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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by NARCassist Wrong

    She looks sultry. Sultry is sexy when a chick that looks like that does it.

    And why couldn't she have written that? You buy that 'blondes are dumb' stereotype?


    Read it. Go rub one out, come back with a clear head, sit down and read that start to finish. No skimming.

    She looks way more uncomfortable than sultry.
  2. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by NARCassist plus blondie do sound like a dirty fucking cow an all, check what she says on her profile.

    think i might just get her to dress in her school uniform and piss all over my face.


    Originally posted by HTS 10/10, would marry.

    10/10 sex slave. not one smile, she even looks angry up against the wall almost, and no way she wrote that herself lmfao
  3. apric0t Houston
    frala is litemex
  4. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III "drink a can of pineapple juice a day to help ease constipation!"
    "soak rags stained with motor oil in coca cola overnight and the oil will be gone in no time!"
    "pour baking soda on your carpet before you vacuum it to eliminate odors!"

    no. these people need to learn that they cannot get away with this shit. it's fucking annoying they try to fix every one of their dumb little problems that are actually not problems at all. they probably think it makes them happy or some shit to feel like they can remedy everything. fucking ridiculous. and disgusting. i hope every one of them is paraded around on social media like the fools they are.

    idk man i think the ones drinking that pineapple juice so they can shit better might be happy cuz they are shitting better and are thus getting away with that shit.
  5. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet As long as she was capable of taking care of her and her kid(s) herself, sure. I just broke up with a chick that had a kid.

    *was forced to leave this chick with a kid because of my 500lb wife

  6. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by chzbrgr We went on Sunday. No one said we went on Monday. Check your self before you wreck yourself ass wipe.

    sunday is for the lord, not for movies which makes you still wrong. fuckin name caller.
  7. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by chzbrgr Psh. In my nightmarez. I just thought y'all were trying to recreate what happened at the movies.

    hey since when is a monday night a popular movie night

    asking for a friend btw i work in a movie theatre so im kind of an expert on these things and i've come to the conclusion that u ma'am are a lier. dont @ me.
  8. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by chzbrgr lol damn i look cute

    Where's Bill Krozby with his arms wrapped around me, kissing all over me and eating chips out of my hand like a monkey?

    in ur dreamz
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Manonfire
    Oh this one was taken this WEEK


    shorts, wide open button down, beanie indoors.. i'd say strong case for mental retardation
  10. apric0t Houston
    stretch marks would be brutal so no
  11. apric0t Houston
    So I work as a projectionist at a movie theater, and we got this new Militant Nazi Mr.Clean "lead" recently that will mark down water droplets and stray hairs left in the bathroom for cleanliness, so we've been leaving the booth to use the family restrooms just outside in the hallways cuz we aren't responsible for that cleanliness. The lock has been busted for about couple weeks on that restroom, you have to close the door slowly, angle the handle just right and then maybe the button will push in and lock.

    Anyways, because of all of those things, 2 days ago a co-worker of mine walked in on a couple fucking on the counter of the family bathroom. It's a nice big single bathroom, like twice the size of a normal handicap stall and a marble counter with sink so theres plenty of room to get down without getting on the floor or toilet. Makes me wonder how many people do that shit.
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Manonfire U can bairley see the pic

    Maybe if you have a POS monitor and or bad eyes. I can see all I need to see for said judgments.
  13. apric0t Houston
    what did you say to her

    she is fat, ugly and allegedly balding though, so of course she resorts to the only thing left: false moral high ground.

    "how dare you utter a word I personally find morally reprehensible. My BMI? That's not the point!" on a dating/fuck app. FUCK OUTTA HERE HAMBEAST!

    *edit seriously, look how high of an angle that pic is..jesus.
    **edit AND WHATS REBELLIOUS ABOUT BEING A SJW CUCK!? ok im done promise.
  14. apric0t Houston
    i have a dream §m£ÂgØL used to post from his phone and press only the middle suggested text option and is regurgitating an old lame schtick, maybe with a slight spin
  15. apric0t Houston
  16. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by A College Professor Ohhh C(r)ap(s)tain… Remember last time you criticized my posting, but back then your thank/post ratio was lower than mine? I wonder if that is still the case??

    praise the one, true retard!
  17. apric0t Houston
  18. apric0t Houston
    you would watch this retard magnet of a show
  19. apric0t Houston
    i used to like nerds but then that rope came out and i felt like they cheapened themselves with the gimmick so i dont like nerds anymore
  20. apric0t Houston
    fake and gay
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