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Posts by WE SMOOTH

  1. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I don't think this holds any weight but i have determined myself not to be a junkie because i be givng away free drugs.
  2. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  3. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Rizzo be having $11 to his name.
  4. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Man last time I had some K i did lines every night with a few drinks until it was gone. I swear I started out doing bumps and by the end of it i was doing huge k hole worthy lines to get a little weird.
  5. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 🐿 Does it have a fucking window though.?

    Can I clap those cheeks and smell your feet for $80?
  6. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    imagine being with Rizzo and he's begging you for a line of k but you only have a little left and its not going to do anything for you but you think it wouldnt do anything for him either so you sneak off and do it but then rizzo is still fiending
  7. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    When I was younger it was all about finding a "cool" girl, now she's gotta be single, cool, not broke, not 100% jaded and without kids. 😲

    Inb4 sludo says he can make any blitch cheat..
  8. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Good luck with that. They're all crazy, neurotic bags of flesh with few, if any, redeeming values. Just looking for their meal ticket on the gravy train.

    Generally I don't have much trouble agreeing with that statement but it's a dark road to go down accepting that into your psyche & i like pussy and want real good companionship even if it's a pipe dream. Anyway aren't you basing this literally all on Hydromorphone?
  9. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  10. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian Anyone else just switch off after blowing their load? It's as if I have zero interest in anything sexual and can't wait for them to leave my apartment. They just lay there legs trembling, or try and snuggle in as if we are now somehow unified. Annoyed, all I can think of is my muck slowly leaking out and her leaving slug trails on my fresh fucking sheets.

    A good woman knows not to overstay her welcome.

    Nah, no one else just you man.

    Yes, but actually I've been tired of the girls I've been seeing recently like as soon as they come over.

    I just wanna meet someone awesome already.
  11. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Is anyone here into colored hair? The last girl I was with dyed her hair blue and silver and it looks fucking awful. Like an aging alien or something. I don't get why people do this if not for attention, not that that's necessarily a bad thing.

    I'm into it when done well. It gets annoying being with a girl who is always changing her hair though.
  12. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I like em like 5'2-5'4 120-140 lbs like most everyone else. Then I like asian women then everything else.
  13. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Sludos just trying to get in then work his way out
  14. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Fonaplats you're a creep thats why.
  15. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I'm horny enough to be back on the date apps but as soon as I jack off I lose interest in the introductory conversations that usually go nowhere anyway. Hasn't been long enough yet.
  16. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    3 weeks ago 🤷‍♂️
  17. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    13. That's the amount of drinks I'd need in a 3 hour span to want to fuck mal.
  18. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  19. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
  20. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Mihkeyagains thin penis hurt a chihck or two..
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