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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. It was nothing like an amphetamine

    It's addictive the same way nicotine is, but gets you higher in a NDRI sort of way.
  2. Or you can snort bupropion and smoke spice to the same 3 songs on repeat all day long, every single day

    I get too tired to move and my dad''s been telling me I'm going to end up being deemed mentally incompetent

    Chu dont even kno

    When I'm in public places I feel like acting like a lunatic. There was a bale of hay on the auditorium floor and I wanted to dive into it and beat up people with folding chairs. Sadly, this did not happen. I just have so much stimulation in my life, normal things bore me like torture would bore a normal person. I would think being tortured is exhilarating.

    Bupropion insufflated feels exactly like shitty cocaine but lasts longer.

  3. this serves no purpose
  4. Torturing Someone By Playing Tetris With Their Endegenous Opiod System
  5. fifty shades of cray
  6. grandma died because of YOU
  7. things can be indescribable in different ways
  8. It makes you wish you had more. The effect is mild but highly reinforcing, probably due to nicotinic receptor action
  9. a persons perception picks up on facts in reality but besides that theres no reason to assume 2 people are conscious in the same way. it's an indescribable experience
  10. I snorted 100mg today.

    It's not bad. Kind of reminds me of a nicotine buzz but more calm and giddy.
  11. I get the sense that I am an essential piece of the existiential puzzle
  12. life's a trip so i wish i could broadcast my experiences. but it's not possible because of how language simplifies human experience. Every mind is existing in its own perpetual trip state, and for everyone the definition of perception is different. perception is subjective.
  13. You exist in your mental shell.
  14. i will use the computer as a strong analogy. it has strong arms, it can go far, but i broke computer keys, so uh, now im in california, and my computer is bad like `my thoughts are bad
  15. i,. wamma be a maniac

    its a life sentence


  16. outer Mongolia is an experiment
  17. how do i shake n bake dph?

  18. i feel horrible and have felt that way for 2 weeks
  19. scream a lot and pull your hair out
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