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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. Despite being God, I feel unfulfilled. Well I paid for my cough syrup in pennies. I had a dream with an ancient heiroglyph-type symbol and it was Mislav Prevadec on To Catch A Predator and he was telling me about the state of affairs in atoms when they don't have crushes on one another and are NOT fractals, which occurs very rarely. Then you get wasted on the Kava Kava mixed with bundy which makes it like a dissocosedative and I've god my addies. I can't really think straight idk, but there's this girl at the church place that I've been going to and since I'm always on meth I threatened to kill someone then I was like lol Im just acting and they were like O Ok. Voluptuous ass for sure though, I kicked a suitcase for no reason and it scared little kids and I laughed in their faces. Then she took her shoes off her feet and put them on her hands. It was good world. This is a good world for harry potter lookalike girls and even I used to look like harry potter but now I don't I just look like a junkie,
  2. Discuss
  3. [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] hi mislav. just wondering, do you take any nootropics?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] ?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] brain function enhancing drugs


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] nope


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] should i?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] im surprised more people in high IQ societies aren't interested in nootropics


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] r u merchant?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] well the hippocampus can generate neurons into adulthood through neurogenesis, one of the few areas that can, may improve mood, may improve cognition


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] no, i'm interested in intelligence as well as neuroscience


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] and i think there should be more of an association between the two


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] hm..


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] btw, do you have any opinions or advice for my tests?



    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] u r searching for guinea pig?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i'm my own guinea pig


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] lol


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] and?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i think it helps…i mean, it could always be placebo effect, but i've had some very uncanny experiences


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i may have suffered from a TBI as a child, and in that case certain muscles may become weak due to low innervation, at times i have my muscles "pop" into place and get an intense headrush that resembles nitrous oxide, which i assume is neurogenic neurotransmitters being released


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] tell me more


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i used to have a lisp on the right side of my face, so my tongue on the right side of my face was weak, but when i take these supplement, i hear cracking sounds as well as feel muscle movements in that side of my face that i didnt previously experience or was aware as possible


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] so i dont know, maybe it's helping me recover from a brain injury, and these supplements could be used in non-injured people as a way to cognitively enhance oneself?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] who knows really, becoming a guinea pig is a lifestyle, all i know is that i'm experiencing things that aren't normal to human life


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] what scientists said?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] google "neurogenesis"


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] brain derived neurotrophic factor


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] and the various substances associated with it


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i will


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] like SSRIs, pircetam, valproate, antipsychotics, theanine


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] psychiatric medications are basically brain growth pills IMO because mental illness is a direct result of brain injury/dysfunction and these medications work by repairing those systems


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i've gotten prescribed 5 different medications that i don't actually need, and i take them for the sake of the cognitive benefits



    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] familiar?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] that came off badly, i mean, i asked a psychiatrist to be prescribed those medications, told them it was for something that i dont actually have, and i take them because i appreciate the concept of growing my brain


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i dont get it frown emoticon


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] home alone


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] kid mvie


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] no relation


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] ok


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] ive been asked that so


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] do you have any grand world theories? i'd assume someone who scored a 192 on the LS24 has pretty much the entire system figured out


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] heh


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] with ages


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] more sure that love is the only key


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] and youth


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] no science theory could make me more happy


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i think consciousness is a fractal, and delusions and hallucinations are true because they are interpreting reality in some form or another, and there is no such thing as a "wrong" answer


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] hmmm


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] but what you said is probably much more fulfilling, and it reminds me of a line from interstellar, that love is the one concept that can extend past time and space


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] on consciousness being a fractal. i believe in telepathy because if you see ants they're communicating intuitively to perform actions that serve the hive, so human nonverbal communication is probably a ombination of gestures as well as pheromone signals secreted in sweat and things like that, to ants we're planets, to us they're ants, and the reason people experience alien abduction-like hallucinations and delusions is because earth is merely a planet and humans are merely a certain species of aliens, and human cognition operates as a whole as operators for entities that are revealed by psychedelic chemicals that activate receptors which alter reality enhancementing


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] it's pretty far out but that's how i think the world works


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] probably


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] lol


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] also, the empty set is God


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] and isil?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] islam? alah?


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] well i think all religions are different interpretations of the same phenomena


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] true


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] this is going to sound bizarre, but i experienced the sensation of the empty set smoking spice on dextromethorphan. I realized as an "insight" that the empty set is the self-invoking meme, it exists because for something to exist, existence is a separate factor in itself. The only way to experience the empty set is to actually experience it, and it is the empty set because no other operators can describe it, because it is 100% unique


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i mean maybe this is more a spirituality than anything that can actually be agreed on, i mostly just think psychedelic drugs are the key to the universe, to enhancement out information from your neurons so you understand the underlying themes, and then nootropics increase efficacy when working with these themes


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] i never used drugs


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] some drugs are bad, some are good, psychedelics increase associative learning and promote neurogenesis, as well as providing personal ephiphanies, just stay away from substances that are "meat pleasures", basically euphoriants that do nothing for one's personal benefit except make them feel good for a few hours


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] though amphetamine can greatly increase mathematical and verbal productivity and intricacy for short periods of time


    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px] which is why they prescribe amphetamines as ADHD medications, which I am on. 20 milligrams of adderall daily.


  4. my final IQ test

  5. haitis spatial agency
  6. 0 replies
  7. stabbing an asian girl with a pencil and asking zoklet if it made her upset. the response was 2 pages of being called autistic
  8. 1
  9. shit drug bro
  10. [h=2]Verbal & Numeric Ability Test[/h] [FONT=Montserrat][SIZE=16px]send to [email][/email] for scoring

    Part A

    1. GUITAR : SONG ;CHISEL : ?
    2. EYEPATCH + PLANK = ?

    6. LOVE : MARRIAGE ; OLD : ?

    7. GRAHAM + CELLULAR = ?

    12. BEACH : SHARK ; SEWER : ?

    14. MARS + FRISBEE = ?
    15. BRAIN : VAT ; CAT : ?

    17. TWIG : BRANCH ; BRANCH : ?


    23. EARTH : WATER ‘; AIR : ?


    29. LIQUID : SOLID ; ? : GAS
    30. SUN : STAR ; PARENT : ?

    Part B

    1. AZ: 24 ; BD: ?
    2. 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,?,?,4
    3. Southeast : 12 ; West : ?

    4. 1 , 8 , 1 , 9 , 2 , ?
    5. 1, 12, 313, 12, ?
    6. I : V ; X: ?

    7. /\ : \/ ; - : ?
    8. 8 : 8421 ; 6 : ?
    9. H, 1, L, 5, Q, ?

    10. 331, 421, 323, ?
    11. 101, 101019, 81017, ?
    12. ∞ : 8 ; 6 : ?

    13. 1, 00, 29, 8, ?
    14. 0, 1, 1001, 1001011001, ?
    15. I : L ; ? : []

    16. 8 : NOG ; 3 : _ _ _
    17. 00, 20, 11, 3, 00, 22, ? , ? , 4
    18. EQU, ISO, _ _ _

    19. 6 , 180 , 14 , 60 , 19 , ?
    20. IP : 4311 ; HIP : ?
    21. () : A , D , E , M , P , S ; [] : A , D , ?, ?, ?, ?

    22. ?????? ???
    23. ?, 17, 12, 8, 5, 3, 2
    24. X, V, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?

    25. 0, 9, 90, ?
    26. 1, 36, 1, 14 , ?
    27. 1, 12, 2, 12, 34, 3, ?, ?

    28. QUAN, ABC ; QUAL, ?
    29. 3x3 : 1,4,5,5,1 ; 2x2 : 1,5,?
    30. ?[/SIZE][/FONT]

  11. hashtag rekt


    Arrati arrati arrati the men in the green coats let me live for another day while I am returning from the astral plane of the spectrum color identified as """""""""""""blue"""""""""""""""" quote/unquote and i don't even care man i don't talk to people i exist in the schizovision which disconnects the outside world from the outside world so one is not truly conscious but instead exists as a disembodied consciousness meant to disembowel consciousness of chicks that have sorta shorta hair but she had soft features and when legs move they go V formation of the musculoskeletal structure of the anatomy of her being which gets severed from multiple pivotal points and skinned and turned into teddybears to be sold to edgy etheopian children that live in russia but can't afford food but they look like white persons because they've never seen the sun not even once and I just want to freak out and punch a wall and DESTROY BECAUSE FULL POWER AND I WALK DOWN THE SIDEWALK STOMPING ON THE GROUND CUZ IM PUMPED AND IM THE SHIT RN yeah thats what I screamed in the bitches face while I took a long look at the V legs and her V and I started using krazy glue cuz im crazy and i used krazy glue and staples to connect all the v's together and i made letters like x and d and r nd t and y and 430fif which is a single letter and can be used in a sentence like 3fh8hf083f0h84f34how are you doing today234o9uf-34f23j-4fj30fj39-j-9f234j34gf93f90j3 do you agree with 4-u9f3f-u493fu9-34i-???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. You are literally stupid though. Despite all the noots you ingest you are incapable of creating anything unique or interesting. Your working memory and perservation is good, so you have good amounts of research on topics that interest you, as well as well thought out replies to accompany them, but do you have anything about you that actually makes you a worthwhile contributor. Probably not, you just give a shit about things nobody else cares about, or rather, you do all the research for everyone like a subtly manipulated subservient. Meanwhile I'm designing math systems by the dozen like...daily, whether you agree with the psychometrics or not...and even if you don't it doesn't really matter because I'm so attuned to the complexity of systems that I'm aware what levels of intelligence a question measures just by the amount of operators in use.
  14. i am god

    i am the empty set

    i associate concepts with other concepts in novels ways

    i create new entries in human language

    {} {} {}
  15. I am the empty set

    I am god

    HampTheToker is a dumbass

    {} {} {}
  16. 1
  17. Ideas. What have you done besides nothing?
  18. Yesterday I planned on getting regular robitussin DM but all they had was robitussin with sinus congestion. The bottle contained 118mg of phenylephrine as well as 236mg of dextromethorphan. I expected to experience heart problems because of the PNS stimulation phenylephrine causes due to its effect on adrenic-1 receptors. But 3 hours later besides getting the typical effects of bundy I felt like I smoked a bunch of crack or something. The combination of the bundy and stimulants makes a very PCP-like drug, where I was walking around town feeling I AM THE FUCKING BOSS like I just did a line as well as the derealization and depersonalization which made me feel like I was in a video game and controlling my body as a game character, like movement was similar to using WASD keys in an RPG. And I felt so strong and confident it was like I was in grand theft auto or something. Overall it was a decent combo. They only make generic cough syrups for people to get high anyways so whatever extra ingredients it has just causes a different high, sort of like how different brands of spice have different constituents. I only drank a 4oz bottle but I wonder if an 8oz bottle with 236mg of phenylephrine and 472mg of bundy would be dangerous. I'm sure it isn't the safest combo but it's so damn euphoric. And I've always said I'm a meth, benzos, and PCP kinda guy. The other time I took vyvanse on bundy I walked around a block party with the 14 year old girl ashley and probably made everyone think I'm a scumbag.
  19. [h=2]SLA36 Preliminary Norm (N= 2, very premature)[/h] [FONT=Montserrat][SIZE=16px]0- 95
    1- 100
    2- 105
    3- 109
    4- 113
    5- 117
    6- 121
    7- 124
    8- 127
    9- 130
    10- 133
    11- 135
    12- 137
    13- 139
    14- 141
    15- 143
    16- 145
    17- 148
    18- 151
    19- 154
    20- 157
    21- 160
    22- 163
    23- 166
    24- 169
    25- 172
    26- 175
    27- 178
    28- 181
    29- 184
    30- 187
    31- 190
    32- 193
    33- 196
    34- 199
    35- 202
    36- 205

  20. You say drug addiction I say love affair
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