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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    I rarely talk to my mom at age 29.
  2. apric0t Houston
    You know, 100% honestly with my Baby momma I did all the time no worries, I even have a distinct memory of her sitting on my lap and ripping one to be funny but at the end of the relationship she actually quoted how she hated me farting all the time (lol) so for a long time with my current girl I'd always wait till I was in a different room than her. Eventually that shit got tiresome though and I realized it was a pointless gesture only causing me discomfort and her too because the fact that I wouldnt made her not want to in front of me, and blah blah

    tldr ya and so should everyone.
  3. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost lol im controlling a humans actions by pressing a keyboard, what a cuck

    youre making him press on a keyboard, by pressing on a keyboard.

    youre so incredibly stupid you even suck at bragging.

    one could say he's triggered you into action, and make a more valid point, actually.
  4. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Tony Hawk I had a bunch of monkshood and sprayed it on an ounce of weed in case I ever needed to fuck with my arch nemesis but my suitcase it was in got robbed and all my poisons, knives, how to cook meth guides got stolen from it.

    I really hope nobody smoked that weed, I have no idea what would even happen.

    Also theres like 4 empty blisters of CCC on the ground lol I had like 20 boxes of bundy

    left the power brick and phone charger though, huh? fuckin amateurs.
  5. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic don't what? do meth? masturbate? shoot into my dick? or post dumb shit about my dick and drugs?

    don't shoot into your dick and lose it
  6. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic not even joking, the base is like super fucking thick now where it was just kinda normalish i guess before. and there's a fat ass vein on the top right side, it's literal junkie porn. it's so tempting to shoot up into it and it would be kind of like a fun challenge because if you miss you're probably going to lose your dick lol. there's also a bunch of smaller veins that are visible and i can press on them and feel the blood pump through.

    you're one of the few people i like to read on here, please dont.
  7. apric0t Houston

    peridot sux dick compared to this
  8. apric0t Houston
    yall need sensitivity training
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by ohfralala Yeah well you ain’t neva had my breath on yo dick playa

    you have 2k posts in 2 months. your breath probably rusts metal
  10. apric0t Houston
    This guys a fukkin lier.

  11. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock 32oz beer bottle…

    no 40 no deal
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel hey look its one of the tards that sits around on TC all day and posts on once a year.

    remember when you spent an hour trying to show ur balls to hella in a revenge plot for some slight he cant even remember, and after all that effort only got fona's grandpa instead? i feel like thats a metaphor for your entire life.
  13. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by eBagger Users changin dey usernames n sheit dunno who what

    I never got to fux wit RisiR back in RDFRN but you had some 5 star quality posts if I ever seen em back in da day

    You cheated on the cookies with the pie fatboy.

    come on PUBG my nig. You prolly on that Fortnight hoot shit

    or I'll take yo cheeyups on da poka table

    edit: complaining was always fun….I want my registration date next to my name for rep, ability to easily use copious emojis, and the ability to give "thanks" to posts that are soo good to hear maybe I gotta post more of sumfin

    pie and me got a special bond no1 can break, buddy

    fuck pubg, fuck fortnite, get on that tarkov life fat boy

    i always take the cheepz, come round tc and get took
  14. apric0t Houston
    Aw Ebagger got cheated on, poor guy :(

    come back to tinychat
  15. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Dfg

    "SO APPARENTLY ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO BE FAMOUS TODAY..." some desperate faggot starts off, dying to get famous by talking about other unworthy famous people on youtube. instant close.

    poor video, dfg. POOR VIDEO.
  16. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Semiazas Sure looks like komo. Except the nice pad.

    Semi if you got such hot fiyah why you scared of TC bro!?
  17. apric0t Houston
    ITT an alt answers their own post with the wrong account.

    Jesus fuck it's getting bad here.
  18. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING I used to have briefs just like these:

  19. apric0t Houston
    "if the owner wishes it"

    you argue my point with my point??? It's not really dominating if it's built to be dominated, and you definitely cannot feel dominated by something you have to tell/program to do so. sort of like can't rape the willing type situation. or maybe inception?

  20. apric0t Houston
    Dominance is a huge factor in sex, subtle or overt. It'll get boring eventually because you can't dominate/be dominated by a programmable robot, and you'll never be able to trick that part of your mind/consciousness.
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