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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. i have this theory that every psych med ever probably gets you high if you inject it.
  2. 50 shades of ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
  3. Hey Ashley, are you ready to be Lobotomized?

    You mean you're going to penetrate me?

    Listen this is getting too hot right here.

    Yeah you're right, hold on, let me project my astral knowledge onto you.

    I see. Please lobotomize me. Please!


    Please! I'll bear your children.

    My children are children of the frost, ashley.

    I'm a child of the frost.

    You are a child of the wind.
  4. I switched to a rehab psych and she took me off adderall XR. Fuck.

    abilify 5mg, lamictal 75mg, wellbutrin 150mg,,

    much meh, but maybe i wont be as depressed, was trying to switch to Parnate but she wouldn't let me
  5. I beat him up
  6. Nah man it's that little cunt ashley ya know I mean how dare she try to fuck with me while conveying oneself as an angelic creature and she's just evil to the core and the illuminati paranoia conspiracy conspiracy will take care of her. I synchronize my brainwaves to my drum beats and I speak to a tribal god of the temple of the sickness that bestows upon the realm of the blue neon spice bag that's labeled as some radioactive sht. I'll mutate her chromosomes with chemical experiments because ain't nobody going to fuck with this space nigga right here. Gonna walk down my dead sidewalk stomping my fucking feet ready to take on the world because y'all living in slow motion and in the boobyverse slow objects as opposed to fast objects are obsolete because slow objects emit a photon upon admission into an electron which is like y'all got a proton for a nigga in need? and he smokes his proton in a crack pipe and blasts off into space on the dead sidewalk and boy he dead but he aint and my thought transmissions are getting disturbed because of that fucking bitch cunt ashley and she needs to be stepped on with high heels on her forehead repeatedly by a female cop who would then eat her evil little brain of evil, emitting her shit thoughts onto the dead sidewalk like a little photon fucking with a congruent triangle that rotates on it's own axis in the nth dimensional plane on an airplane that crashes into the twin towers and makes a lot of synthetic cannabinoid smoke which is inhaled by god bestowed upon the inverted cross of Judas, bass yun, and figyarnus in the (n^nth dimension)al plane which contains the constituents of the empty set chukno
  7. objective
  8. kill yourself
  9. I have two emotions

    When I'm high on amphetamine and spice

    When I'm sober and want to kill things cause MAD

    or somewhere in between
  10. I will destroy you bitch how fucking dare you do that to me I want to ascend your being

    Not like you said it was

    Nothing like you said it was

    You broke my being you WHORE


    Got up this morning got my methylene blue today nothings gonna go my way ay ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl






  11. Psychological withdrawel for opiates lasts a lifetime son. I would really, really like some right now and it's been more than a year since i was addicted.

    Dude, I'm probably going to be addicted to spice for the rest of my life. Do you have ANY idea how high current generation syncans get you?
  12. When you get addicted to syncans you take a hit every ten seconds. With heroin you only need to be high every 4 hours or so to avoid withdrawals. With syncans the psychological withdrawals start within 30 minutes.
  13. It also turns you into a massive schizoid
  14. More mentally addictive. If you smoke it once you'll end up smoking 10 grams of powder at some point or another. And you can't go 45 minutes without it or you're fiending
  15. you sit there smoking it off foil every two minutes for like 16 hours a day, and when you run out you smoke little pieces of dust for like 4 days
  16. it might as well cause your DNA to grow more chromosomes with weird ass chemical names like ABDABABAFUBINCA
  17. because nasal decongestant and cough suppressant is the LSD of 2015, LSD is the LSD of 1970
  18. spice is SO much better than weed
  19. Sploo, use a combination of psychedelics and transcendental meditation, along with other forms of mental training, to surpass the normal limits of humanity. Who knows what you could achieve. The ability to manipulate space-time, flight, telekinesis, ESP? You spend so much of your time in a drug induced state you may as well put it to good use.

    If you manage to attain it, I will prostrate myself before your feet and accept you as my master.

    I already know how to induce neurogenesis at will on a moment's notice. Might as well accept me as your master now. PROTIP: You can induce neurogenesis by consciously doing so.
  20. give your child fish oil and a lot of blueberries. Eggs for choline. Salmon. Maybe a multivitamin if theyre a bit of a picky eater. Don't use nootropics until the child is at least 12. And definitely don't give your kid tiantepine or a GABAergic noot.
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