around.

    I have become something of an ambassador / tour guide that provides orientation around here for newcomers (by which I mean seasoned members who lost contact for some period of time during one of the website migrations). You do have a registration date here a tad longer than mine, though.

    Either way, if there's anything you need filling in on, let me know.

    I've been a part of the Totse sphere since 2004 (that's when I registered - with this exact same name), but did kinda drift away some time during the early Zoklet days, and only discovered NiS about a year ago).
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I probably just bootstrapped this thread into another twenty pages of the same old tired back and forth, but I'm drunk and had to say my piece.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sophie He's probably just a victim of child abuse. And if not, then it doesn't really matter what he has to say because real human beings have empathy, clearly he does not.

    I also don't even like jumping to that canard either.

    My personal theory on it is that it's some kind of mix of motives: a bit of white knighting, combined with some major "ick factor", and a general need to scapegoat.

    I mean, if homosexuality is genetically determined (or even determined from early upbringing), then it is entirely outside of one's control. Now, I'm not trying to directly equate adult homosexual sexuality with adult and child sexuality (no offense). But the underlying urge really is equivalent.

    Two homosexual adults engaging in intercourse is truly a victimless crime. But, adult on child sexual intercourse, although you may disagree out of totally understandable self-preservation, is, at the very least, a VERY GREY area morally, if not outright wrong. (Obviously there is room for debate about precise age boundaries and so on).

    BUT, the urge is not the person's fault in the end, and so any barbaric, sadistic, medieval, or just plain cruel and unusual punishments against someone for being a pedophile is not only unconstitutional, but just, as far as I'm concerned, objectively wrong.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by F0N Agreed. Dude was sharp as fuck and beat people to near death with logic. By the time I started Uni I was well ahead of my peers and, literally, the only reason I can think of is Totse in general - arguing strongly with people that had sharply contrasting views and were vicious in their rhetoric - and Rust's approach to argumentation as strong influences in my writing and thinking.

    Who are you, and where the fuck you been all this time?

    Yeah I am in the exact same camp my man.

    It's kinda cool to run into someone who has that same appreciation.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ did you ever see that episode of black mirror where the guy ends up being stuck in a room having to listen to the same song over and over and he can't do anything about it? he's part of a program which is a punishment of sorts and like one second of REAL TIME amounts to a year for him, and the people decide to make him stay there for Christmas day which for them is however many seconds but for him its those seconds times 1000 years and so basically its like hell for him for millions and billions of years even though it was just a day that had passed for normal people ?

    spoiler alerts prior

    I have not seen that episode, but even the synopsis here fucking traumatizes me.

  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    But I just want you to close your eyes and imagine that it is your own son or daughter who comes to you crying and desperate because they don't know what to do... They just realized that they have pedophilic tendencies, and are at their absolute witt's end about what to do about it.

    Do you send them to this castration clinic to live the rest of their lives playing with legos?
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    It's reversible, at least.

    So if they find a cure (say, through gene therapy or something like that) one day, then the procedure can be reversed.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Although, I will concede that chemical castration is kinda humane.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Krow I forgot all a bout Sophie. Really, you fucking guys need to be placed in a room where the walls keep getting closer to each other while they shock your testicals showing underage. then chemically castrate you and surgically install SSRI inside your brain in a packett device that releases small doses every day

    then keep you in a room with legos for you to entertain your time for some years.

    Man, I like you and all, but I have to step in and say that this shit is pretty fucking over the top.

    I agree with age of consent laws. They exist for a reason.

    But when people get all sadistic about this shit I find myself sympathizing a lot more for the pedos than the so-called "good guys".
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    2020 Grammy's, here we come!
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    That sounds even better than I'd have envisioned it.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ im not drunk and im trying to sound as gangster as possible . -_-

    is this how YOU felt the flow too? haha


    I love you right now.

    That was fucking awesome.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I don't care what nobody says about Rust's dictatorial tendencies.

    The dude was an inspiration to me growing up.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ And then there's the whole topic of what living into your 150s 200s, 1,0000000s etc would even be like . do you continue to wrinkle and get 'old' in the proverbial saggy feeble sense? haha what if we could live to be 1000 but after 200 years old you're basically just a sop of shit with a brain laying on a floor but your brain still functions at full capacity

    Yeah that's what one would refer to as dystopia. Or, even more colloquially, hell on Earth.

    Medical and technological advances are fucking scary shit.

    It sometimes bothers me that I don't see people suddenly stopping dead in their tracks while walking down the street only to spontaneously shit their pants and start screaming manically.

    That ain't just inspiration for a horror movie serial killer mask.

    Existential angst is straight up horrifying.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ok, it was the name Attila I had encountered on numerous occasions (from Hungarian folks)...


    Attila the Hun?

    I dunno.

    I'm way out of my element, tho, tbh.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Wait, who the fuck was Attila the Hun?

    I am a certified history noob.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    But, but... muh trebuchets?

    I actually have no idea when it comes to early Eurasian history.

    I honestly even mix Genghis Khan and Hannibal up from time to time.

    You know what I do find pretty interesting though? A lot of Hungarians are named Hannibal.


    Am I just labeling a coincidence as a pattern?
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by F0N The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus like the angsty teen I was a decade ago and, apparently, still am. Oddly I didn't need existentialism/absurdism then, but it certainly is some sort of shield from suicide.

    I remember reading parts of that back in like '07 when I went through an Existentialism phase. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of valid ideas worth considering that grew out of the whole so-called Existentialist movement.

    I had a friend back then who was a devout Absurdist, it was awesome.

    The Sisyphean condundrum is absolutely central to the human condition. Camus himself boldly stated that "the only important philosophical question is suicide."

    Sartre was a tad off his rocker, though.

    And Heidegger too, but I kinda like Heidegger. Sure, he was a full-fledged member of the Nazi party, but he literally rewrote Western philosophy like Aristotle, Descartes, and Hegel were mere charlatans.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by SHARK Faggot

    Do you use behavior modification to train your faggot army to suck your dick every morning?

    Do you use fixed positive reinforcement or variable positive reinforcement?

    You probably suck their dicks to try to train them but it doesn't work and you just end up with a jizz stained mouth hole every day.

    "Dear diary, day 56 of my experiments in forced faggotry once again leave me cum soaked and slaveless. Will continue trying until publishable results are achieved."
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