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Thanked Posts by Grimace

  1. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Enter i did it for money and coz parents wanted me to

    how do i achieve it normally then

    man i love valium. i feel so good right now. :) and remember before when i was wanting to kill myself? sucks that life will go back to normal tomorrow morning….

    You should never go on to do something that defines the rest of your life based on how much money you can make doing it or what your parents wanted you to do. Doing that, you will live a life of misery and never be happy. Ever. Go to school for what YOU want to do. I like computers. That was my hobby and passion. I made it my profession. It doesn't feel like I am going to work everyday, because I truly enjoy my job (and I make good money doing it). Find something that you enjoy that can bring you the same.

    How can you achieve happiness normally? Well, it starts with living a life you enjoy. If you're going to school for something you, yourself, didn't WANT. That creates a bed of disdain. Do the things you like to do to. Go to school for what you like to do. Get a job doing what you like to do. Do you like animals? Volunteer at an animal shelter. You'd be surprised how rewarding that is.
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  2. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Were you living under a rock?

    No, I was starting my very first business with my wife. I quadrupled my income, doing what I love. I went on 3 trips this year. Had an awesome Christmas totally paid for by the business credit card rewards. Were you living under a rock?
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  3. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I hope to one day, possibly never, but one day, smoke a joint with you Captain Falcon.
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  4. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Enter thanks. i'll tell you one thing grimace. i don't like being a bad person. i wish i was a good person. it goes against everything i believe in philosophically and logically, but i hate being "bad".

    Then don't be. You define yourself. If you're a bad person, it's because you made yourself one.
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  5. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Several things are involved to ensure gigabit networking.

    1: Your router is gigabit capable
    2. Your network adapter is gigabit capable
    3. You're using CAT6 or bare minimum CAT5E network cable
    4. The device you're transferring to is gigabit capable.

    If all of these conditions are met, you can achieve gigabit speeds. Other factors are involved as well such as distance and interference, but generally speaking, this is it. If you're transferring TERABYTES of data, gigabit is the only way to go.

    Basically: You need to upgrade your network infrastructure, nigga.
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  6. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    §m£ÂgØL has full frame horizontal and vertical shots of her but he won't post them because he is terrified of her. She has cucked him.
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  7. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Well… that's news to me. I never was like that when I was pregnant. Most sex acts are not going to hurt the baby. I guess hormones could work the opposite as how I experienced my pregnancy, thus causing a drop in sex-drive, which might contribute to your experiences, but it definitely was not the case for me. My sex drive has improved quite a bit since becoming pregnant with my first child. After I had my son, my tits even became way more sensitive, and I'd literally have orgasms just from beast feeding, or even the mildest of touch from my partner.

    You're mistaking me explaining things brought up by comments as me "bragging". I'm not proud of my life, but nor am I going to be ashamed of what it is. It is what it is, the truth. As for justifying prostitution, I'm sorry you seem to have a problem with it. I have no moral qualms with this line of work, although I don't care for it, and ideally would be doing something else. If you've read about anything regarding me, you should be aware one reason I've chosen this line of work, rather than something else is because of my health. I've had a lot of shit that has just gotten worse over time, and to be able to keep things going with not knowing one day to the next if I am going to be so ill I can't move, or well enough to take on a few jobs, this is why this line of work has worked so well for me, at least for the time being. I find it funny (maybe not you specifically, but certainly others here) have no issues with fucking a prostitute, but would turn right around and attempt to shame a prostitute. It's a job like anything else, and has risks like any other job, and luckily enough I am able to minimize those risks. This line of work doesn't hurt anyone else. It's like we've had people on here who've made their living from robbing and burglarizing homes, and some how I'd be the one to get more shit for having sex with someone for money? That's some fucked up reasoning going on there. I just think a lot of people have deep seeded issues regarding sex and relationships with each other, and it comes to the surface during discussions such as these.

    I had looked up the MEDIAN hourly wages of Veterinarians, lawyers, dentists, physicians, and some other professions,and their MEDIAN hourly wage was less than $50 an hour, or only slightly above, as I'd stated with regards to dentists and physicians. Considering I don't usually even spend an hour doing what I do on top of that, yeah, BY THE HOUR, I do make more money. Do I work 40 hours a week? Nope, with my health, I don't, nor do I need to to live a comfortable life doing this line of work. I'm not trying to "rub" anyone's face in anything, but when people want to shit on me as a person, and shit on what I do, when they don't even know the half of it, I will make a reply with facts. You make over 150k a year, yes? Good for you. You work hard I imagine. You likely have to deal with people, clients, your employer on a regular basis and sacrificed a lot of time to do that, along with an education too, to get to be doing whatever it is you do. If you're doing something you enjoy doing, even more power to you, but for me, I maybe work 15 hours a week, and I am comfortable with nothing to worry about financially. If I want or can't work a specific day or even week, I'll be okay too. I couldn't do that working at McDonald's, or Walmart. I also have the benefit of working more if I want to make more a specific week, day or month, if I so choose. Not a lot of jobs has that kind of flexibility.

    I think sometimes there is a level of jealousy with some people that have to work harder, more hours, lack of flexibility and choice in how much an when they work, and have had to spend years in education to get where they are, that someone like me can make it by, barely work, but yet is comfortable, and self sufficient. So, to justify their situation, they would rather shit on mine to make themselves feel more superior. It's whatever though.

    That was nice and all, but at the end of the day, you're still a whore. A low-class, bottom of society whore. It's easy to be a whore. You just share your hole. It requires no education, no discipline, nothing. You just spread your legs. It was very cute reading your justification for being a low-class whore, but you are so disillusioned by your own bullshit, you can't see what you are. Or maybe you don't want to. You're a bottom of the barrel, low-class, shit-streak on society. A bottom-feeding whore who has a sense of self-worth.

    You are also the one who took §m£ÂgØL's virginity. I don't know if you're just that much of an egotistical whore to "get another one under your belt" or if he is that fucking retarded to fuck a morbidly obese prostitute for his first time and then go on to believe he impregnated her and write a shitty book about it, and all that embarrassing nonsense.

    The story of hydromorphone is a sickening, embarrassing tale of a fat woman, whoring out her holes to anyone who will accept, and she thinks she's "all that". §m£ÂgØL does too.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Back when I was using, I had a cocktail of drugs I had to take every morning, because I was a hopeless, addicted queer.

    340MG of Methadone, 700mg carisoprodol (Soma), 1mg alprazolam. I typically took this with a sip of the leftover Steel Reserve 211 beer can on my nightstand. Once I wasn't flip-flopping and rolling with WD, I got up and snorted another 1mg of alprazolam. This is when I would also shoot up a mix of heroin and crack cocaine in some white vinegar. After rushing hard and perhaps puking, I'd move on to the kitchen to make a Mudslide and drink that to finally become my comfortable, normal self. It was more fucked up than it sounds.

    When I went to jail, I withdrew from heroin, methadone, alprazolam, alcohol, and soma (metabolizes into meprobromate, a barbiturate). They held me in a medical ward for two weeks and I begged and screamed for something to help the symptoms. All they gave me was fucking Ibuprofen and Pepto-Bismol, initially. I told them this wasn't going to do shit, and they initially told me that's all I was going to get, so make use of it.

    I puked, on purpose, on the windows of my medical cell and used my hands to smear it all over the window so they couldn't see in. I of course puked all on the floor and I shit my county-issued pants, too. Left them discarded in the corner. When the officers finally took notice, I was given 14 days of solitary confinement for puking on the windows, but was given phenobarbitol with belladonna alkaloids for the remainder of my withdrawal. This helped immensely. I didn't even give a shit that I was in solitary, as I spent my days curled in the fetal position and shivering anyway. The phenobarbitol helped me sleep a lot of it away.

    All in all, I would say that the addition of the benzos is what made both my wife and I even crazier than we were with the crack, heroin, soma, and booze. It made us do absolutely retarded shit. Benzos are fucked up, man.
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  9. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    One of the best albums I have ever heard by any band, ever. Hate or love The Smashing Pumpkins, few can deny the masterpiece this album was and still is today. Fucking beautiful.

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  10. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Spectral ALWAYS comes through. Thanks, Spec.
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  11. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Who will pay for your mind-uploading and age reversal?

    Anime will. Anime.
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  12. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I lived in my old 1996 Honda Civic for a summer once. Sweat my fucking ass off. Interesting experience anyway.

    Lots of crack-cocaine, lot of heroin, lots of Steel Reserve 211's. So many cigarettes. A lot of radio, too. Cell phones were flip-phones at the time, so there was no internet to speak of.

    Ahh, good times.
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  13. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Wal-Mart is my most despised store of all time. I go into one and immediately stricken with pure hatred of everyone. Stop in the middle of the aisle? I want to fucking murder you. Cause me to do that retarded "are you going left or am I going left" dance with you? I want to fucking murder you. When I find a moment of solace and am able to actually study a product I might like to buy, I am immediately surrounded with fat, horrible people who seemingly PUSH their carts in CLOSER and CLOSER as if to hurry you along. FUCK Wal-Mart. Fuck people. All of them. Except for the ones that pay me.
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  14. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Everyone likes to offer cliche answers like "go outside" or "just talk to some girl you meet", but this is absolutely retarded advise.

    The fact is, in 2017, I don't know how to meet women! When I was coming of age and meeting/dating women, we all met through either a mutual friend, a bar, a pool (billiards) hall, skating rink, etc. We met face to face. We spoke in person.

    Now, it seems the most popular way to meet someone is to use some sort of online service. I not only find that creepy, but also sad. "BUT GRIMACE! I FOUND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THROUGH AN ONLINE SITE AND TIMES ARE CHANGING! YOU SHOULD BE MORE PROGRESSIVE AND STOP LIVING IN THE PAST AND ACCEPT PROGRESSIVE WAYS!" - maybe so. There are certain things that I think shouldn't become online-based. Like dating.

    You should generically meet a girl on your own and generically foster a relationship with her. My sister used an online dating site and she is happily married now for almost 6 years. It makes me want to see statistical data on how often those types of relationships last. Anyway, I am rambling...

    In 2017, I have no fucking idea how to meet women. If I wasn't already married, I would be lost. I guess I would be another fucking loser on another one of these desperate fucking dating websites, making a desperate account, and essentially stalking women.
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  15. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Speccy might be so hardcore socially awkward, it would be a negative experience to have a beer with the ole' chap.
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  16. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Sure. Inside you. This is always the time-honored classic. Suitcase up, boy.
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  17. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I don't think he's a little prick. Speak for yourself. Dang..........
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  18. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Although my experience with drugs led me to a world of pain and prison time, I still think, if I could go back, I'd do it all over again. Sure, the bad times led to the prison and all. I'd try to avoid the scenarios that led to that if I could go back, but in general, I have had a lot of fantastic moments with drugs. Met some cool people, too.

    Drugs doesn't have to be all bad. I guess it kind of depends on the person. If you're a hardcore, cock-sucking junkie faggot who will do anything to get his fix, drugs might be bad for you. :)
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  19. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    The earth beneath mash shook and trembled violently. His family members cried out in fear as they struggled to stay on their two feet. Mash snapped his head back and his eyes rolled back in his head, only exposing the whites of his eyes.


    A foreign voice growled from within his throat. The earth shook and pictures fell off the walls. The floor opened up to reveal a churning pit of lava and fire. There were so many bodies swimming in the MAGMA, screaming in mind-blowing agony and reaching upward for someone to help them.

    "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!, Mash laughed maniacally as his entire family was swept into the pit and began to roast in the lava. Their skin crackled and POPPED and their tongues BOILED in their screaming mouths. The fissure closed just as soon as it opened and mash regained conciousness.

    "Mom? Dad?", he called out, but ultimately shrugged it off when no one answered him. He saw an open DVD case on the floor. He flipped it over to reveal......

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  20. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I looked to the sky and cried.
    Weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    This is my eternal punishment.
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