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Posts That Were Thanked by A College Professor

  1. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I didn't sleep last night. tried to by 3am and got up at 5:30. no clue. now Im tired. Got yelled at for a retarded reason by some Priv guy

    When you order from Grubhub or doordash and get a little impatient because you're watching the real time driver location.

    two things. (I don't remember signing NDA regarding this so I hope Im not breaking a rule)

    A: it's not accurate. until the driver really is near by. I had this fucking jerkoff cussing me and triggered me... which brings me to part B

    B: Your driver may have picked up another order before yours and may also be delivering it first (or second) but don't call that person and say they missed the turnoff multiple times like this fucker.

    But it's Karma. I saw a driver in hold position and Im like, Dude my food is getting cold. He replied back "Dude, I'm getting Gas"

    I felt so fucking retarded. though it did seem to take him 15 fucking minutes to do so.

    fucking dude triggered me in front of the first delivery. both reported me. LOL

    I'm prolly fired by MOnday.
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  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    I like working hard .. I work hard to play hard ...

    *does the stanky leg*
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  3. *Special Agent Andre Cicero enters thread*
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  4. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Nigger Nintendo Starving African Child
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I like those older cars with the push button transmission on the steering wheel. it's very cool.

    and push button starters existed on older chevys from the 1950s. but they went back to keys until recently.

    I still never driven in an all electric car but I guess some of them you just push the pedal and there is no brake and no gear box. Im like, how do you stop the car. You just take your foot off the pedal. it knows not to run into shit I guess. it will stop if a car is in front. Im guessing forcing your foot off of it while pushing back itself?

    this is some new model coming out. sounds like a fucking bumper car

    Electric motors are really, really really good. Like insanely good. Like if you disengage the acceleration, it doesn't need something clamping the wheel to stop it, it literally uses the exact same mechanism that gives it electricity to make it go, in reverse to make it stop by absorbing the energy back into electricity.

    If you remember physics class, there are a pair of electromagnetic rules called Fleming's Rules (right hand rule = generator rule, meanwhile left hand rule = motor rule) and something called the Right Hand Grip rule based on Ampere's Law, where if you "thumbs up" while clutching a wire, with your thumb pointing in the direction of current flow, then your fingers are curled in the direction of magnetic field lines generated around the wire.

    We use these principles to create the electric motor as well as the electric generator.

    For motors
    current moves through the wire and generates the magnetic field around the wire, which will cause a magnet around it to rotate and this effect is used to drive the motor.

    And equally in reverse for generators, a magnetic field moving around conducting wire will generate a current in the wire, so we simply rotate the magnet around the conductor.

    This is essentially the basic power generation method we use everywhere to convert any source of energy into electricity: we essentially just find new ways to get something to turn a turbine, to move the magnets around the solenoids, to generate the current.

    In electric cars essentially the same principle is used for one-pedal braking and stopping. Once you let go of the accelerator, the supply of current is reduced or cut and the momentum of the car moving forward immediately starts going towards generating current in the wire, because it's using the same wheel turning now but in reverse the wheels are now supplying energy back to the circuit. But since there's no more power being supplied, they quickly come to a halt. This also goes back into recharging your battery a little to make your car a bit more efficient.
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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. CandyRein Black Hole

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Fuck the ku klux klan
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  10. frala Avant garde shartist
    WRONG. DONNY SHIT HER AND QUIT HER. I heard Trump has IBS and can’t be President anymore.
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  11. Not a single testing center in the world tests for any variants. Call them up yourself and find out. So there's no way they could have identified any variant, because nobody is testing for any variant. It's all bullshit, same as all the bullshit and lies these clowns have been shoveling since day one. Even if it was a variant, viruses always lose gain of function when mutating. They never gain function. The chances of a virus mutation gaining function is in the billions to one. It would be like winning the $50 million dollar Powerball lottery a thousand times in a row consecutively.
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  12. Originally posted by Donald Trump If you money is a limiter, buying new is foolish. Buy second hand to maximise your value per dollar spent.

    You can get 2/3rd the hardware for 1/2 the price, easy.

    I've been keeping my eyes open on facebook marketplace and stuff. Might do a fonaplats "hey guys should I buy this computer" type thread soon. I'm not against buying new either, it's not really a limit but I am cheap and play a few old games. If I was more of a normie or into modern gaming I would probably be more into getting a PS5, xbox or proper gaming desktop PC

    I don't see myself playing new releases that much except for fallout 76

    Originally posted by Donald Trump Yeah, it's not like the Steam Controller was a piece of shit or anything.

    I never really paid much attention to that but don't consider it as something negative to their reputation. It's typical Valve trying new things. Of course they are going to make a mouse controller before they even start working on Half Life 3.

    The nature of the personal computer is simply not fully understood by companies like Apple (or anyone else for that matter). Apple makes the arrogant assumption of thinking that it knows what you want and need. It, unfortunately, leaves the “why” out of the equation — as in “why would I want this?” The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a “mouse.” There is no evidence that people want to use these things. I don’t want one of these new fangled devices.

    San Francisco Examiner, John C. Dvorak, 19 Feb. 1984
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  13. Donald Trump Black Hole
    I bought an AMD APU laptop R6 in 2016 or so.

    It was supposed to be a gamechanger when it came to integrated graphics, combining the CPU and the GPU in one amazing chip, called an APU.

    In reality it was shit. Pure shit. Awful CPU, beyond awful GPU. Just a complete piece of shit.

    This horseshit Steam shit smeeels the same. Just don't fall for the APU meme.

    AMD have been pushing their APU shit for a while. Like 20 years. It has always been major fail. Avoid it like the black coof.
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  14. WellHung Black Hole
    I love to hear that.
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  15. Nigger Nintendo Starving African Child
    Driving is just muscle memory tbh. Everyone starts off thinking of themselves as being in control of a 1200 lb metal bull. Then you get used to it and become one with the machine and suddenly you are a genie gliding along on a technological magic carpet with air conditioning and subwoofers, cruising the physical superhighway as easily as you do the information one.
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  16. Bradley Black Hole
    This is extremely impressive. I have caught a couple of channel cats. This is my largest:

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  17. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Unless you're trying to fuck your car why do you care if it looks gay? My fagmobile gets fantastic mileage.

    u more than likely have an dildo installed in the driver seat
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    challenge her to a duel
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  19. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    don't you ever forget TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY, when he takes speaker of the house and impeaches biden & camela and takes back the white house in late 2022 then he will turn back the clock with his EO malking it possible to run for president till you lose making it possible to be president up to 10 terms
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  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Solstice A dumbass Door Dash or Uber Eats driver dropped off a random bag of Mcdonalds at my door the other night at like 9 pm with no receipt on it, threw the whole bag right in the trash

    Everytime I see your avatar I think it's Kim Jung un
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