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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. I've only ever huffed pure ether, we get it at the pharmacy here. That's some 1800's pharmacy shit but it's used for different applications these days. Still legal to carry a 100ml bottle and a rag lol.

    The heptane is better than ether, and the combination of the two is insanity that ether wouldn't produce on its own. It's the most psychedelic experience ever unless you've met the existence of the reality and metarealities this multiverse consists of in person, you have never tripped this hard as anything. Reality itself is viewn as a3rd oersin view and you are a soul that leaves your body for life you have niot used heptane _ ether correctly. i also took 1000mg of bundy 3 days in a row and that got me high as fuckback when i was using starter fluid. but alternating in a 12 hour period
    fuck i feel like im gonna die bu i hope if i post this but dont

    lol fuck

    im probably just perpetuating my paranoia

    my meain problem is that in makes you super consciouius of everything.'

    im good
  2. they're going: distorted thinking, euphoria, auditory hallucinations, a mathematical improbability of the fourth dimension..............
  3. ive turned into a full blown psychotic junkie loser since i gained the special skill to buy drugs for 1 dollar at a time
  4. arabs give 0 fucks
  5. i almost induced a panic attack by writing that name
  6. she has short hair like shorter than my length which is kind of a turn off for me

    but shes like a female harry potter librarian girl, maybe 7.5/10, would be 8.5 with longer hair

    cant snap pictures atm
  7. today i brought up how i used to have fantasies of being a serial killer and like three peopleimmediately left. but then i said to emma "can you pretend i never said that, i feel fucking retarded" "say what?"

    and thus, a young love is born

    i also made fun of ashley's dead grandma today

    i also took 2 subtests of my GED today
  8. we..............///////////////conjure.....................the spirit................/....................///////......of the computer.............////////..................///////////........///////////with.........OUR SPELLS
  9. [FONT=sans-serif][SIZE=14px]The effects of ether intoxication are similar to those of [/SIZE][/FONT]alcohol[FONT=sans-serif][SIZE=14px] intoxication, but more potent. Also, due to NMDA antagonism, the user may experience distorted thinking, euphoria, auditory hallucinations, and time looping at higher doses.

  10. [FONT=sans-serif][SIZE=14px]Studies, including that of an ether addict in 2003, have shown that ether causes dependence; however, the only symptom observed was a will to consume more ether.

    this is lulzy for some reason[/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. it has diethyl
  12. troonopics and a non developing brain
  13. shitty 99cent beer
  14. when i smoked a joint of spice yesterday i overdosed on tinybltc and puked up shit that looked like crack cocaine. i burst out into insane laughter after taking another hit and i heard my neighbor saying "he hit a bellringer!!!". I was listening to good clean fun by the descendents and my neighbors were singing "all i want to be an asshole!"
  15. the fuck r u doing nigga????????????
  16. a little girl broke my heart.

    but today i went up to her friends and went "wouldn't it be cool if ashley choked on a chicken bone, or if she fell down the stairs. bumped her head, and became brain dead"

    her friend was like "wtf no"

    then 20 minutes later i walk up to her friends and go "or if she starred in one of the Saw movies, or maybe 50 shades of grey, that would be cool"

    then some girl in the background goes "this guy is sociopathic as fuck!"

    *frantically texting*

    then i threw a rusty nail at emma and called her a bitch, stole 3 dollars from someone, bought a crazy stallion, watched rick and morty, and here i am
  17. 1
  18. i am not even conscious
  19. [FONT=arial]

    i bet your dad beats you up
    were you abused when you were younger?
    if you were you deserve it for being such an evil bitch
    hope you're having fun staying at home all day…getting slowly more paranoid about the illuminati
    I hate you more than anyone else on the fucking planet. You are the worst person I know.
    burn in hell forever
    are you even human?


    [FONT=arial] [SIZE=12px]what are some other things i should say/do?


  20. shut the fuck up Victoria
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