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Posts by G

  1. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace This is so pathetic lol. Get some glasses gramps. Maybe then you won't hit a fucking parked car

    The idiot had his tailgate down, that shit wasn't visible(he was on an incline w/ rear going down out of line of vision) & as seen in the tape it extended the allotted parking space lengthwise into traffic. He didn't file/acknowledge a report as he likely didn't even notice his shit was bumped probably still doesn't a year + later lol. The ALE agent is just a busy body douche bag. Either way nothing to fret, attorney's on monthly retainer for shit just like this. I was more pissed w/ the scratched tail lens, I thought someone parking lot dinged me not vice versa lol.

    Stopped driving the Jag to that shitty parking lot though.
  2. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol this coming from a dude who crashes into parked cars

    lol "crashed" that's rich coming from a kid whose rectum looks like it was tarred & feathered after being crashed.
  3. G African Astronaut
  4. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby who is this gont? is his channel worth watching?

    Yeah he travels the globe to some super sketch areas & is tolerable unlike most vagabond/travel YT heads. But make no mistake he's a covert queer/diva.
  5. G African Astronaut

    Hiki not many people you'll find online will give a fuck that you're a lonely,miserable shell of a male. The ones that do are likely feigning interest/like for some morbid entertainment akin to watching a car crash. In short, no one gives a fuck son, so get your shit in order or get it over with. Cash in all your "disorders" go live w/ other inept "victims" of society & accept your fate or man the fuck up & better yourself.

    Uncle G
  6. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Greek Style There's no such thing as a clean human being. Bugs are part of life.

    There's sanitary & unsanitary take a wild guess where he falls in the spectrum ?!
  7. G African Astronaut
    Uma send mmQ some gift wrapped liver pills so his soul & body can be @ ease via me.
  8. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting ya the video of bald getting that head massage is fucking gross, using an old ass rag in his head 🤭

    Benji Rich is one of the vilest guys around lol, people acting like a picture perfect example of health & virility was struck down in it's prime by covid lol. That fucking dude's a walking petri dish.
  9. G African Astronaut
    They let disabled folks vote I mean like the established mentally challenged heads ?! I know there used to be incompetence laws so that should negate quite a few of you guys' input lol.
  10. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace So you admit people younger than you should take precautions to avoid getting sick

    Like maybe… Wearing a mask???

    No I'm stating this dude had a lifestyle conducive to contagion & no mask would've protected his well being.
  11. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 lol g is a lush who drinks green tea with his whiskey and then pretends its healthy

    Green tea is the shaolin way son lol. I'm damn sure not gallivanting the globe w/ dirty ass folks & conditions then bewildered when I pop up sick ?! This dude's playing his cards for content hits lol. No fucking doubt he got covid he was running through Belarus squalor & fuck knows where else. Benji's a dirt bag, I'm sure covid isn't the only thing lurking on his vile ass.

  12. G African Astronaut
    Get some BG44K for your ride next fill up.
  13. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Prove it!

    Watch his videos, dude does some of the most unhygienic shit on a jet-set basis. lol oh I forgot you're the idiot with the "he was jogging campaign" "never been seen there before yadda,yadda" Film caps emerge STFU lol. I can't waste time w/ you lol. §m£ÂgØL's fun as his act is mostly a troll I'm sure yours is genuine idiocy.

    Freaky lifestyles are far more conducive to contracting diseases why yes.
  14. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed My God 'G' is a boring poster. Anyone else noticed that? I should read his hot takes to fall asleep.

    Yes because I'm not some manic unstable head that goes on tangents about shit that most stable adults wouldn't care about.

    As stated he had autoimmune issues going on due to his lifestyle, this is an outlier case. You freaks put other freaks on pedestals & can't see the forest for the trees.
  15. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist So if someone gets the virus they are gay, an addict, deviant, and have an autoimmune disorder. Got it👍🏻

    But it gets better. Now if they get the virus he must have sugar in his tank.

    My gawd the ignorance is astounding!

    That guy's lifestyle is prime candidate for disease no shocker there & factor in he's suspect bi-sexual makes this thread no revelation nor surprise to people w/ logic.
  16. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Greek Style It's Bald and Bankrupt, a youtube travel vlogger who §m£ÂgØL lives vicariously through.

    He fucks a sketchy russian bitch & eats foul shit often he's for sure compromised. Jet-setting the globe, slums included may be good for YT content but not for vitality, he's a textbook candidate for pestilence. Walking the vilest canals in India then going getting his hair cut by a dirty ass barber complete w/ the pore deep scalp massage ?! He probably got the full undiluted super strain of the disease, no average human is going to be exposed to it that often or in those conditions.

    If you think ole Benji boy hasn't been tampered with I'm not sure what to tell you lol he definitely has sugar in his tank.
  17. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung DUI?

    No apparently I bumped a pickup truck when backing out of a parking space. Being I didn't even realize I bumped into some jackass's truck whom had his tailgate down & it extended his vehicle another 3-5 feet that's unseen via rear view mirror. It's leaving the scene of an accident & driving while suspended, the suspended license deal always gets tossed because it's a DMV clerical issue. I have a valid Georgia license but NC shows revoked. I get DWR every couple years lol.

    It was like 2 days later an ALE agent came to my house w/ the ticket & was like "you know you backed into a vehicle Friday afternoon @ yadda,yadda ?!" I was like "No but I was wondering where the scratch on my tail lamp came from ?! No one stopped me & that parking lot was packed ?!" He goes "I saw it when checking the surveillance footage that night" lol no one even called it in or filed an insurance claim. Didn't even touch my bumper paint, the tailgate was jutted out & caught my tail lamp, scratched fucking plastic, how drastic lol. That ALE guy's just a fucking busy body.
  18. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Don't you think you'll get it in the future , wen all this stuff dies down?

    My contract was for 9 mo.'s so it ends in Sept. then it goes by a rotational cue. The company in Dubai likely found someone local &/or handled it internally. Time will tell, but sitting home collecting lotto money surely won't have me chomping @ the bit to take sketchy contracts lol.
  19. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls Driving offence?

    Pretty much. Greene's awesome I never have to appear in court w/ them lol.
  20. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung hell yea g. thumbs up for covid-19.👍👍

    Did want that Dubai experience in my resume though. You can parlay those connects into rare air stateside.
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